The Supreme Spy

Chapter 2102: This is our 1 chance

Melo Yi's suggestion is very pertinent. Indeed, after the practitioners were completely exposed to the world, many families or schools have begun large-scale expansion operations.

Perhaps everyone is aware that the exposure of the practitioners will trigger a new round of patterns. Which practitioners’ sect or family is stronger, will be able to master more resources and occupy a more important social position, even in the future, Whether a company can truly become bigger and stronger depends on the background of its boss.

Practitioners are exposed. Countless ordinary people are looking forward to joining the Practitioner School, hoping to become a Practitioner. Under such a prospect, various schools of all sizes have undergone a round of expansion.

Qin Yang seemed right to think about it. The master who accepted himself as his disciple was in his twenties. Is it possible that he was still very ready to start accepting disciples at the age of 40 or 50?

It’s just that you must have a chance to accept disciples yourself. Talent is the first, and you must also know the foundation and support the parents. Becoming a practitioner does not necessarily mean that you will be very cool and powerful. On the contrary, a practitioner may Encountered more danger than ordinary people.

"Senior Mei has made a lot of sense. I can indeed consider accepting a disciple and cultivate it since I was young, but I haven't met a suitable candidate for a while."

Mei Luoyi smiled and said: "Your Hidden Sect is not more powerful than those big family sects, and one person accepts some disciples. Then the whole sect will increase a large number of new disciples from top to bottom. You personally collect them. The disciples naturally have to choose carefully. This sect strategy is not a matter of three, five, ten or eight years. Take it slowly.

Qin Yang smiled and thanked: "Senior Mei mentioned that I will pay attention to this aspect later."

Melo Yi nodded, did not talk about the expansion of the school, and turned to other things: "Your pupil skills are so powerful, then after this incident, I have something private and want to ask you to help."

Qin Yang agreed without hesitation: "No problem, even as Senior Mei ordered, I will try my best!"

Melo Yi nodded with satisfaction: "Okay!"

Melo Yi turned to look at the others, and stood up: "I'm a little sleepy, I'll go to sleep for a while, lack of sleep, but a woman's natural enemy... Later, when the crowd arrives, let me be called."

Mei Luoyi left freely, and the originally quiet room suddenly became lively. After all, when Mei Luoyi talked to Qin Yang before, other people listened quietly, or Mei Luoyi said that going to bed was an excuse. She is here, she puts too much pressure on everyone, and she dare not talk wantonly...

"Qin Yang, I have you! It seems that Senior Mei admires you very much and treats you so kindly..."

Shi Yunsheng gave Qin Yang a thumbs up and made no secret of his admiration: "If you can get the favor of Senior Mei, if she covers you, who will dare to bully you in the future?"

Qin Yang laughed and said: "Our Hidden Doors are all about being kind to people and making friends. There was no one who wanted to bully me. Senior Mei is a senior and friendly to a junior like me. She is open-minded and approachable... …"

Shi Yunsheng didn't dare to comment on Meluoyi's personality. He smiled slightly with a two-point subtle smile: "That's, that's... I didn't expect to see you before I came here. You actually participated in this matter, then you Presumably understand the inside story too?"

Several other people also showed a look of attention. Qin Yang smiled and said: "Well, I know some. I have signed a non-disclosure agreement. My strength is definitely not comparable to you. If it is really fighting or something, I must rely on you, guess. The above shows that I am a little bit accomplished in spiritual cultivation, so let me see if I can help in this regard."

Qin Yang spoke very modestly. After all, there are basically no people under the age of 40, and Qin Yang is the only young person.

Hou Yunbo from the army smiled and said: "You are too polite to say this. There is no doubt that you are very good at spiritual cultivation. Even if you practice Qi cultivation, you may not be worse than us. We know that. You are Can easily defeat an opponent with extraordinary late-stage strength, maybe even if it is against Tongshen, it is not without the power of a fight, young, such an achievement, it is terrible to be born."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Mr. Hou passed the award... By the way, I have limited knowledge about this mission. I don't know if you can share a little information. Isn't this a violation of the rules?"

Shi Yunsheng smiled and said, "Nossa, flying machine, do you know?"

Qin Yang nodded: "I know."

Shi Yunsheng heaved a sigh of relief and smiled: "That's about it. That's it. We are going to negotiate, fight, and fight for benefits. Naturally, there will be someone responsible for the negotiation. When it comes to fighting or breaking the wrists Then we have to get on."

Qin Yang asked curiously: "Does such an important matter also need to be decided in a ring match?"

"That's not necessarily."

Hou Yunbo interjected: "Involving the Nosans, maybe the competition will have something to do with the Nosans..."

Qin Yang's pupils shrank slightly: "It's related to the Nosans? Would it be possible for countries to send teams into the Nosans' territory to fight the Nosans?"

"It's not impossible."

Hou Yunbo's face is slightly solemn: "Our goal has always been to destroy their strongholds and destroy them all, but within the control of their strongholds, all electronic equipment is completely unusable, and their black armor can completely resist firearms. Only the practitioners use special weapons to kill them at close They also have super powerful presence in their stronghold, and in their area, their stronghold is their spaceship. With strong offensive capabilities, it is difficult for us to attack directly..."

Shi Yunsheng also sighed: "It's not that we haven't organized a strong attack, but we have suffered heavy casualties. We know too little information about them and are completely unequal. This has also created the current situation. They can't fight and we can't attack. , We can enter the control area of ​​their stronghold to hunt, but we can’t get close to their spacecraft, and we cannot resist the spacecraft’s attack."

Qin Yang frowned and said, "Doesn't their spacecraft use electronic equipment?"

Shi Yunsheng shook his head: "The prohibition of the use of all electronic equipment is a measure for them to protect their territory, but they must have a way to surface it, and their technology is different from our system. This is why everyone attaches so much importance to this aircraft this time. If we can unlock the secrets, maybe we might unlock the restrictions here, and then many of our high-power weapons can come in handy."

Hou Yunbo said solemnly: "No matter what, this is our chance, so we must not be excluded. No matter what game mechanism is set, we have to win and get the corresponding qualifications!"

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