The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1801: Dive down

"what do you want?"

Qin Yang's complexion changed, and his body quickly approached the edge of the roof, ready to rescue him at any time.

Wen Yuyan was struggling hard when Song Lei pinched her neck like this, her face flushed, she was taken aback when she heard Qin Yang's voice, she rolled her eyes and looked over.

Although Qin Yang was wearing glasses and a hat, Wen Yuyan recognized Qin Yang in an instant, and a light of surprise suddenly appeared in her eyes.

Qin Yang!

He actually found himself!

At the most dangerous time, it turned out that he came to save himself and save himself from humiliation!

Wen Yuyan's heart was mixed for a while, but she didn't have time to express any emotions. She only felt her body suddenly suspended in the air. When she looked down, her face suddenly turned pale, and it was Song Lei who carried Wen Yuyan away. At the edge of the balcony, it just hangs in the air.


Qin Yang stared at Song Lei coldly: "You can't run away if you kill her!"

Song Lei looked at Qin Yang with some taboo, this kid was too strong, and he was able to take his attack at a young age. If he didn't get rid of him and was entangled by him, even if there were hostages in his hand, wait for more The master arrived, I am afraid I will be dead!

If you come to a powerful person with Tongshen strength, even if you have a hostage in your hand, it is useless, because the other party can restrain yourself in an instant, and you don't even have the opportunity to burn the jade and kill the hostage.

"If you want a hero to save the United States, then you have to pick it up. If it falls, it will fall into a pile of rotten watermelons..."

Song Lei said a few words coldly, and then suddenly threw Wen Yuyan towards the front of Qin Yang, and sternly shouted, "Catch it!"

Wen Yuyan was thrown out of the balcony by Song Lei, sliding across the sky in front of the rooftop where Qin Yang was located, and was about to fall downward in a blink of an eye, but after Song Lei threw Wen Yuyan away, she turned her head towards the building. Rush to the other end.

Qin Yang rushed out almost conditionally, stepped on the edge of the roof with one foot, and kicked hard.


The cement block on the edge of the roof was knocked off by Qin Yang, and Qin Yang suddenly rushed out of the platform by the force of this recoil, and caught up with the falling Wen Yu on his head and feet. Yan, then stretched out her hand to hug Wen Yuyan, so that her head and upper body were retracted in her arms, and then she stood up and turned over in midair.

The roof of the seven-story building is only about 20 meters away from the ground. It takes only a little time for this person to fall to the ground. Qin Yang has no time to adjust his body, so he raises his head hard and prepares to use his shoulders. Meet the impact of the ground.

There were lush trees in the old community, Qin Yang hugged Wen Yuyan and fell, directly breaking the squeak of a big tree, and then slammed into the ground again.


Qin Yang’s shoulders hit the ground fiercely first, followed by his back and lower back. The old blue bricks instantly shattered into several pieces. The only thing Qin Yang could do was to circulate the internal energy to gather in The shoulders, back, and hands still held Wen Yuyan tightly, making her completely under her own protection.

The huge impact force made Qin Yang feel that his shoulders and backs had shattered in an instant. The intense pain and impact made his eyes go dark and he almost fainted. The internal organs were injured by the severe impact at the same time, and his throat was slightly injured. Sweet, bloodshot overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Wen Yuyan was held in her arms by Qin Yang. Although she was still under a strong impact, Qin Yang took advantage of her protection. At the last moment, Wen Yuyan strenuously held up two points and tried to reduce the transmission of the impact. Take as little harm as possible.

Because of this, Wen Yuyan was also dizzy for a while and her hands and feet were soft. After all, let's not talk about the real impact. Just falling from the stairs like this is enough to scare people away. Wen Yuyan is just an ordinary woman. No matter how calm you are, how can you not be afraid of life and death?

Qin Yang felt pain in his muscles and bones for a while, and he didn't have the strength to get up. He lowered his eyes, looked at Wen Yuyan who was pale, and asked with concern: "Wen cough, are you okay? Didn't hurt anything?"

Wen Yuyan heard Qin Yang's words, her panic and fear calmed down for two minutes, and then she immediately remembered that when she fell on her face just now, she saw Qin Yang rushing out of the roof like a fierce tiger, and the latter caught up with herself and hugged herself in her arms. Inside, then turned around and used his body as a cushion for himself...

Wen Yuyan's eyes turned red all of a sudden. She crawled off Qin Yang, kneeling on the ground next to her, and asked with tears, "Qin Yang...what's wrong with hold on , I'll call you an ambulance right away... I'll go find someone... You, don't die..."

Wen Yuyan watched Qin Yang fall to the ground motionless, her whole body was completely lost for a moment, she looked around with her hands and feet helplessly, gritted her teeth, stood up, and was about to run to someone nearby to find someone for help and answer the phone. 120, only when she stood up, she felt her feet caught.

Wen Yuyan looked down, but Qin Yang reached out and grabbed her calf, grinning with an ugly grin on her face: "Don't worry... I can't die... Don't be afraid."

Wen Yuyan quickly squatted down again, and quickly reached out to press Qin Yang's chest, and said eagerly: "Don't move, you fell like this, you are seriously injured, don't move, I'll call an ambulance..."

"I... have a mobile phone in my pocket, see if it broke."

Wen Yuyan took out her mobile phone from Qin Yang's trouser pocket, because Qin Yang landed on her shoulders and legs. The mobile phone didn't fall directly, and it was not broken.

"Not broken yet..."

Qin Yang breathed a sigh of relief: "The screen saver password is first call your mother..."

"I will call you an ambulance first."

Wen Yuyan asked Qin Yang about the name of the place with tears in her eyes, and then called an ambulance. Then she quickly dialed her mother's phone number, reported the address in a few words and hung up the phone.

Qin Yang lay on the ground, looking up at the dark roof.

Song Lei rushed to the other end just now, presumably he was trying to escape through the roofs of these very close buildings. He was worried that there would be other people lying in ambush under the ground. This guy's mind turned quickly.

It's just that this guy was shocked. I think he won't be committing a crime again tonight, and he is quite sure that he will be smuggled away by boat tonight. After all, this is what he decided before to kidnap Wen Yu. Yan was just trying to make a lot of money before leaving.

Wen Yuyan watched Qin Yang staring at the sky without saying a word, she was shocked immediately, and tears came down all of a sudden: "Qin Yang, hold on, don't die..."


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