The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1814: staff cafeteria

"It's really bullying!"

In the office, Wen Yuyan's face was cold, she closed the recording in her hand, and shouted angrily: "She colluded with outsiders to pit the company's money and put the company's money in her pocket..."

Qin Yang's expression was calm: "Isn't it normal for the huge Tianbo Group to have a few large rats? It's not worth getting angry, just deal with it."

Wen Yuyan said angrily: "Did you not listen to what he just said? Although he has done these things before, but they have done them very secretly, and he did not dare to be so unscrupulous, but after I took over Tianbo, his behavior became Fearless and desperate to make money, this clearly means that I am a bully..."

Qin Yang smiled and said: "According to the relevant laws, this is a crime of duty assault. If you really want to clean him up, he can be sentenced. His 50 million is enough for him to sit through the prison... What are you going to do?"

Wen Yuyan shook her head and said: "Although I wish to do this, for the sake of the company's development and popular support, I still can't do it. First, according to what he said, find out the relevant accounts and evidence, then talk to him and let him embezzle Spit out all the company's property, and then leave your job!"

Qin Yang laughed and said, "It's good to deal with it this way. People like him are often very smart and acquainted. Once they find out that the Dongchuang incident has happened, they may immediately give you a card of grief..."

"Sadness card?"

Wen Yuyan sneered and said: "I am very worthy of him if I can let him resign by himself, otherwise, I can just send him to jail!"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Then we continue?"

Wen Yuyan restrained her anger, her face calmed back: "I said just now that I was angry, so I just let him go, maybe he will find that after a while, but he has no memory, maybe he will be suspicious... "

Qin Yang replied indifferently, "It doesn't matter. What we want is the result. As for what he thinks, how he is afraid of fear, then it doesn't matter, so let him go to sleep after the next question, and wait a few minutes. Just wake him up again."

Wen Yuyan nodded: "That's not bad, I don't need to explain to them, but I am afraid that the people behind will be prepared."

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Unless this person's mental power is very strong and can resist my pupil technique, otherwise, any defense is useless. After all, what we want is only a handle, not even real evidence, there is a ghost in my heart. Naturally guilty..."

"Okay, I'll call the next one!"


"It's almost twelve o'clock, let's take a break and continue in the afternoon!"

After Wen Yuyan asked a department manager to leave, she cleaned up the papers in front of her, and looked at Qin Yang with concern, "Will you be very tired if you keep hypnotizing them?"

Qin Yang stretched out his hand and rubbed his temples, his expression was a bit tired: "Fortunately, they are just ordinary people, and their willpower is not strong. It is not difficult to hypnotize them."

Wen Yuyan asked curiously: "The stronger the willpower, the harder it is to hypnotize and the more energy it consumes, right?"


Qin Yang raised his wrist and looked at his watch: "Well, let's have lunch first, and then continue in the afternoon, every 20 minutes to 30 minutes, about seven or eight in the afternoon, you can arrange for someone in advance."

"Ok, will it be too hard? If it is hard, reduce it..."

Qin Yang thought for a while: "About how many people need to be interviewed?"

"Let's get ten, some of them can't come today and need to come back tomorrow."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Since I have another visit tomorrow, then there is no need to rush today. Let's reduce it by half. Four people in the afternoon. I will take a break at noon!"

"it is good!"

Qin Yang was not in a hurry to interview everyone. After all, he continued hypnotizing, even if the opponent's resistance was weak, but the continuous use of pupil technique was still a little pressure.

"Let's go, go eat."

Qin Yang stood up and said casually: "You have a staff canteen, so go to the canteen to eat, you can't be too lazy to go."

Wen Yuyan hesitated and said: "Well, you have the final say, I will treat you to a big meal that night."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Okay, I won't be polite to you."

As a large company with many employees, Tianbo Group naturally has its own canteen. Qin Yang and Wen Yuyan appeared in the canteen and were immediately seen by many people.

"Who is that young man with Mr. Wen?"

"The relationship seems to be very good, Mr. Wen actually talked and laughed, is it Mr. Wen's boyfriend..."

"Boyfriend, that's Qin Yang! Don't you guys even watch the latest gossip?"

"Qin Yang!"

"Wow, it turned out to be Qin Yang, why did he come to the company?"

"I heard that Qin Yang was in the president's office all morning. The senior manager of the purchasing department, the manager Li of the sales department, and the manager of the planning department Sun were all interviewed by Mr. Wen, but I don't know what to talk about..."

"Idol, if it wasn't for Mr. Wen, I would definitely go get an autograph!"

"What are you afraid of, come on, it's off work now!"

"You can do it, nocannobb!"


Qin Yang did not expect that he would not be recognized. After all, he and Wen Yuyan appeared together, and they must be a hot spot. The cafeteria was brightly lit, and he did not put on makeup too deliberately. come out?

Wen Yuyan saw the fiery eyes of the employees around her, and the expression on her face suddenly became subtle.

"You super celebrity, you have your own eye-catching halo wherever you go. I come to the cafeteria to eat on weekdays, but I have never been looked at like this, and I feel like a panda!"

Qin Yang chuckled and said, "The eyes are on others, what can I do to let people not look at them?"

Wen Yuyan couldn't help but smile. This smile was like an iceberg dissolving, and the flowers bloomed, making countless employees' eyes brightened. Some even stared at Wen Yuyan blankly, even forgetting to move the chopsticks.

Qin Yang looked at Wen Yuyan's beautiful smile, then looked at the dumbfounded employees, and smiled: "I think you rarely come to the cafeteria to eat..."

Wen Yuyan also noticed the impact of her she subconsciously reduced her smile: "Well, sometimes I am busy working overtime, or I have to ask the assistant to bring me food or order takeaway... you Why do you want to come down to eat? This is a disguised way of telling others, are you supporting me?"

Qin Yang blinked his eyes: "Those who swallow the company's money will not want money just because I support you..."

Wen Yuyan smiled, did not speak, but her heart was filled with warmth.

She knows Qin Yang very well, and has never been a person who likes to show up. According to his personality, she must be a person who avoids the company today, but he actively said that he came to the cafeteria to eat. This is not a certain degree of telling others, he Is his friend, is he supporting himself?

Qin Yang may not be a member of Tianbo Group, but his reputation and deterrence are not insignificant. He may not change the general trend once he takes a trip, but he will always change something invisibly...


Yesterday it was indeed Cavinka’s brain pain. It was almost dawn before he wrote a chapter. Today I doubled the update by twelve thousand (four chapters short), and it will be 8000-1000 every day in the next few days.


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