The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1876: So young

Puhe Ogawa's words are very gentle, but they are somewhat aggressive.

The descendant of the three-eyed **** and the medical and martial artist!

Puhe Xiaochuan named Qin Yang's master who learned pupil and medical skills. It sounded like he was praising Qin Yang, but he was actually praising him, so Qin Yang had to agree to his challenge, whether for the dignity of the teacher or For his own face, he must deal with this challenge.

Many people at the scene saw this scene, and everyone looked at Qin Yang's face, looking forward to his answer.

What Pu and Xiaochuan said before was to test medical skills, but now he directly and blatantly proposed to test special medical skills, and he no longer concealed his purpose in the slightest.

Qin Yang was mentally prepared before, so he was not surprised.

"Okay, then try it!"

Qin Yang’s calm answer made Pu and Xiaochuan’s eyes brighten, and there was a bit of scorching heat in his calm eyes: "Okay, very good, Mr. Qin is really refreshing, regardless of whether the competition is lost or won, I admire Mr. Qin. After all, speaking of my age, it takes you a lot of advantage."

Pu and Xiaochuan said frankly about the matter of taking advantage of him. Qin Yang couldn't talk about it. He only smiled and said, "The art industry has specialization, and the expert is first."

Puhe Xiaochuan nodded in agreement: "There is a saying in China that if you are aspiring, you are not young, and if you have no aspirations, you will be a hundred years old. I look forward to Mr. Qin's performance tomorrow."

The battle agreement had been set, and Qin Yang didn't bother to talk any more nonsense.

"see you tomorrow!"

Qin Yang arched his hands and introduced the conversation.

Pu and Xiaochuan yelled at Qin Yang, looked friendly and confident, and then flew away.

"It's also a challenge, Zhong Mingcheng and Puhe Xiaochuan are obviously lower than the competition."

"Yes, Puhe Xiaochuan is obviously stronger and more confident. Zhong Mingcheng feels more than one grade lower, and his performance is too bad. Tomorrow this time I am afraid it will be very exciting!"

"I want to change my ticket. I didn't see Qin Yang in the Eagle Country Exchange Match before, nor did I see the live match between him and Ishida, this time I must not miss it!"

"Yes, resign, resign!"

"Who do you think will win?"

"Who is not good, but from the performance of the three, Zhong Mingcheng is obviously the most hopeless. It is estimated that Qin Yang and Pu and Xiaochuan still have to separate the victory or defeat, but Pu and Xiaochuan also make sense. After all, he still takes advantage of his age. He is much older than Qin Yang."

"Older age is more experienced, but the man Ishida defeated before Qin Yang is not young, and his name is also big. Didn’t Qin Yang also win? I think, these so-called experiences can only be summarized. Summarizing us ordinary people, for those geniuses, the so-called experience is not applicable..." New 81 Chinese net update the fastest computer terminal:/

Qin Yang ignored the discussion around him, turned and walked straight out.

In the corner not far behind, Zhang Ze and Zhang Hongming looked at Qin Yang's back with complicated eyesight.

Zhang Hongming retracted his gaze a little angrily: "Aren't we going to do something?"

Zhang Ze turned his head and glanced at Zhang Hongming, and said coldly: "What can we do? Am I going to challenge him and add my name to his challenge list?"

Zhang Hongming argued, "I didn't mean that, but I was very upset to see him so arrogant."

Zhang Hongming is not a fool. Before Zhang Zeyi was selling his old man but he was bloodied by Qin Yang. There was a lot of trouble in the country. Zhang Hongming also knew it. Many people were scolding them for embarrassing and throwing them abroad. If there are grievances in the country, can’t it be solved by yourself? If you have to go to the world to pay attention to shame, it is not their own face, but the face of Huaxia people!

No matter what kind of seven-star master Zhang Ze is, don’t care how much his ghost doctor Zhang family has a background, but under this nationwide wave of criticism, it’s useless to say anything. They can only shrink their heads and stay silent, because if they stand up If you distinguish, it is estimated that you will be scolded even worse.

No way, who makes Zhang Ze really unreasonable.

Holding the veteran status, he chirped and screamed as soon as he met, and openly questioned Qin Yang's lack of qualifications to participate in this exchange meeting. Who would be scolded if he wasn't scolded?

Zhang Hongming was unhappy, and Zhang Ze was naturally even more unhappy. After all, he was the one who was directly scolded, and he was also the head of the ghost doctor Zhang family. He stared at Qin Yang's back coldly, and Zhang Ze coldly hummed: " Let’s watch the excitement first. Maybe Puhe Xiaochuan helped us clean him up, and that Puhe Xiaochuan is an onmyoji. He also said that it’s a special test. If Qin Yang loses, then he will definitely suffer. To hit hard..."

Zhang Hongming is also only a senior doctor, and he naturally understands this special meaning: "I don't know how good Puhe Xiaochuan is. Don't be beaten up by Qin Yang, then Qin Yang's reputation will go straight to heaven." New Bayi Chinese website debut

Zhang Ze coldly snorted: "Don't look at Pu and Xiaochuan's smiling, speaking kindly, that guy's viciousness is all in his bones. How high he holds Qin Yang now, and how miserable he will trample on Qin Yang later. , Although there is no competition yet, I bet that Qin Yang can't win!"

Zhang Hongming's eyes lit up: "Can't win? That means he is going to lose?"

Zhang Ze shook his head: "What I said is that he can't win. Whether he loses or not depends on his ability. Since he dares to accept the move, he naturally knows what Pu and Xiaochuan are going to do. He is certainly a little emboldened. Maybe he won't lose. It's too miserable, but he definitely can't win!"

Zhang Hongming let out a cry, and said unwillingly: "Then we will watch?"

"It's awkward if you don't look at it, it's all in full view right now. If things go wrong with Qin Yang at this time, then I'm afraid it will become a public enemy of China..."

Zhang Ze was not reconciled, but at this time he had no other way. He vented the evil in his heart by scolding Zhang Hongming.

"Look at it and act by ear! I'd rather give up this opportunity than get angry!"

Zhang Ze gritted his teeth and pressed back unwillingly.

What can he do?

Then Qin Yang is not a good bully, just like a Just **** at one point, don’t care who you are, **** your face with blood, he is young and fearless, but his own picture The old face can still take care of...

Suddenly an idea came to Zhang Ze inexplicably.

It's great to be young!

You can do everything!


Before Qin Yang walked out of the door of the conference room, Pario quickly walked to Qin Yang's side and said in a low voice: "Qin Yang, he has made it clear that he wants to compare his mental strength to you, do you have any tricks?"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "There is no way, you can't stop fighting, you can't do it."

Pario blinked and said: "Before you said that you wanted to understand how witch doctors use their mental powers. If you come to my place at night, I will tell you..."


Today, some friends come from other places, and I will update them temporarily, and make up for the few ones.

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