The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1855: Brother Yu, wish you happiness

The helicopter came with Ji Shi, and at this time the emcee responsible for officiating the entire wedding was in place and the wedding ceremony began.

Following the guidance of the emcee, everyone's eyes fell on the helicopter that was slowly approaching.

The helicopter stopped, and the best men jumped off the plane vigorously, then the very gentleman reached out his hand to help down the four beautiful bridesmaids, and then there were four lovely boys and four girls, carrying flower baskets like angels .

Mo Yu stepped off the helicopter, hugged Long Yue, who was dressed up in a white wedding dress, and placed it on the red carpet.

Today's Long Yue is beautiful and extraordinary. The wedding dress designed by the top wedding designer personally reveals all the beauty of Long Yue. She has a happy and happy smile on her face. Undoubtedly, she is the most beautiful and happiest here today. woman.

The most attractive is the huge diamond ring in Long Yue's hand and the emerald hung on her white neck, shining with amazing green.

"Wow, what a big diamond ring!"

"This emerald is so big and its quality is really good. I'm afraid it is invaluable!"

"I'll go, just this set of diamond ring, gem necklace, diamond earrings is worth tens or even hundreds of millions!"

"Such a big diamond, such a good-quality gem, the hidden gate is really rich and powerful, the helicopter crew welcomes the wedding, and this grand wedding, this wedding is afraid it will cost hundreds of millions."

"Although there are few hidden men, they have never been short of money. Not to mention Mo Yu's hidden servant Xiao Xin'an, even Qin Yang who has undertaken this wedding is worth billions or even tens of billions."

The diamond ring and gemstone suit on Long Yue dazzled everyone's eyes. As for the female guests attending, many of them opened their eyes wide, and their eyes were full of undisguised envy.

Which woman doesn't like such a grand wedding, such a dazzling diamond ring, and such a handsome groom?

That's fine for those who are married, especially those unmarried women, looking at Biren coming from a distance, the dreamlike scene hit everyone's hearts even more.

"So happy, if only I could meet a man like this in the future!"

"It is worth a lifetime to have such a grand dream wedding!"

"It's so dreamy, so enviable!"

Informed. The person broke a scoop of cold water next to him.

"Happiness? Miss Long was only a teenager when she met Mr. Mo, not even 20 years old. Mr. Mo left Zhonghai at the beginning. Miss Long has been single and unmarried, waiting for Mr. Mo for more than 20 years. Now everyone has lived. At the age of forty, you can see the moon and the moon. Can you wait for a period of unrequited love for more than 20 years?"

"Wow, so romantic!"

"Miss Long is so infatuated, now she is finally back happily!"

"At the beginning, Mr. Mo and Ms. Qiu were in love, but things are impermanent. Because of the separation of some things, why not Mr. Mo who has been obsessed with for more than 20 years, obviously his beloved has been married and had children, but he is still infatuated. It’s not easy for a person of temperament to find his own happiness now."

"The person who loves me, the person I love, is as good as the poem, and the clothes are getting wider and he won't regret it, and the people who are haggard for Yixiao, this relationship can now come to a successful conclusion, which is not bad. ."

"Hey, isn't it Qiu Si over there? I think she must be in a complicated mood now."

"Ah, is she the Qiu Si that Mr. Mo loves so much? She is here too, do you guess if there will be some **** plots?"

Qin Yang stood beside Qiu Si, listening to everyone's whispering discussions, feeling helpless.

Gossip heart, both men and women have it.

Don’t talk about others, even Qin Yang is two-pointed nervous at this time, because he doesn’t know if Qiu Si Waiting will say anything to the master, whether he will do anything, although according to Qiu Si's graceful personality, he will definitely not do anything out of the ordinary Things, but he was still nervous.

Today is Mo Yu's good day after all, even if there are some unhappy things, it is a pity.

The lovely child sprinkled flower petals to open the way, the handsome man and the beautiful girl accompany each other, Mo Yu and Long Yue walked along the way, not in a hurry, but also smiled and greeted the people around, because today’s ceremony is not in a hurry, there is enough time.

When Mo Yu and Long Yue walked in front of Qiu Si, Qin Yang and others, Mo Yu's eyes and Qiu Si's eyes merged.

Mo Yu's eyes were surprised for a moment, he stopped, did not speak directly, but first looked sideways at Long Yue next to him.

Long Yue smiled slightly, took Mo Yu two steps towards Qiu Si, and greeted her actively: "Sister Si, Yu Yan, welcome you."

Qiu Si smiled: "Today is the day when Brother Yu and you are happy, I will naturally come to celebrate."

Mo Yu's vision was slightly complicated. At this moment, even if he had let go of his heart, it would be absolutely impossible to say that his heart was as calm as water.

"I originally..., thank you for coming, thank you for your blessing!"

Mo Yu's words paused for a while, but several people in the room understood the meaning of his words.

I thought you would not come...

Qiu Si replied frankly, "To be honest, I also struggled for a while, but in the end I decided to come. I just want to tell you a happy wedding. I hope you will have a good relationship for a hundred years and I hope you are happy!"

Long Yue originally had two points of tension in her heart. She naturally knew the weight of Qiu Si in Mo Yu's heart. She never expected to replace Qiu Si in the past. Although she is a strong woman in the outside world, she is very simple in love. Seriously, seeing Qiu Si's magnanimous performance, the little tension in Long Yue's heart also instantly disappeared.

She confirmed that Qiu Si really came to congratulate Qin Yang on his marriage and hope that he will be happy.

As for her calling "Brother Yu", although she is still a little familiar, it would be abnormal if she behaved very far and unfamiliarly at the moment.

Long Yue had a smile on her face, but she didn't speak much of her own opinion, and she gave Mo Yu all here.

From seeing Qiu Si just now, Mo Yu glanced at himself before taking a step, and Long Yue's heart was completely at ease.

Mo Yu's expression also relaxed by two points, even with a slight smile: "Okay, thank you... Qin Yang, you greet your Aunt Qiu for me."

Qin Yang also had a stone falling in his heart, smiling and saying, "Okay!"

Qiu Si took out a sandalwood box from the bag she was carrying, did not hand it to Qin Yang, but handed it to Long Yue, smiling and saying, "With a little heart, I hope you will have a happy life!"

Long Yue took the sandalwood box with both hands. Listening to the sincerity in Qiu Si's tone, she was full of emotions in her heart. She also sincerely thanked him: "Thank you Sis!"

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