The Supreme Spy

Chapter 2371: Who will die next?

Latest website: Qin Yang didn't give in, but rushed directly to meet his opponent.

The Rune Sabre with a strong qi, slashed at a man in front of him fiercely.

The man faced Qin Yang directly, feeling the mighty power of Qin Yang's sword, and was quite surprised, because the sword seemed to far exceed Qin Yang's strength.

Although the man was shocked, he did not retreat.

He knew that Qin Yang was very strong in combat, but he felt that he should be able to take the sword in the mid-level of abilities.

Even if it's not Qin Yang's opponent, it's okay to block a shot.

As long as he stopped him, the other people would also make an instant attack, and directly joined forces to blast Qin Yang into scum!

He brandished a long knife and greeted him.

The two knives collided in the air, and then the knife in the man's hand broke.

The rune sword advanced all the way and slashed on the man's body.

Blood splattered, blood burst.

This man had no idea that he couldn't stop him with a single knife. He was slashed directly in the chest by the knife, and his whole person was almost cut in half, so he could not die anymore.

Qin Yang's rune sword was retracted as soon as he touched it, turned back and swept it, and collided with several other weapons, fending off other people's attacks, and his body was also repelled, but he was not injured.

The eyes of the people around have all changed.

It even slashed a strong man in the mid-level of power with a single blow, and also took the attacks of others!

Even though they were still in the siege just now, not all of them shot together, but even so, Qin Yang's performance was too scary.

This is simply a monster!

The leading man's eyes were cold, and he shouted coldly, "Go all out, let's go together!"

Although one fell down after one face, it further explained Qin Yang's enchantment and even more that he had to die!

Using a lot of energy resources, it was hard to make the current lore situation, Qin Yang must die today!

Qin Yang took a mouthful of the icy air and attacked actively again.

It is better to take the initiative to swim. At least this can reduce the number of simultaneous attacks. What's more, Qin Yang also sees that today's situation is endless, if you don't kill these people in front of you, it is him who will die!

At this moment, no reinforcements will appear!

Qin Yang had already pressed a button on the watch for the first time. Logically speaking, he should have connected to the command room of the castle, but there was no response.

This shows that Qin Yang's watch has been manipulated. Not only does it lack the call function for help, it may also be installed with some other things. Otherwise, how did Qin Yang be accurately found?

Therefore, Qin Yang cleanly stepped on this watch before the battle, and then rushed up in the shadow of the sword. At the same time, his spiritual power secret technique had been activated.

The one facing Qin Yang was a supreme powerhouse, who also wore flying armor. It can be said that this lineup is already very sufficient to kill Qin Yang. After all, Qin Yang was only an early stage of power, so many people were sent out to Make sure to kill Qin Yang cleanly, without giving Qin Yang any chance of comeback.

Unfortunately, this group of people still underestimated Qin Yang!

If he didn't wear the battle armor, Qin Yang's improvement was still limited, but wearing the special miracle battle armor, Qin Yang's combat effectiveness directly soared to a very terrifying point!

What's more, he still has a mental power attack that only a few people know about!

These slayers also knew that Qin Yang practiced pupil art, but they only knew that to cast the mysterious technique requires eyes to meet and build a spiritual bridge, but they did not know that Qin Yang is now an alien. No need to look at each other!

Mental shock bomb!

As Qin Yang's sword exploded in the mind of the supreme strong man, the mental power attack caused the supreme strong man to groan, and a moment of blankness appeared in his mind.

The time was short, but at this instant, Qin Yang's rune sword swept the supreme powerhouse's neck with a surging qi, and with an aura of destruction.

The head flew up and blood spurted.

Qin Yang rushed past the sword. At the same time, the various attacks behind him swept like a violent wave, but because of Qin Yang's unrelenting breakthrough, he fell behind, but the fierce Qi Qi also blasted over. Qin Yang's sword The reversal broke a few strands, but it couldn't break them all.

The qi was like a knife, tearing Qin Yang's clothes, and tore several **** wounds on Qin Yang's back.

Qin Yang didn't seem to feel any pain at all, and his body had already pounced on another person like a leopard.

The mouth of the valley has been blocked, and he has no way to escape.

Since there is no way to escape, let's kill the world upside down!

There was a shadow of the sword, blood splattered, and when Qin Yang showed his figure again, there was another long hole in his body, and the blood came out, instantly dyeing his uniform red.

At his feet, a masked man had been cut in half with a single knife, but he had not completely died for a while, and was howling miserably.

This miserable howl made the whole battle look extremely harsh and murderous.

The eyes of the crowd surrounding Qin Yang were full of shock, as well as unconcealed panic.

Although Qin Yang was injured in many places in the confrontation in just a few breaths of time, he has already cut four people in a row!

One in the early stage of the supreme, one in the late stage, and two in the middle stage!

All are one hit kills, no exceptions!

Those who besieged Qin Yang were all strong men. They naturally noticed the moment of inactivity of the beheaded, and it was that moment of inactivity that caused them to be killed directly, but they did not understand what caused it. Their slowness!

Those who know the reason are dead!

So...who is next?

The rune sword in Qin Yang's hand was raised and aimed at a killer who was closer to the front. The killer was pointed at by Qin Yang's long sword, and he subconsciously stepped back quickly, completely afraid to face Qin Yang alone. Fear that he would become Qin Yang's next target.

The corners of Qin Yang’s mouth were raised in a cold arc, and the long knife in his hand turned slightly. Everyone who was pointed at by him had a solemn Take a few steps away, no Dare to face Qin Yang's long blade alone!

The leading man's eyes were deep as water. He didn't expect Qin Yang's combat effectiveness to be so strong, and he seemed to know how to be a demon, catching one and killing one made everyone panicked!

They came here with full confidence and thought that it would be a matter of tens of seconds to siege Qin Yang. How did they ever think that such a weird situation would happen?

If siege is not a success, then be killed?

Is this Qin Yang a monster?

The crowd was already terrified by Qin Yang's continuous killing of several powerful men. They did not continue to attack for a while, but Qin Yang did not stop his life-threatening behavior.

His long knife paused slightly, pointed at a man whose eyes were slightly panicked, and said coldly, "You, go to hell!"

The voice was still floating, and Qin Yang had already rushed out like a cannonball.

The runes on the rune swords are lit up, and the knives are flooded!

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