The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1863: Mutant Golden Silkworm Gu

The method is not difficult?

Qin Yang blinked, his eyes slightly bright.

Qin Yang understands the truth that the meeting is not difficult, and the difficult one does not, Qin Yang understands, but the key is that others will not hand over their housekeeping skills to someone who has never had any intersection when they first met, right?

Even though the purpose of the famous doctors exchange meeting held this time is to allow everyone to communicate more and promote the development and progress of medical skills, there is a difference between communication and teaching.

For example, just now Pario told Qin Yang the nature of the witch doctor, this is a kind of communication, but if Pario tells Qin Yang how to heal people with mental power, it is called teaching.

Teaching this thing can be big or small, like the Guanyin needle practiced by Qin Yang, which was taught to him by the master, but this is the secret of the hidden door. He can pass it on to his disciples or future sect masters, but it cannot be casual Teaching to others, similarly, the spiritual healing methods of witch doctors are also the core inheritance of their witch doctors, and naturally they will not be passed on.

Qin Yang didn't take the initiative to ask. After all, it was too rash. He just smiled softly: "Yes, there are many special people in this world, but compared to the total number of human beings, they are only such a tiny one after all. Pinch..."

Pario smiled and nodded: "Yes, but a young person like Mr. Qin who controls the use of mental power is one of the few. If you count it strictly, you can be regarded as a wizard..."



Qin Yang's eyes widened slightly: "What does the wizard say?"

Pario explained with a smile; "This is even simpler. People who have strong mental power and can use their mental power to do some strange, incredible, and unreasonable things, can be called a wizard. ."

"Witch doctors are actually a type of witch doctors, but they are only classified as witch doctors because they are good at saving people, and witch doctors are more good at using spiritual power to fight, or control others, or change something. The pupil technique you practice is of this nature, so I say that strictly speaking, you are also a wizard. Of course, wizard is the Western name, and there may be other names in the East."

Qin Yang asked curiously: "Do you know a wizard?"

Pario smiled and said: "As a witch doctor, I have been in this circle for decades. I naturally know some wizards, and they are all guys with strange abilities."

Qin Yang asked, "What kind of unique abilities do they have?"

Pario shrugged his shoulders: "Various kinds, very strange, so strange that you even think that it is super power, no, super mental power is originally a kind of ability far beyond normal people. ability!"

Pario has no distance, but in just a few words, he described a strange group of people, a group of people with superpowers!

While the two were chatting, more and more people walked into the banquet hall, and the person in charge of holding the exchange meeting also appeared on the stage and gave a passionate speech.

Lan Lingyu followed He Qingfeng to the banquet hall, and went directly to the other side of Qin Yang to sit down-perhaps because of Qin Yang's sharp sharpness before, no one was sitting on the other side of Qin Yang except for Pario. .

"A lot of people, Qin Yang, are these people from all over the world?"

Qin Yang glanced across the audience, all skin tones, men and women of all ages: "It should be."

Lan Lingyu's eyes lit up: "They are all powerful people. It's really a big event now that they are all together."

Qin Yang laughed and said, "Then you can get to know a few more amazing people during this time..."

Lan Lingyu curled his lips, with a two-pointed expression of helplessness: "Although I have learned some medical skills, I am still not a real Gu doctor. It is not easy to become a Gu doctor like Grandpa He. Such small shrimps can appear here because of Grandpa He's light. I'm going to get to know those great ones, I'm afraid they won't pay attention to me at all."

Qin Yang laughed and said, "Don't be presumptuous. You are the person who has cultivated the Golden Silkworm Gu. This is also in the forefront of your five immortal gates."

Speaking of the Golden Silkworm Gu, Lan Lingyu's eyes suddenly became excited, and said in a low voice, "Hey, you recently moved, and you didn’t live in Repulse Bay. There is no way to show you the Golden Silkworm Gu I raised. Now it's super awesome!"

It has been too long since Qin Yang saw Lan Lingyu’s Golden Silkworm Gu last time, and Qin Yang has never cared about this. Now that he heard Lan Lingyu say this, he suddenly became interested: "It has grown? "

"Yes, and do you remember the rare metals you gave me?"

Qin Yang smiled and nodded: "Remember, you said you used it to feed the Golden Silkworm Gu and let it grind its teeth. What was the end result?"

Lan Lingyu said in surprise: "The effect is unexpectedly good. It swallows the peculiar metal you gave me and then goes to sleep. It will wake up after a while, and then its appetite will become bigger again, devouring more metal iron sand. After sleeping just like this for a few times, it grew up a bit and ate a lot. I fed it all the exotic metals you gave it, and it completely changed its appearance, um, I What I mean is that it is different from the golden silkworm Gu raised by those people before the Five Immortals..."

Qin Yang's curiosity was also completely aroused by Lan Lingyu's words, approached by two points, and asked in a low voice, "Why is it different?"

Lan Lingyu's eyes are also bizarre: "The other golden silkworm Gus are silvery but the head I raised must be a bit bigger, and the whole body is black. If it's under the sun or light, it will even feel black and shiny, and its body's toughness is too strong, even if it is extraordinary strength, it will not matter if it hits it with all its strength..."

Qin Yang was also a little surprised: "So powerful? What about his attack methods?"

"Poisoning is very poisonous. It only takes three or four seconds to poison a cow. Its strong biting ability, its teeth can crush steel, it is definitely impossible for people to hold it, even a Western body trainer of extraordinary strength can definitely hold it. Can't help its bite..."

Qin Yang said in surprise: "It's so powerful, but it's a pity that it's a bit smaller and a big mouth. If you don't inject poison, even if you let it bite, how long will it take to bite a wound?"

Lan Lingyu shook his head: "No, your understanding is completely wrong. It is not what you think it is. Its mouthparts can bite at extremely high speed. You can simply understand that this is an electric cutting machine, whether it is a human The flesh, body, wood or metal can't stop the bite of its mouthparts like cutting. With its speed, it will be a very scary existence..."

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