The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1861: Backhand slap

Qin Yang stopped, followed the reputation, and saw a familiar person at a glance.

Zhang Hongming!

Zhang Hongming looked at Qin Yang with scorching eyes, with a faint excitement in his eyes, just like looking at a prey falling into a trap.

Next to Zhang Hongming sat a silver-haired old man who looked 60 or 70 years old, with ruddy complexion and smooth skin, staring at Qin Yang with scorching eyes, his eyes full of undisguised aggressiveness.

Qin Yang arched his hands at the silver-haired old man: "Excuse me, who is it?"

The silver-haired old man raised his head slightly, with a cold and arrogant expression: "Ghost Doctor Zhang Family, Zhang Ze."

The corner of Qin Yang's mouth curled very slightly: "It turned out to be Senior Zhang, my master is newly married, and now I went to spend my honeymoon with my wife, so I didn't come."

Zhang Ze looked at Qin Yang arrogantly: "Mo Yu's medical skills can of course be regarded as a famous doctor, but you are young, what qualifications do you have to call yourself a famous doctor?"

Qin Yang frowned. This old guy is really not at all polite, and he blatantly bullied the small with such a big tone.

Zhang Ze's words were like sparks thrown into a pan, and the people who had paid attention to Qin Yang suddenly became more and more talking, and many people showed excitement in their eyes.

Even if it doesn’t matter to you, it’s good to watch the excitement.

Qin Yang smiled, and replied with a faint expression: "Am I a famous doctor? Mr. Zhang, it doesn't count."

Although Qin Yang still called Zhang Ze Lao Zhang, his words were as sharp as a blade, and he did not show any mercy to Zhang Ze.

Mo Yu said that if you lose, you don't lose the formation, and if you lose, you don't lose temperament. Since Zhang Ze has no scruples about attacking him, then Qin Yang naturally doesn't have to worry about anything.

No matter how troublesome, Qin Yang is a junior and a young man. He is polite if he loses, but if Zhang Ze loses, he will lose face for the face-saving person...

Maybe other famous doctors need to worry about their reputation, but does Qin Yang care?

If the reputation is bad, then there will be fewer people who ask for help, and make his life less troublesome, Qin Yang feels very good.

Zhang Ze's face suddenly became a little stiff, he didn't expect Qin Yang to come over directly in the first sentence, and he didn't give him any face.

Originally, Zhang Ze wanted to raise himself and gain a wave of fame by stepping on Qin Yang. After all, Qin Yang was a medical expert in Korea and Japan before, and Qin Yang’s reputation is very big, which can be said to be world famous. , I questioned him a few words, and he would be able to distinguish or what if he wanted to, then no matter how much he poses, then this wave of prestige can be considered as a success.

But why didn't Qin Yang follow the script?

This is the first sentence. It's pierced like a knife. Don't you guys know how to respect the elderly?

Zhang Ze said with a cold face: "I do not decide whether a famous doctor or not, but it is also not up to you... Your master never taught you, as a junior, to be polite to seniors?"

Qin Yang grinned and glanced at Zhang Hongming next to him. He didn't show any mercy to Zhang Ze. He said indifferently: "Senior? Zhang Ze, do you think too much of yourself, or that you are too old. Don’t you think it’s okay if you don’t want this skinny? You lose to my master than medical skills, and Zhang Hongming loses to me again. You dare not challenge my master directly, relying on your own age to call out five and six in front of me, and feel very handsome is not it?"

Zhang Ze’s face was a bit stiff at first, but when Qin Yang finished saying this, Zhang Ze’s old face was already red as blood. At this moment, he was full of regrets. He originally wanted to ask for a little bit of tongue, depending on his age. He brushed a wave of prestige by generations, but he didn't expect Qin Yang to be like a hedgehog. He didn't give him any face, so he just exploded his hair and pierced his face with blood!

The eyes of the many onlookers around were also wonderful, each of them excited, their eyes swept over the two of them, looking forward to the development of things.

Zhang Ze roared: "Boy, what are you talking nonsense! It's like a dreadful eye!"

Zhang Hongming's expression was also quite embarrassed, and he quickly stood up: "Qin Yang, you can't talk nonsense. When did I lose to you?"

Qin Yang smiled coldly: "You know whether you lose or not. Otherwise, you can show the prescriptions we compared to you. There are all experts here. I think who wins and who wins is better. , Everyone can definitely tell!"

Zhang Hongming flushed, eyes widened, staring at Qin Yang, but he didn't dare to speak.

Let’s not say that the prescription is impossible to take out, because everything in the special training camp is classified and not allowed to be leaked. Even if it can be taken out, Zhang Hongming dare not take it, because in that game , He did lose, without any suspense at all.

Qin Yang watched Zhang Hongming not speaking, and pointed the finger at Zhang Ze again, and said coldly: "Since you are a senior, you should have the demeanor of a senior, instead of relying on yourself to live for decades to point fingers at others, then According to your statement, the tortoise has lived so long, can it crawl on your head and shit, such a big person, yet so naive, living in a foreign country, it's nothing more than not winning glory for the country, but also narrow-minded You are calculating your compatriots for the sake of your own face. Don't you feel ashamed?"

Zhang Ze had a well-maintained face and his complexion was ruddy, but at this time it was flushed and distorted. He pointed his finger at Qin Yang, but he couldn't say anything for a while because he was wronged.

Qin Yang glanced at Zhang Ze coldly, and walked forward, obviously, he didn't see Zhang Ze in his eyes at all.


Qin Yang stopped, turned his head, looked at Zhang Ze who was so embarrassed, and said lightly: "Old Zhang, I know you have a very good face, and the master also guessed that you might find trouble with me this time... It's just that you are sure. Do you have to lose your face to give up?"

Zhang Ze was shocked by Qin Yang's words.

Is Qin Yang good at medicine?

Of course awesome!

The video of Qin Yang's live-action match with Ishida in Zhang Ze has watched the whole process several times. Qin Yang was able to rescue the suspended congressman, but Zhang Ze did not have the confidence.

Zhang Ze lost to Mo Yu, and when he was most confident, he lost to Mo Yu in front of a large group of people.

Qixing Needle lost to Guanyin Needle, and his medical skills also lost to Mo Yu.

If it was Mo Yu standing here today, Zhang Ze would never say a word, but it was young Qin Yang, so he was going to bully him and let out a bad breath, but he looked at Qin Yang’s cold eyes and listened. In Qin Yang's confident tone, he was scared.

He knew that Qin Yang had mastered the essence of Guanyin Needle. If he were to compare with acupuncture, he might not have been able to beat Qin Yang. What's more, he and Qin Yang had so much difference in age. He should have won, but if he lost, then he I'm afraid I won't have the face to meet people in the future.

After losing to others, then bullying their apprentices on the basis of their old qualifications and experience, and finally losing to another apprentice, can you still see people?

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