The Supreme Spy

Chapter 2268: 1 person, 2 identities

Lu Tiansheng did not answer Qin Yang directly, but instead asked, "Does it feel ironic?"

Qin Yang shook his head: "This is nothing ironic. Everyone in the world has to find the meaning of their existence. Even the villains in this chaotic city have to find their goals in life, even the simplest use It is also a goal to make money and spend time and drink to avoid hunting and survive."

Lu Tiansheng sneered: "Yes, killing and setting fire is also an attitude to life."

Qin Yang asked, "Then what do you want to do?"

Lu Tiansheng was silent, and gently rotated the wine glass in his hand: "Yes, what should I do?"

Looking at Lu Tiansheng himself, Qin Yang seemed a little confused or uncertain, and asked tentatively, "Will you participate in this operation?"

Lu Tiansheng glanced at Qin Yang, then slowly nodded, "Of course, I will attend. It's not often such a big event."

Qin Yang smiled slightly: "I think such a thing makes sense."

Lu Tiansheng snorted coldly, with a somewhat mocking look on his face: "Why, do you want to suggest that I act like you as the guardian of justice, guardian of the earth."

Qin Yang didn't care about the sarcasm in Lu Tiansheng's words, and smiled: "At least I feel at ease, and I think it makes sense."

Lu Tiansheng sneered: "Who knows? Even if you save the world, they still don't know anything, they are still busy living, busy fighting, busy fighting for power...Who cares about you?"

Qin Yang smiled: "I just said it, and I feel at ease. I don't want anyone to worship me, remember me, thank me, do you think I lack those, or do you think I am the one who pursues them?"

Lu Tiansheng looked at Qin Yang's eyes, Qin Yang calmly turned his head and looked at each other, without showing any weakness.

After a while, Lu Tiansheng raised the wine glass in his hand and raised it towards Qin Yang.

Qin Yang smiled slightly and also raised the wine glass in his hand.

The next two people didn't have much words, they were quite silent but not embarrassed and restrained after eating the meal, and a bottle of wine was divided between them.

The two wandered back to their residences, separated, and went back to their respective residences.

Qin Yang was a little surprised by what Lu Tiansheng said today. He found that the Lu Tiansheng he saw this time seemed to have changed a bit compared to before.

He cannot accurately define whether this change is good or bad, because Lu Tiansheng's so-called meaning may not necessarily be what Qin Yang thinks. It may only be meaningful to himself, but it is meaningless to others, or even a kind of harm. It's all possible.

In the morning of the next day, Qin Yang followed Samael and set off. There were not many people. His personal butler was in charge of driving, and Samael and Qin Yang were left behind.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll know when you get there."

Going around, even changing to a helicopter, but along the way, Qin Yang was surprised to find that they still seemed to be on this continent. According to Qin Yang's estimation, they had left the chaotic city more than a thousand kilometers. .

Since Samael wanted to remain mysterious, Qin Yang didn't press it hard, but in his heart he was silently calculating the position and remembering the places he passed.

Finally, Sameer stopped in a city with a population of hundreds of thousands. Such a city is a small city in developed countries, but it is already quite large in this barren and barren land. City too.

"Okay, it's the destination."

Qin Yang was slightly confused, is this the destination?

"Then what are we going to do now?"

Samael smiled softly and said, "You don't need to do anything, rest well and wait."

"Waiting for whom?"

"Wait for someone who knows what I want to know."

Qin Yang understood a little bit. I am afraid that Samael brought himself here to catch someone, and then use his ability to ask key information from him before organizing the action.

In order to be unobtrusive, Samael removed his mask, revealing a rather ordinary face, but Qin Yang could tell at a glance that Samael's face was also changed.

The face Qin Yang saw was not Samael's original face, it was a fake face in disguise, which made Qin Yang a little confused.

"Mr. Sameer, as a peak power, why do you always hide your true face? Even if you have any enemies, who would dare to deal with you?"

Samael turned his head and smiled at Qin Yang with an absolutely unnatural smile: "Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years, not to mention, I don't want others to bother me, take off the mask, and who knows who I am? It will be a lot less trouble after all."

Qin Yang sighed, "You are really careful."

Sameer replied without hesitation: "Even if it is a peak power, it is still a person, with poor manpower, not to mention what I do. I don't know how many people regard me as a thorn in my eye and wish to remove me If it is easy to reveal the true colors, the trouble will increase too much."

Qin Yang asked curiously: "Did you wear a mask so long ago that no one else knew who you were? After all, your name is fake."

Samael, the angel of death, this Samael's name is naturally not his real name, but a new code name for him.

"Yes, when the angel of death Samael appeared, I disappeared myself. I am Samael, and Samael is me. It has always been like this."

A disguised identity?

If it is someone else's disguise, many unexpected things may happen in the chaotic city, but here, no one dares to do it. After all, no matter how he disguises, his strength cannot be disguised.

I just don't know if Samel will use his true identity to live a completely different life on another level after removing the mask?

One person two identities, two different lives.

Qin Yang didn't ask any more, after all, this had already involved Samael's privacy, and it would definitely not be easily revealed.

Three people checked into the largest luxury hotel in the city. When the three people took the elevator upstairs, Sameer said in a relaxed tone: "Don't be nervous, your work is easy, and it's not that rush. I just came here early. Be prepared to make sure that you are foolproof. You can rest or go out to play with confidence. I will tell you in advance if you have any action."

Sameer pointed at the advertisement in the elevator: "There is a beautiful lady on the third floor. You can enjoy and relax. It seems that there is a full service..."

Qin Yang glanced over the unobstructed advertisement, his eyes were slightly embarrassing, after all, he was not talking about ordinary people, but a peak powerhouse.

This is really awkward...

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