The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1825: Ray guide

Qin Yang and the other four lay on the top of this huge sand dune and looked forward.

There are a few weathered rocks behind this huge sand dune, standing alone in the clearing, like a few broken monuments.

Not far in front of the heavily weathered rock, a huge hole was blown through the ground. A large group of people were standing in front of the huge hole, looking down, discussing something.

Beside the hole, there are several desert vehicles parked, and several huge tents, it seems that this group of people will camp here overnight.

There are about twenty people. All of these people are wearing camouflage uniforms, but the attire is different. Most of the men in camouflage uniforms still carry guns, while a small number of camouflage men swing a bunch of instruments together. .

Qin Yang picked up the telescope hanging around his neck and looked at it carefully, and soon he let out a surprised cry because he saw a familiar figure.

At the end of the oasis, the old man with white hair met at the door of the occupied house!

The white-haired old man was still wearing the hat and glasses, and changed into a camouflage uniform, but Qin Yang still recognized him at a glance.

"It's the group of people we met the day before yesterday..."

Qin Yang put down the telescope in his hand and turned his head to the other people and said in a low voice: "They blasted a big hole in the ground, and it seems that the ground below is not solid, it is empty..."

Mo Yu guessed: "Empty? Is there a treasure below?"

Qin Yang frowned and said, "I don't know, it shouldn't be possible. The power of thermal weapons was already very powerful in World War II. If you can find the treasure with only a pile of explosives, why do you keep this sword so complicated?"

"But in this desert, if they are not here looking for treasures, are they looking for something, looking for the cave underneath, and exploring the inner core of the earth?"

Qin Yang replied casually: "Who knows, isn't there a saying that the bottom of the Sahara Desert is actually full of huge amounts of fresh water, which is even the largest in the world, and it is said that there are actually other things under the desert, and there are countless things. To the huge hole in the center of the earth..."

Situ Xiang asked in surprise: "According to what you said, are they really doing some research work? What we have heard before is what they are looking for. They don't know what it refers to. ..."

"Let's take a look first!"

Everyone lay on the ridge of the sand dune, silently watching the crowd in the distance.

An unmanned detection machine was released and then flew into the huge cave. Obviously, they used the unmanned detection machine to detect the underground.

"These people are well prepared, desert vehicles, powerful explosives, high-tech instruments, heavily armed mercenary guards, and powerful practitioners..."

Mo Yu said solemnly: "Regardless of whether they are looking for treasure or not, they should already have a clue. This large hole that accurately blasted into the ground is enough to explain many problems.

Qin Yang nodded, thought for a while, took out the sword case he was carrying, opened it, and took out the long sword.

"If this place is really where the treasure is, what role can this long sword as the key have?"

Qin Yang pushed it casually, and the long sword suddenly popped out for two minutes. In the next second, Qin Yang's eyes froze.


At this time, the sky was basically dark, and the faint light on the long sword suddenly became clear in the night. Although it was not very obvious, it was already visible.

"This sword is shining?"

Qin Yang opened his eyes wide in surprise, and slid a distance towards the back of the sand dune before he carefully drew out the cyan long sword.

The blade part of the entire cyan long sword is emitting a faint light. This light is very weak. If it is under the strong sunlight during the day, it is absolutely invisible, but in the dark night, the light becomes obvious. stand up.

Situ Xiang and Mo Yu also got together and looked at the long sword in Qin Yang's hand in surprise.

"Why does it glow? Have you noticed this before?"

Qin Yang shook his head: "I have pulled it out in the dark before, but it doesn't shine at all. This is the first time I have seen it like this..."

There was surprise in Mo Yu's eyes: "Perhaps because we are at the location of the treasure, or in the vicinity, this sword has undergone some strange and unknown changes, so this light is emitted..."

Qin Yang swung the sword a few times, except for the light on the sword, but there did not seem to be anything unusual.

Qin Yang pointed his finger in the opposite direction of the ridge, "Is it true that there is a treasure under the blasted hole?"

Mo Yu thought for a while and said: "Since this sword has not been in such a situation before, it means that it will only appear like this when it is close to a treasure or some special thing. It means that this should represent a range. Does the closer you get, the light intensity on this sword will be different?"

Qin Yang's eyes lit up: "If this sword is really the key to finding the treasure, is it because it shines? There is only one coordinate on the treasure map, the approximate range, and there is no accurate description. Does it mean holding this sword? When it reaches this coordinate range, the sword will glow, and then the treasure will be found according to the sword's glow?"

Situ Xiang looked forward to it and said enthusiastically: "Try it and you'll know it. Let's try to move the distance."

Qin Yang glanced at the front and said in a low voice: "Then I will move in the opposite direction first to see if the light above will weaken!"

"Well, try it!"

Qin Yang nodded, dragged his long sword, and dashed away from the group of The other three quickly followed.

Qin Yang originally thought that the location where the hole was blasted was probably at or near the entrance of the treasure. If he stayed away from this location, if the light on the sword changed, it would logically become weaker, but what surprised Qin Yang It happened again.

As Qin Yang moved away from that position and ran all the way for a kilometer or two, the light of the long sword in Qin Yang's hand not only didn't weaken, but it became brighter!

Qin Yang stopped and looked left and right, his eyes surprised.

"It has become brighter!"

Qin Yang raised the sword in his hand and his eyes fell on Mo Yu: "Master, does this mean that the place just now is not actually the entrance to the treasure?"

Mo Yu has also never seen anything like this, so he can only rely on guessing: "If this sword is really the key to finding the treasure, then I think maybe the place with the most radiance may be the treasure, maybe we find that place, and Some strange things will happen, but first we have to find the place where the light shines the most..."


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