The Supreme Spy

Chapter 2272: 1The shock of opening the door


Maybe it is.

Samael is right to say that people like to toss, have three-point ability, always like to toss five-point things, and have five-point ability, but like to toss seven-point things.

This is certainly an act of hard work for people to move forward to create a better life, but it is also a matter of constantly increasing pressure on themselves, perhaps spurring themselves to keep moving forward, or in a certain link, they can no longer bear the pressure and collapse.

Tossing is the nature of man.

After all, Samael didn't answer Qin Yang's question, and only used two words to make an explanation that was not an explanation.

Qin Yang didn't ask too much. After all, he still lacks the right to have a true equal dialogue with Samael at this moment. Samael just said that he didn't say Qin Yang could do anything about it, and he even left behind. Can't do it.

Cooperation is always based on strength. If you do not have enough strength, then cooperation is definitely not absolutely fair.

Samaer needs Qin Yang’s ability and appreciates Qin Yang’s character, but if Qin Yang really leaves a word, I will stop doing it, or it’s too dangerous if I don’t do it, will Samael still perform Is it so peaceful and so easy to get along with?

The answer is no!

The car quickly arrived at the destination, which was a vast sand dune without any signs or reference objects, and it relied on an exquisite positioning instrument to arrive here.

This positioning instrument is very precise. There is an anchor point in it, but there is no specific coordinate. With this anchor point, no matter what the environment, as long as there is a signal, it can be found based on this anchor point.

This positioning device is not owned by everyone. Only the top management has it. The staff inside will not have such a thing. Even if it is a rare break time, they will inject something that makes people comatose. Take it outside, inject something at a certain time, and take it back after the person is unconscious. As for the lowest level, don't think about vacation or anything.

The positioning instrument has a self-detonation function. If they encounter an attack, they will destroy the positioning instrument as soon as possible, so that even they themselves cannot find a secret base in the vast sea of ​​sand.

As the high-level management of the base, Kaidi has never lacked expert protection, even if he encounters an attack by the supreme strong, he will not be without the ability to resist, but what they encounter is Samael.

Samael, the angel of death!

Peak power, one of the strongest people in the world!

Before Katie could even react, he was taken directly by Samael and banned all his actions, let alone destroying this positioning instrument, he didn't even have the ability to speak, he couldn't even commit suicide!

Qin Yang stopped the car and said in a deep voice: "Here."

Samael put away the pretentious look before, his eyes dignified and serious: "Then let's start."

Qin Yang’s heart also accelerated slightly. The two of them did not carry any extra electronic products, not even a mobile phone, because in the secret base, mobile phones are absolutely forbidden. Once it is discovered who is hiding, Put to death immediately.

Even high-level people like Kaidi are not allowed to use mobile phones. All communications in the base must be relayed to the outside through the control room. As for the control room, it is naturally controlled by Nirvana's key personnel or confidants, and the base is protected to the greatest extent. Location leaked.

Two people entered the base with bare hands, either successfully completing the task, attracting strong soldiers waiting outside to conquer this secret base in one fell swoop, or making mistakes, being noticed, and then rushing out all the way to escape, or forcibly controlling the base from the inside.

In any case, this is a very dangerous thing.

It's like a tiger with a sheep into the den of a group of evil wolves. Once exposed, the tiger may be able to escape with its bravery, and the sheep will die.

Samael took out Kaidi’s contact intercom device and opened it according to the method taught by Kaidi, and said in a low voice: "Control room, this is Kaidi Nuuk, pass code XFEFK1N."

Suddenly there was movement in the sand dunes in the distance, as if a monster was stirring below. The sand dunes suddenly cracked and the yellow sand poured downwards like flowing water. Then there was a huge circular platform rising from the depression, a huge The iron plate spread out and lay on the yellow sand next to it.

As Qin Yang drove the car up, he sighed in his heart, if it weren't for a communication device and knowing the passcode, even if he walked through here, who would have thought that there would be a large secret base at his feet?

In the world, how many secrets are hidden under people's eyes but have not been noticed?

The car stopped, the plank shrank and folded back, and then the platform sank downward, while the upper part was slowly closing. Soon, the upper part closed with a crash, and the stage was completely dark.

Qin Yang asked Kaidi early about all the detailed processes of entering and leaving the base, including Kaidi’s residence, his office, his assistants, etc., everything is in no small detail. After all, these are all he is very familiar with. Bare his feet.

This is not an ordinary place. Ordinary people may not care too much about some differences, but here is the secret base of Nirvana. Inside are all Nirvana elites. Their vigilance is naturally not comparable to ordinary people. A little mistake. It will arouse people's suspicion and lead to the failure of the overall plan.

Qin Yang silently counted seconds in his About twenty seconds later, there was a sudden metal crackling in the darkness ahead, an iron door opened, and light also came in with the opened iron door.

After connecting the pedals, Qin Yang started the car and drove the car out of this huge elevator.

Outside the door, there was a row of soldiers on duty. What shocked Qin Yang was that all these soldiers were wearing flying armors, but these flying armors were no longer the blue of the Deep Blue Alliance standard armor, but black. Moreover, the position of the Deep Blue Alliance logo in the past has also been replaced by a skull with a dark red flame.


Qin Yang didn't think that they were just stealing the sky or stealing some flying armor from the Deep Blue Alliance. It must be that they have the corresponding technology and production capabilities, and they have manufactured them in batches!

Although Qin Yang knew that Nirvana was hidden deep, and it was terrifying, but when he entered the door, his heart was shocked, but it is actually normal to think about it. The dark blue warriors wore flying armor and Noosa, the master of Nirvana. People have fought for such a long time. If the people of Nirvana can't even understand the secrets of the Flying Armor, are they still qualified minions?

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