The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1857: Back to the big tree to enjoy the cool

The wedding was perfect, very complete, and everyone was happy.

"Mr. Crowder, my master and wife are very satisfied with this wedding, um, I'm also very satisfied, it's hard work!"

When Claude heard Qin Yang say this, he was very nervous at once, because Qin Yang promised him that as long as he planned a wedding that would satisfy Qin Yang and others, then as a thank you, Qin Yang will Will heal Clyde's mother.

Regardless of whether he can be cured, Qin Yang will treat him once.

The reason why Crowder took the initiative to plan this wedding was not to make money or gain fame, but to get a chance to treat his mother.

"Mr. Qin, you are satisfied."

Claude rubbed his hands, his expression was slightly awkward, and he looked at Qin Yang nervously: "Mr. Qin..."

Qin Yang interrupted Claude with a smile: "I promised you before, I remember, Mr. Claude, now you can pick up your mother, but don’t come to Zhonghai, go to Fibin Davao. ..."

When Crowder heard Qin Yang's words, he was immediately happy, but when he heard the last sentence, he was suddenly very puzzled: "Davao?"

Qin Yang smiled and nodded and said: "Phoebe Davao will have a famous doctors exchange meeting. At that time, there will be medical experts from all schools, witch doctors, Gu doctors, etc., and there will be them. You should also know that Alzheimer's disease So far, there is no definite effective treatment, and I may not be able to cure your mother. However, this exchange meeting will gather many practitioners or strange doctors. If I can’t cure them, you can find them again. Maybe there will be gains."

Claude's eyes lit up suddenly, and he immediately replied, "Okay, Mr. Qin, I will arrange for my mother to reach Davao right away, but those famous doctors have never made it easy, and they probably won't agree to treat my mother..."

Claude looked at Qin Yang blankly. He had looked for many doctors for his mother’s illness. He also knew that those famous doctors were always busy with nobles, but no one would do anything when they came. If that were the case, these famous doctors would not do anything. After all, there are endless patients in the world...

Even if Qin Yang is here, he took the initiative to help Qin Yang organize this wedding, and even made up his mind not to charge a penny for a favor. If he goes to Qin Yang directly, ask Qin Yang to save someone, I’m afraid Qin Yang would also refuse directly.

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Well, let's go first anyway. I'll get treatment first. If it doesn't work, I'll find an opportunity to introduce other doctors to you. Still, I don't make any guarantee."

Claude felt relieved. He knew Qin Yang's ability. If he was willing to introduce a doctor from him, he would be better than 10,000 words himself.

"Mr. Qin, thank you so much, no matter how the treatment results, I will remember your kindness."

Qin Yang waved his hand and said, "You are welcome, you should prepare early. I guess I will leave for Davao in two days."

"it is good!"

Qin Yang dispatched Claude and called Situ Xiang, "Xiang Xiang, book the air ticket in two days. You, I, Lucien, go to Fibin Davao to participate in a medical exchange meeting."


Qin Yang drove home. These days he was busy with his master’s wedding. Although he has a professional team to help him, as the master’s only disciple, many of the guests who came are not low-profile, rich or expensive, and there is no time in Mo Yu. At that time, Qin Yang had to come out to receive him personally. After a few days, when all the guests had left, Qin Yang just wanted to lie down on the bed.

After dinner, Qin Yang leaned on the sofa, holding a tablet in his hand, and was about to find a movie casually, Lois came over.

"Qin Yang..."

Qin Yang raised his head and said with a smile: "Something?"

Lois sat down opposite Qin Yang and bit her lip: "I want to ask, have you considered the thing I said before?"

"The thing before?"

Qin Yang was stunned for a moment, and then returned to his senses: "Oh, you said to help you get revenge and retrieve the cross sword, right?"

"Yes, you have been busy before..."

Qin Yang put down the tablet in his hand, stretched out his hand to rub the sides of his nose, and thought for a while: "I asked you to discuss this with your grandfather before, have you discussed it?"

Lois nodded: "After discussing it, my grandpa originally disagreed, but he couldn't compete with me, and finally agreed to my approach..."

After a short pause, Lois's tone became extremely determined: "Qin Yang, as long as you can kill Jules for me and help me find the cross sword, then I am willing to be your servant for the rest of my life. You fight and even offer my life!"

Qin Yang opened his eyes wide, and looked at Lois in surprise: "Mr. Andy agreed with you to do this. Didn't you lie to me?"

Lois replied without hesitation: "My grandpa is here, if I lie to you, if you ask, don't you just wear it?"

Qin Yang was right when he thought about it, but he was still amazed. Andy spent five years to save Lois. During these five years, he had to obey Qin Yang's orders and fight for Qin Yang, which would be dangerous. , And even die, would he agree that his daughter should be his servant for a lifetime?

This is so strange.

Qin Yang sat up from the sofa: "I'm very curious, how do you convince your grandpa?"

Lois replied frankly: "I said last time that I am a woman, and my family will be cut off until my generation. Jules killed my parents and looked for us everywhere. If he finds out where we are, he will definitely kill us without hesitation."

"That cross sword is the heirloom of our can’t be thrown away in my hands. Although my child may follow my husband’s surname, he is my child after all. I hope I can use this sword It has been passed down, and my parents’ revenge must be avenged. My grandpa and I are not strong enough, and there is no hope for revenge. I have nothing else to pay for the transaction. The only thing I can control is myself."

"The reason Grandpa is willing to agree is because he feels that your future is limitless. If I follow you, I won't be wronged. After all, there are not many people in the world who can defeat an opponent of extraordinary strength at the age of 23, and you Also specialize in many other skills, you are a genius, a real genius!"

"What's more, you are a person of love and righteousness, and you are easy to get along with others. Even if you are your servant, as long as you perform your duties, you will not be aggrieved. So my grandfather thinks that if I really want to, then this kind of life is nothing good. , In Huaxia’s words, it’s good to enjoy the cool by leaning against the big tree."

The real genius?

Leaning on the big tree to enjoy the cool

Qin Yang blinked. It turned out that Andy viewed it this way, but it is true that when you think about it, this master’s wedding was a sensation throughout China, and Andy naturally saw it...

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