The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1807: Why don't you run quickly?

Wen Yuyan's expression was stunned, she also did not expect Han Qingqing to take the initiative to borrow the superb bodyguard to herself!

"Qingqing, isn't this bad? Qin Yang must have spent a lot of energy looking for bodyguards with extraordinary peak strength, all to protect your safety. If this is to lend someone to me, then on your side..."

Han Qingqing smiled freely, and replied very grandiosely: "It's okay. There are several at home now. Although Qin Yang did waste a lot of energy to get them back, since everyone got them back, they must use them to the best of their ability. No? It's all right if I have Mr. Andy by my side. Last time I encountered an extraordinary peak kidnapper, he was also the one who kept me safe..."

Qin Yang naturally knew that Han Qingqing was talking about Bill wanting to kidnap her to deal with him. At that time, Andy had acted as her bodyguard, blocking Bill's kidnapping and protecting Han Qingqing.

If Wen Yuyan's bodyguard had the same extraordinary strength as Andy yesterday, Song Lei would definitely not succeed. Not only would he not succeed, but would directly cast himself into the net.

Now that Han Qingqing has spoken, Qin Yang will naturally not be stingy with an extraordinary peak bodyguard, and as Han Qingqing said, it is enough to have an Andy next to her. After all, he can handle it from the extraordinary peak. People robbed, either because of the power of the gods, or the group of people led by the extraordinary peak. The probability of such an accident is not unavailable, but it is much smaller.

"Yes, Qingqing is right. Later, I will send you an extraordinary bodyguard to protect your safety temporarily. If you find a suitable and more powerful bodyguard in the future, you can return the person to me."

Wen Yuyan was touched. Although she was a little embarrassed to accept this kindness from Han Qingqing, she experienced what happened yesterday and really didn't want to experience it again.

Her eyes fell on Qin Yang: "Then do you have enough protective power around you, I know, many people want to target you, and even want your life?"

When Wen Yuyan said this sentence, her eyes dimmed slightly, because her father was one of the people who wanted Qin Yang to die.

Wen Yuyan thought from the bottom of her heart that she must find a way to contact her father and persuade him to give up and continue targeting Qin Yang.

Qin Yang snorted and drank a big mouthful of the rice porridge. Then he replied indifferently: "Actually, I don't like to have a bodyguard by my side, and my strength is not low. You know, the extraordinary players are taken by me. I'm still very good when I hit the ground with one stroke, and most people can't deal with me."

Seeing Wen Yuyan seemingly open-mouthed, Qin Yang said with a smile: "Needless to say, there are four masters around me. One sits at home, one follows Qingqing, and the other follows me or other people in the family when needed. The next one, if it’s empty, I’ll lend it to you first. As you said, the bodyguards I’ve tried so hard to get back, can’t you let them spend time in the sun every day, you have to find something."

Han Qingqing also smiled and said, "Yeah, don't refuse. Safety is the first thing. If yesterday’s thing happens again, it may not be so lucky this time next time. None of us want to see this. Something happened."

Wen Yuyan sees that both of them are sincere and sincere about their safety. She was originally a decisive character. She no longer refuses, and readily agreed: "Well, then I will borrow a bodyguard first. I will Always pay attention, find the bodyguard as soon as possible and return the person to you."

Qin Yang said straightforwardly: "Don't worry, you use it, maybe after a while, I will have more people, and my strength will be even stronger. Even now, if I don’t rule out drinking or other people’s treatment of me In a situation like a sneak attack, even if the opponent is extraordinary, I am not afraid of it myself. Can I not run if I can't beat it?"

Wen Yuyan and the three of them ate breakfast together, and the doctor also came for rounds, but in normal rounds, one doctor followed two nurses, but today, a group of people came and filled the room.

These doctors and nurses didn't seem to come to explore the patients. They all looked eagerly and looked admiring. The process of seeing the doctor was very careful, even complicated, while a group of nurses were muttering excitedly around.

"So good temperament!"

"Idol, I didn't expect to see it up close!"

"It's a pity to hear that he is going to be discharged home, otherwise, we can come often..."

"I heard that he fell from a seven or eight-story building to rescue the kidnapped hostage. It was really brave."

"Really, you really deserve to be a national idol!"

"I heard that the rescuer was a big beauty, well, it seems to be the one standing on the right."

"The other one is his girlfriend, she's so beautiful, she's so envious!"


These whispered discussions all fell into the ears of Qin Yang and the two women next to him, Qin Yang's expression suddenly became helpless, Han Qingqing simply moved the chair to the window and made room for everyone.

After the doctor's examination, the doctor faltered and refused to leave. He still had a twisted expression. He hesitated for a while before he said: "Mr. Qin, can I take a picture with you?"

Qin Yang laughed and said, "No problem."

Qin Yang's warm attitude suddenly detonated the enthusiasm of everyone in the room.

"Idol, I want to take a photo too!"

"Great God, please sign!"

"Please take a photo!"

Qin Yang smiled and nodded and agreed: "Yes, it's all right!"

Qin Yang satisfies the requirements of these doctors and nurses one by one. Many young and beautiful nurses stick to Qin Yang when they take pictures. They look like a little bird and look at each other. Han Qingqing and Wen Yuyan next to him can look at each other. At a glance, there is a bit of subtlety in the eyes.

Finally met the requirements of all the doctors and The room was quiet again.

"You are so popular, just like a big star, I think if Andy hadn't been outside last night, I'm afraid someone would have sneaked over to find you..."

Qin Yang said silently, "Hurry up and go through the discharge procedures, otherwise it will be a big trouble."

Han Qingqing was stunned: "What is the trouble?"

Qin Yang smiled bitterly: "Since I came back from the foreign exchange competition, I have been in the simplest form, and I basically didn't show up. Even the reporters don't know where I live. Now that the doctors and nurses get the photos, don't they go out and let them go? Go, I'm afraid this will become a vegetable market..."

Han Qingqing recovered and jumped up quickly: "Yes, I'm going now!"

Han Qingqing quickly completed the discharge procedures. Qin Yang and the three of them joined Andy and Lois outside the door, and the five quickly left the hospital.

As soon as I left the hospital exit and was walking towards the parking lot, I saw a few people rushing towards the hospital gate in the direction of the gate, and two of them were carrying cameras on their shoulders...

:. :

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