The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1799: If I am humiliated, I would rather die

Song Lei sat opposite Wen Yuyan, dropped the kitchen knife in his hand, took out a candy bar phone, and turned it on.

"Cash is not popular in modern people. I know that. But if you transfer money to me, it will be blocked. I can't get the money inside. Tell me your mother's phone number. As long as she does what I do, You can go home safely in an hour..."

Song Lei was holding the winning ticket and looked at Wen Yuyan: "It's only 50 million. It's just a drop in the case of Tianbo Group. If I prepare a little more and get one or two secret overseas accounts, I may be able to blackmail you to transfer 1 billion 800 million. But now I just want to find some travel expenses and living expenses, so you have earned it."

Wen Yuyan calmly reported Qiu Si's phone number.

Song Lei smiled and dialed Qiu Si's phone: "Qiu Si, your daughter is in my hands. I will give you two hours to prepare 50 million in cash. There are only two hours. If more than one minute, you Just collect your daughter's body."

Qiu Si said calmly: "No problem, as long as you ensure my daughter's safety, money is definitely not a problem. Since you kidnapped my daughter, you should know that we have this ability, but can you let me and my daughter say a few words?"

Song Lei turned on the hands-free button and said with a smile: "Beauty, have a few words with your mother, don't be smart, otherwise..."

The kitchen knife in Song Lei's right hand shook, threatening Wen Yuyan not to talk nonsense.

Wen Yuyan glanced at the kitchen knife, her face was slightly pale, no matter how calm she was in her heart, after all, she was just an ordinary urban woman and had not experienced any danger.

"Mom, it's me. I was kidnapped and I am not hurt for the time being. Just do what he said."

Song Lei took back the phone and sneered: "Qiu Si, I know you are a practitioner, and I also know that you have many masters in the Qiu family, but I am also a practitioner. If you don’t want your daughter to die, you’d better do what I say. So hello, hello, hello, everyone, otherwise, it’s great, everyone will shoot and break up."

Qiu Si quickly promised: "As long as you keep your promise, I don’t mind using fifty million for my daughter’s safety. I won’t call the police. I will do what you say. Please don’t hurt my daughter. Since everyone is a practitioner. It should be a promise!"

Song Lei sneered: "Don't use words to force me, I only need money, I can talk about everything with money, I can do everything without money!"

Qiu Si said simply: "Okay, I will send someone to prepare the money right away, and how will I contact you later."

Song Lei said coldly: "I will call you in two hours. If you are not ready for money or have any reason to delay at that time, you can collect your daughter's body!"

After Song Lei finished speaking, he hung up the phone and then turned off the phone directly.

Song Lei put the phone in his pocket, and then casually sat on the side of the bed, sitting opposite Wen Yuyan.

Wen Yuyan watched Song Lei staring at herself like this, her heart suddenly became more anxious, and she quickly said: "Since my mother promised you to prepare the money, she will definitely be ready, don't worry."

Song Lei leaned forward: "I believe, after all, fifty million is a lot for others, but for you, it is just a drop in the bucket."

Wen Yuyan watched Song Lei approached by two points, and her eyes were two points different, she suddenly felt a little bit in her heart, and hurriedly said, "Since you are all a practitioner with the strength of the Dacheng Realm, why do you want to kidnap? , Relying on your strength, you can make money legitimately..."

Song Lei’s gaze slid down Wen Yuyan’s delicate face like a knife, but his mouth faintly said: “Who wants to go to desperation, but I killed someone and I’m wanted now. I have to run. ..."


Wen Yuyan's heart became more and more desperate, because she saw Song Lei's hot expression getting more and more intense.

She is very familiar with the meaning of such hot representation in the eyes of men, that is aggression, that is desire, hope, that is possession!

Wen Yuyan asked in a deep voice, "You are just asking for money. As long as you have money, you can do whatever you want. Why add some possible variables..."

Song Lei narrowed his eyes slightly: "What is the variable?"

Wen Yuyan tried her best to keep herself calm. She knew that a word that was wrong now would stimulate his nerves. As a wanted criminal who had murdered, nothing could threaten him by his actions.

"You ask for money, I will give you as much, but if you do anything to me, I will resist, even if it is death... If you just kidnap and blackmail me 50 million, I will not even pursue it afterwards, but if you If you hurt me, then you will face my Qiu family and my father for a lifetime. No matter you hide in the end of the world, you will be chased and killed at any time..."

Song Lei's eyes changed slightly: "Are you threatening me?"

Wen Yuyan shook her head: "I just state the fact that you want money and I can give it to you, but if you want to insult me, I would rather die... My father cares about me the most. He is the killer who organizes the dragon slayer Boss, I think you are also planning to flee to Southeast Asia. That is my father’s territory. If you kill me, he will chase you at all costs. Are you willing to be chased for a woman all your life?"

Song Lei's expression changed two points again: "Killer organization boss?"

Wen Yuyan replied frankly: "Yes, if it weren't for that, how could he throw the company to me and go abroad at the prime of his life? Because his killer organization was exposed, he was also wanted. do not know……"

Song Lei sneered: "Even if he is better, does he know who I am?"

Wen Yuyan replied calmly: "You are Song Lei, the fugitive who fled after the murder in Hebei!"

Song Lei's complexion changed and stood up suddenly: "How did you know?"

Wen Yuyan bit her lip: "My best friend Qiao Wei is the deputy captain of the Zhonghai Interpol Brigade. She told me that she is handling your case..."

Song Lei breathed a sigh of relief, but his eyes became quite dangerous, because he became a little bit angry.

A woman without the power to bind a chicken actually threatened him!

He is a master at Dacheng Peak!

But she was threatened by a woman kidnapped by herself!

This stimulated Song Lei’s self-esteem. Originally, he was a wanted murderer at the moment. He was originally a broken jar. Now the evil fire is rising. He put the kitchen knife in his hand aside and sneered: In your hand, you think you can die if you want to die, and if you say you would rather die than suffer humiliation, then I want to see how you die!"

Song Lei stepped forward, grabbed Wen Yuyan's clothes like lightning, and tore them apart with a stab.


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