The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1822: Do you want to test it?

"Where did those people come from? I haven't seen them before?"

The white-haired old man called Mr. A turned his head, frowned slightly, and asked casually.

"It seems that I arrived at the oasis yesterday afternoon, carrying four big bags, it should be tourists."

Mr. A nodded, and rolled his eyes again, his eyes fell on Qin Yang and others: "Did they follow the camel team to the Oasis?"

"No, it was Jason who was the observer last night. These four people arrived at the edge of the oasis by helicopter, and then walked into the oasis."

Mr. A's brows suddenly frowned: "Helicopter? Are there only four of them?"

"Yes, just the four of them, depending on the size of their big parcel, should also be going into the desert."

Mr. A's eyes sharpened suddenly, and he stared straight at the few people, while the two young people who had already walked far away were still smiling and posing for pictures, seeming to be really tourists.

Mr. A watched for a few seconds. Several people were wearing hats and sunglasses to obstruct the blazing sun, so that they couldn't see their faces clearly, but he still felt that there seemed to be such a familiar feeling.

Is it someone you know?

Without waiting for Mr. A to look any more, those few people had already finished taking pictures, and they turned completely and walked away, leaving only a few backs.

Mr. A has a slight hesitation in his heart, do you want to catch up and have a look?

"Mr. A, Mr. A!"

A thin man with glasses rushed out quickly, shouting with surprise: "We have new discoveries."

When Mr. A heard it, his face suddenly showed joy, and Qin Yang and the others who were too far away turned around and followed the man with glasses and walked quickly to the second floor.

In the distance, from the corner of his eye, Qin Yang saw the white-haired old man at the door turning around and entering the door. He sighed in relief, and slowed down a few steps: "The man went back to the house."

Mo Yu's eyes were also slightly solemn: "That person should be very strong!"

When Qin Yang was looked at by Mr. A, he felt like a man on his back, and said in agreement: "Well, although I didn't look at him, his eyes are as sharp as a sword from such a distance. It will be lower, Master, how do you compare to you?"

Mo Yu pondered for a few seconds: "It should be better than me."

Qin Yang raised his eyebrows and said, "Isn't it because of the late stage of Tongshen and even the supreme powerhouse, what are such powerful masters gathered here for? Are they also looking for the same thing?"

Mo Yu shook his head: "This is uncertain, but listening to those people just now seems to be scientific researchers, although they also mentioned that they need to find something, but it doesn't sound like..."

Qin Yang looked slightly hesitant: "Should we test it?"

Although he knew that the white-haired old man was a strong man, Qin Yang didn't panic either. After all, there was a supreme strong man and a god-powered man beside them.

Mo Yu did not approve of Qin Yang's idea: "Since there is no conflict, there is no need to cause trouble. The most important thing is ours. We always want to take the upper hand, and there is no need for side effects."

Qin Yang saw that Mo Yu said so, so he didn't say more.

"Okay, then we don't care about them. We will go directly into the desert later. Anyway, we will only explore this time. We can leave as long as we find a place."


Situ Xiang asked: "Should we get a few camels?"

Qin Yang shook his head: "Ordinary people need to use camels to help carry things, but we are all cultivators, and we have enough strength. The speed of our carrying things will not affect much. If we carry camels, it will slow down the speed."

After a short pause, Qin Yang comforted: "Don't worry, although I don't live in the desert for a long time, I know all the common sense of survival in the desert anyway. Even if the positioning instrument is broken, there is a compass, and the compass is broken. I also know how to look at the stars to distinguish the position and walk out of the desert. As long as you bring enough water and dry food, there will be no problems."

Situ Xiang was slightly surprised: "Have you ever been in the desert before?"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "I've been in a few times, so don't be afraid!"

Situ Xiang smiled and said, "I'm not afraid."

Qin Yang took out his mobile phone and opened one of the photos he had just taken. That photo seemed to be taking Situ Xiang, but in fact, he had taken all the three people outside the door of the house at the end.

Qin Yang swipes with **** to zoom in on the photo.

The white-haired old man's head was mostly covered by a hat and glasses, and only a small part of his face was exposed. Only a white man could be seen, and there was nothing more.

Qin Yang originally wanted to send this photo to others for checking, but after looking at the toad mirror that was so tightly shielded, he finally chose to give up.

For someone to find out who this is, somehow they have to have a full face photo.

There are no obvious features on the man's half-face, how can I find it?

Forget it, don't care about him!

Qin Yang and others returned to the place where they were selling water and bought four thick plastic buckets, each of which was filled with drinking fresh water.

In the desert, there can be no food, but there must be no water, so bringing enough fresh water is the most important thing to enter the desert.

According to the positioning, the location of the treasure should be about one hundred kilometers east of this oasis. One hundred kilometers in the desert is no better than one hundred kilometers on the flat land. In the vast desert, there are no reference objects, no roads, and only the overflowing yellow. Sha, it is very difficult to find the target.

After the four men once again prepared all their equipment, they each carried a backpack and a large bucket of water into the desert.

In the small building at the end of the oasis, Mr. A is sitting in his place, holding an old classic in his hand. On the page opened, there is a pair of old illustrations. This illustration is black all over. The lacquered scorpion, with its tail raised high, is very sharp.

Beside this illustration, there are densely packed words. These words are very weird, like tadpoles, which are because it is not a modern popular language at all, but rather An ancient script with a very ancient history.

Mr. A obviously knows these words, and he reads them with gusto, with a focused expression.

There was a knock on the door, and a mercenary came in, with a pair of binoculars hanging in front of his chest.

"The four people you told to follow before have left the oasis and entered the desert..."

Mr. A closed the book in his hand and frowned: "Just the four of them? What items did they bring?"

"Yes, just the four of them, each carrying a large backpack and a plastic bucket, which should contain fresh water..."

Mr. a's eyes lit up slightly, and his brows were slightly raised by two points.

They didn't even rent the camel team. How dare these four people enter the desert directly?

I'm afraid this came prepared, and should all be practitioners, right?


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