The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1818: Destroy

Wen Yuyan saw the assistant's slightly weird gaze and frowned: "Did he say anything when he left?"

The assistant replied honestly: "He said Mr. Wen you are tired and you are resting. Let me not disturb you for two hours."



The clever Wen Yuyan immediately understood the source of the assistant's slightly weird eyes, and waved her hand: "I am not feeling well, I asked him to treat me, but he is a genius doctor who can't get any money... go out. Well, don't think about it."

The assistant suddenly turned out to be treating illness.

"Yes, Mr. Wen, then I will go out first."

After the assistant left, Wen Yuyan's cold face flew two points of blush. Although this guy is telling the truth, why is it so misunderstanding?

Thinking of lying in front of Qin Yang with her back exposed just now, Wen Yuyan's heartbeat accelerated again by two minutes.

After taking a long breath, Wen Yuyan focused her energy on the admission dialogues, which will be used for the board meeting tomorrow.

On the second day, Wen Yuyan came to the company early, perhaps because of Qin Yang’s acupuncture and massage yesterday. Wen Yuyan slept well last night and had no dreams all night. This made Wen Yuyan treat Qin Yang’s medical skills. Shocked again.

"Did you sleep well yesterday?"

Qin Yang walked into Wen Yuyan's office and asked with a smile. At the same time, he found a cup of tea and drank it. His tasks were basically completed. Today, he is actually watching the battle, and by the way, he signed a consultant contract.

"It's been a long time since I slept so well, your acupuncture works very well...Is it enough to be treated only once?"

Qin Yang put the tea away and took in the boiling water on his own: "It's mainly conditioning with Chinese medicine. Acupuncture and moxibustion is enough."

"Oh, I have given my mother the prescription, and I should be able to start drinking the medicine today."

Qin Yang hummed, "Are you ready?"

Wen Yuyan naturally understood what Qin Yang was referring to, and smiled and said: "Everything is ready, you can watch a good show. Oh, yes, the contract is ready, you can sign first."

Qin Yang took the contract and glanced briefly, then signed his name casually, Wen Yuyan called the assistant, took the contract and left and handed it to the personnel department.

"President Wen, the meeting time is up, they have all arrived."

Wen Yuyan stood up, the expression on her face returned to a cold expression, her body once again revealed the high-cold president Faner.

"Let's go!"

Qin Yang looked at Wen Yuyan with a grin, a look of surprise, and Wen Yuyan almost couldn't collapse, so she rolled Qin Yang's eyes.

Qin Yang followed Wen Yuyan into the meeting room, Wen Yuyan sat in the position of the president, and then ordered the assistant to add a chair beside her self-help.

"President Wen, today is an internal high-level meeting of our company. Non-high-level members of the company should not be here."

Before the meeting started, the purchasing department’s peak eyesight fell on Qin Yang, who had already spoken first, and then smiled hypocritically at Qin Yang: "Mr. Qin, I am not targeting you. It’s just a state-owned state law and family rules. Please forgive me if the rules are not round."

Qin Yang laughed, but did not speak.

He didn't need to argue with a hapless guy who was about to be cleared out of the company, it was an idle behavior.

Wen Yuyan said coldly: "Mr. Qin Yang has signed a contract with Tianbo Group to serve as a special consultant for Tianbo Group, who is responsible for investigating and dealing with corruption among members of the company, so he is fully qualified to participate in this meeting!"

Investigate corruption?

The expressions of the executives and directors of the companies present here have all changed slightly. An old man in his fifties with a big belly frowned: "Mr. Wen, why don't we know about this?"

Wen Yuyan said lightly: "I am the chairman of the board, and I naturally have the right to decide."

The old man leaned back slightly, did not speak immediately, but glanced at the other men.

"Mr. Wen, acting as a consultant, I don’t think there is any problem. After all, Mr. Qin is well-known in China. He serves as our Tianbo consultant, which is also good for our Tianbo. It is just the full-time investigation and punishment of company corruption that Mr. Wen said. I'm afraid it's not so good."

"Yeah, Mr. Qin is here for the first time, and he doesn't understand the operation of the company. I am afraid it is inappropriate to let him investigate and deal with corruption!"

Gao Feng also stood up, looking like he was thinking about the public: "As far as I know, many companies under Mr. Qin's name are all managed by professional managers. Although Mr. Qin is famous for China, he has no business. To show off your talents, I think Mr. Wen, your decision was too hasty, you'd better consider it carefully!"

Wen Yuyan stared at the peak coldly: "Manager Gao, you made a private blend with Hongang Company in the Oriental City project, falsely reported the price, used false accounts to swindle the company a large amount of money, and you abused your power to give you outside. The registered leather bag company took the business, and during this time it pitted the company 50 million. Your appetite is not small."

Gao Feng's face paled after a brush, and he subconsciously stood up and retorted loudly, "Mr. Wen, who said this is completely slanderous!"

The assistant had already placed Wen Yuyan's laptop next to her. Wen Yuyan clicked on a piece of audio, and Gao Feng's own voice appeared in it.

Everyone in the conference room listened to the audio in shock, and their eyes towards the peak changed. It was not just what shocked him. After all, there is no airtight wall. Many people have heard of the things he does. Everyone is shocked that you did a bad thing, and you confessed so clearly?

"False, this is false, don't believe it!"

Gao Feng's complexion turned red, waved his hand, and said loudly: "Mr. Wen, Tianbo Group was beaten down by our old brother and your father, but now you have to use a fake audio to deal with me like this The old courtier is really chilling..."

Wen Yuyan glanced at Gao Feng coldly: "Manager Gao, do you think I will just say it without evidence? I have sent people to investigate the previous accounts in the past two days and found relevant witnesses. According to the Criminal Law, the crime of job assault can be sentenced to more than five years imprisonment for a huge amount. I don’t know how many years will be sentenced to 50 million yuan, but I think it’s almost time to pass the prison."

Gao Feng's flushed face suddenly turned pale, and he knew that since Wen Yuyan had said so, it showed that she was really fully prepared and had enough evidence.

A strange atmosphere suddenly filled the meeting people had sweat on their faces, because they all knew that Gao Feng was the first to be found in the president’s office to talk, and there were The second, the third, the fourth...

Gao Feng confided so many secrets by himself, so did he also confided his inner secrets during the time he accidentally fell asleep?

The old man in his fifties was sweaty on his forehead and his face turned pale. He clenched his fists, feeling anxious.


The door of the conference room was knocked open, and Qiao Wei appeared at the door with two detectives, her eyes rolled around, and fell on the face of the pale old man, and raised the arrest warrant in her hand.

"Zhou Yang, you are suspected of murdering He Yuanfang. This is an arrest warrant. Please come with us!"


Sixth, make up.

Tomorrow 10,000 words, five shifts.


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