The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1846: Famous doctors exchange meeting

The special training camp did not delay Qin Yang too much time, but when Qin Yang was about to leave, Zhang Hongming took the initiative to knock on Qin Yang's door.

Qin Yang looked at the uninvited Zhang Hongming slightly strangely: "Instructor Zhang..."

Zhang Hongming looked at the suitcase at Qin Yang's feet: "Are you ready to go?"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Yeah, I just came over to make soy sauce. Now that the matter here is over, I will naturally leave. There are still many things waiting to be handled."

Zhang Hongming has subtle eyes: "Your master's wedding?"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Yes, does instructor Zhang know that if you have time, welcome to have a wedding drink."

Zhang Hongming was taken aback for a moment. It seemed that Qin Yang would not expect Qin Yang to invite himself. After two seconds, his expression returned to normal, and he smiled and said, "Okay, thank you for your invitation. Go if you have time!"

Qin Yang looked at Zhang Hongming and chuckled, "What's the matter with instructor Zhang looking for me?"

Zhang Hongming nodded: "There will be a medical exchange meeting in the Philippines in the second half of next month. Top doctors from all over the world will participate. Do you know about this?"

Qin Yang shook his head: "Medical exchange meeting? I'm not sure, I didn't pay attention to this aspect."

Zhang Hongming smiled and said: "Mr. Mo has excellent medical skills, and he will definitely be invited this time. Of course, Mr. Qin will inherit Mr. Mo's mantle and will receive invitations if he wants to..."

Qin Yang frowned slightly: "How did you know, you say that, have you received the invitation?"

Zhang Hongming calmly explained: "Not yet, but I have my channel. The ghost doctor Zhang family is naturally also invited, because practitioners stepped into the foreground, and now all fields are paying more and more attention to practitioners. Exist, not to mention that although ordinary people may not be able to use the treatment methods of practitioners, they can explore the medical theories and make more progress. Simply put, practitioners are currently integrating into the cutting-edge ranks of various industries in a fair and honest way. ..."

Qin Yang's eyes lit up slightly: "You mean there will be many practitioners and doctors attending this medical exchange meeting?"

"Yes, I heard that this time we have gathered a variety of medical masters, not only doctors with the status of practitioners, but also some doctors with peculiar origins, such as Gu doctors from Miaojiang, witch doctors from Nanyang, etc. This exchange meeting is also destined to be a grand meeting in the medical field. I think Mr. Qin will definitely be interested."

Qin Yang looked at Zhang Hongming with some doubts: "Instructor Zhang, why did you tell me this specifically?"

Zhang Hongming smiled and said: "Because the ghost doctor Zhang family will also participate, and the person taking the lead in attending is the Patriarch of the Zhang Family. The Patriarch expressed that he hopes to see Mr. Mo again, not to mention that although it is called an exchange meeting this time, he will also There is a dispute between strangers and strangers from all over the world. Mr. Mo has excellent medical skills and should also come forward to earn glory for China. What's more, this kind of exchange also improves their medical skills. There is no end to learning, and everyone who truly loves medical skills Such an opportunity should not be denied!"

Qin Yang was really moved. Zhang Hongming's words were not wrong. People who truly love medical skills will not refuse this opportunity to improve their medical skills, and it is indeed not easy to gather experts from many genres like this. "

"For the time being, I have not received an invitation. If I receive an invitation, I will consider it carefully."

Although Qin Yang didn't completely believe Zhang Hongming's words, he still showed his attitude politely.

Zhang Hongming didn’t persuade him much, he smiled and said, “Okay. Fortunately, the time for the exchange meeting was in late October. Presumably Mr. Mo was already idle at that time, and he must have time to participate in the exchange meeting. Then we will have the exchange meeting. !"

"thanks for your reminder."

Zhang Hongming didn't say any more. He turned and left. He knew that he had aroused Qin Yang's curiosity. Even if Mo Yu didn't go, Qin Yang would definitely go.

The Zhang family of ghost doctors is really well-known in the medical world, and most of the family members are mixed in the medical system. There is a lot of energy in this industry. In fact, they have the right to increase or decrease the list of invitations for this exchange meeting. That's why Zhang Ze said that the invitation to Master Mo Yu was just for the purpose. Obviously it was not as tall as Zhang Hongming just said.

The Zhang family moved very fast, and Qin Yang received the invitation letter for this exchange meeting just two days after returning home.

Two invitation letters, one for Mo Yu and one for Qin Yang.

"Master, I heard that Zhang Hongming said something interesting, do you want to go?"

Mo Yu flipped through the invitation letter in his hand, and threw it on the table: "I'm the only one returning to the mountains and forests, so I won't join in the excitement. Go ahead, even if it represents our hidden door."

Qin Yang is not surprised by Mo Yu’s choice. Mo Yu’s personality is like a hermit, and he doesn’t care about glory, wealth, or fame: "Well, then I will go for a visit when the time comes, just listen to Zhang Hongming said this time. The Zhang family came forward, but the family advocates Ze, the person with the best medical skills in the Zhang family. His nickname is the Seven Stars. You have a grudge against him and Master. If he comes at me then..."

Mo Yu chuckled, and said with a gleeful smile: "Come at you, and you will accept the trick. You are the 72nd generation heir. You can't avoid it if you find it, you can't avoid it!"

Qin Yang looked at Mo Yu helplessly: "Master, it's you that people want to find. You say I avoid fighting, I think you are."

Mo Yu smiled slightly: "He was a little bit cruel when he was beaten in the face by me. He probably hates me a little bit, but his medical skills are indeed very powerful. If you are an enemy, you should solve it. If I come forward, he will definitely find another opportunity to challenge. I, if I slap him in the face again, then this is a mortal vengeance. You are a junior, and he still has a face. You can’t compare you to anything. You save yourself to compare. If you lose, then Think of it as a study..."

Qin Yang blinked his eyes, "But what if I Isn't this beaten on the face harder than your face?"

"It seems so..."

Mo Yu rubbed his chin and thought for a while and said: "If you are better than acupuncture, maybe you can beat him. To be fair, Guanyin Needle is indeed better than his Qixing Needle. If it is better than others, you are probably not better than him. , The title of Seven Stars Magical Hand is not for nothing, the ghost doctor Zhang Family must have a bit of an ability to control the market..."

Qin Yang recognized Mo Yu's remarks. Because of the increase in strength of Guanyin Needle, he has learned everything. Now he can use 13 needles together. Before, Qin Yang showed his ability several times and shocked others. He relied on Guanyin Needle, but In other respects, after all, he was young and had little experience, and perhaps he was really not as good as someone like Zhang Ze.

After a short pause, Mo Yu smiled again: "If you can really win against Zhang Ze, then you can save him some face, the old man...the thief values ​​face, haha..."


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