The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1804: Jump or not?

Qin Yang's injury was really not too serious, at least it was much lighter than many of the players who participated in the exchange competition at the time. After relevant treatment, Qin Yang was pushed out.

He needs to rest for a while, so that the injured internal organs can return to their place. Of course, he rests in the hospital for one night and can go home the next day without major incidents.

If it is someone else, the doctor will definitely not let him go home. You have fractured bones and blood oozing from your internal organs. You still want to go home if you are uneasy to lie in the hospital for treatment?

Unfortunately, this is Qin Yang.

Famous Chinese doctor, Qin Yang, who is a famous Chinese expert in face-beating South Korea, and defeated the Japanese medical expert Ishida!

If he said that he was okay, he would naturally be okay. He said he would go home and raise him, so he would naturally not need to go to the hospital.

When Qin Yang was pushed out, the group of people waiting outside suddenly stood up and gathered around.

Qin Yang saw Han Qingqing and Wen Yuyan walking together, he was a little surprised: "Qingqing... why are you here?"

Han Qingqing snorted: "If Sister Yuyan didn't call me, I'm afraid you wouldn't tell me?"

Sister Yuyan?

Moon Yuyeon?

Qin Yang glanced at Wen Yuyan next to him subconsciously, and Wen Yuyan explained in a low voice, "I called Qingqing."

Qin Yang turned his head and looked at Han Qingqing with a grin, with a slightly guilty expression on his face: "It's nothing serious, you know I have thick skin and thick steel and iron bones. Go back and take some medicines and rest for a while."

Even though Qin Yang said so, it was equal to what Han Qingqing had said, that is, he was really not going to tell Han Qingqing about this.

how to say?

I was desperate to save Wen Yuyan and almost fell to death?

Han Qingqing gave Qin Yang a white look, but didn't say much on this topic, and changed the subject: "How is the situation now, are you seriously injured?"

Qin Yang shook his head: "Actually, I can go home now, but the doctor asked me to stay in the hospital for one night to observe. Well, actually, I just slept here. When I wake up, I can go home."

Han Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief: "Well, then I'll go through the hospitalization procedures."

The hospitalization procedures were quickly completed, and Qin Yang was also sent to a single ward, and soon everything was settled.

Qin Yang lay on the bed, looking at the two women who looked at him with concern in front of him, inexplicably panic in his heart, turned his head and looked at Wen Yuyan and said: "You have experienced so many things today, I am afraid you will be tired. Now, go back and rest. I’m fine. I slept all night and will be back tomorrow morning."

Wen Yuyan glanced at Han Qingqing next to him, hesitated a little, and nodded: "Okay, then I will go back first. You have a good rest, and I will see you tomorrow."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "It's okay. You should take a good rest at home for two days, keep your spirits up, and pay attention to your safety. You don't care about company affairs. I will help you deal with them after a few days when my body is almost ready. It's very simple."

Wen Yuyan looked at Qin Yang with complicated eyes, nodded and said, "Well, then I will go back first... Qingqing, I will go now."

Han Qingqing stood up: "Okay, go back and have a good rest, I will send you out."

Qiu Si never interrupted, and walked to Qin Yang's bedside and whispered: "Xiao Qin, you are a good boy, Xiaoyan's father is so good to you, and you are still so good to Xiaoyan. If it weren't for you, I don't know What will happen, a thank you can't express the gratitude in my aunt's heart. In short, take care of yourself first."

Qin Yang laughed and said, "Aunt Qiu, don’t be polite with me, Wen...Uncle’s business is between me and him. Regardless of other people’s affairs, Yuyan and I are good friends. Such things are natural. Help, you can't just stand by."

Qiu Si was very pleased, what he wanted to say, and finally sighed: "You have a good rest!"

Han Qingqing sent the two out, then came back and sat next to Qin Yang, and asked, "Aren't you tired now, do you want to sleep?"

Qin Yang smiled bitterly: "You don't need to be here to guard me, it's really nothing serious. You can go back with Lois, and just leave Andy here with me."

Han Qingqing shook his head and said, "I'm here, too lazy to run. Let's go back together when I leave the hospital tomorrow. Anyway, I'm fine.

Qin Yang helplessly, only nodded: "Well, this bed is quite wide, or you can come to sleep."

Han Qingqing directly opened the cabinet, took out a thin blanket, and sat down on the **** bed: "You are injured now, don't move, I won't come. It won't be good if you press on your injury."

Qin Yang saw that she insisted, but did not force it, and said to Andy and Lois who were standing at the door: "There should be an empty bed in the ward next to it. Go find an empty bed and rest."

Andy smiled and said: "Mr. Qin, you can take a good rest. Lois and I are guarding outside in turn. If you have anything to do, just say hello."


Only Qin Yang and Han Qingqing were left in the room. Han Qingqing walked to the bathroom, fetched a basin of hot water, then found a towel, scrubbed Qin Yang's face and hands, and finally asked Qin Yang to stretch his feet. Outside the window, she helped Qin Yang wash his feet.

Qin Yang asked in a quiet voice, "Aren't you angry?"

Han Qingqing concentrated on washing her feet without looking up: "What am I angry about?"

Qin Yang was very unreliable in his heart: "This thing about me going to save Wen Yuyan... At that time, when I jumped, I really knew that I couldn't fall from this height. I'm sure. You also know that my body is deformed and I am reinforced with iron. ..."

Han Qingqing raised her head: "Then what if it is higher, not the seventh floor, but the seventeenth floor, the seventieth floor?"

Qin Yang's expression stiffened and touched his nose a little embarrassingly: "I may still be able to jump on the seventeenth floor, and the seventieth floor...I can't do it. Isn't that dead? In order to save people, but if I can't save it, I can't take my own life."

Han Qingqing raised her head, her eyes calm: "Yes, if it is really mortal, you may not be able to jump without any hope of surviving, but even if there is a one-tenth of the hope, you will be able to jump, even at the 70th floor... "

Qin Yang was speechless, and it took a long time to answer: "It's an urgent matter, and sometimes it’s too late to think about it. Yes, as long as there is a little hope, I will definitely not give up. I will fight. Life, and still my friend..."

As if worried about Han Qingqing being angry, Qin Yang added: "If it were you, even on the seventieth floor, I think I would jump out and catch you without hesitation!"

Han Qingqing looked at Qin Yang with a serious expression. Just when Qin Yang was worried, Han Qingqing said seriously: "If there is such a day, I don't want you to jump out. You only need to avenge me afterwards. Just help me take care of my mother...I know you are not telling lies, I know you can really jump, but I don't want it, really don't, I'm serious!"


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