The Supreme Spy

Chapter 2377: Little life matters

Latest website: "I finally removed the bandages and lay down for a week. It feels like people are about to rust..."

Qin Yang sat on the side of the bed, watching the nursing staff remove the bandage from the wound on his body, and moved his left arm casually.

Detrich sat across from the hospital bed, with Ebel standing behind him.

Looking at the scars that fell off Qin Yang's wound, and the tender meat with a slightly different color, but anyway, those **** wounds have completely healed!

One week!

Detrich remembers clearly how miserable Qin Yang was when he was lifted from the helicopter by the Deep Blue soldiers a week ago.

He was covered in blood, and the whole figure seemed to have been soaked in a pool of blood. There were many wounds with deep bones, and the internal organs were badly injured. Even Detrich suspected that Qin Yang might not be able to hold it, but this was only seven days. Qin Yang has recovered completely!

After removing the bandages, Qin Yang stood on the ground, waving his hands a few times, and smilingly said to Detrich: "The party of medal winners is over long ago. I'm really bothered."

Detrich waved his hand, ignoring Qin Yang's politeness, and looked at Qin Yang's wound: "Completely recovered?"

Qin Yang replied affirmatively: "Well, it's almost the same. Maybe you can't fight at all, but it is estimated that in two or three days, there should be no impact."

Detrich couldn't help but praised: "You really have no physical fitness to say. The recovery ability is too strong. It may be difficult for ordinary practitioners to recover from your injuries. Even if they can be saved, I am afraid. You have to lie in bed for a few months, and your wounds have healed in only seven days, which is shocking."

Qin Yang explained: "Since I almost died from the poisoning, my body has undergone some changes, and my recovery ability has also become much stronger."

Detrich laughed and said, "If I hadn't found one if I didn't listen to you, I would like to try my luck."

Qin Yang smiled bitterly: "I almost lost my life that time. If it wasn't for my master who was a genius doctor, I am afraid I would only have a pile of blackened bones."

Detrich stood up: "Okay, you sort it out, we will talk about the next thing for dinner."

Qin Yang's eyes lit up: "Okay!"

Qin Yang happily took a shower, changed into a new suit, had dinner, and was invited to his study by Ebel.

Detrich picked up the wine bottle, poured two glasses, and threw one cup on the table. The wine glass slid across the table accurately and fell in front of Qin Yang, without a drop of wine being poured out.

Qin Yang picked up the wine glass, raised it at Detrich, and took a sip.

"I have already exchanged the moonlight you mentioned earlier. Are you going to use it here or bring it back by yourself?"

Qin Yang asked, "How long does it take to use moonlight?"

"Soon, one to three days, the longer the duration, the better the effect."

Qin Yang hesitated a little: "Since the time is not long, let's stay here. Now the people of Nirvana hate me to the bone, and I am not safe outside."

Detrich smiled and said: "It's up to you. If you take moonlight to be effective, then go to the headquarters to improve by one level, then your strength will be improved soon. Ten and a half months will go directly from the early stage to the late stage of Tongshen. Impressive!"

Qin Yang smiled: "I hope so, the higher the strength, the better you can save your life."

Detrich heard what Qin Yang said, and couldn't help but feel a little happy: "It's really miserable to say, you can basically walk sideways with strength like you, but who made you offend Nirvana? This Nirvana has existed for such a long time, and the background is extremely deep. Where can ordinary forces or rich people have the strength to prepare for the action like the previous one?"

Qin Yang smiled bitterly, yes, how can other supreme powers be so cautious of themselves?

He can kill the supreme powerhouse, but he has to be more cautious, always worrying about the next wave of assassinations, and even more worried about the Nirvana leader's personal action.

Little life matters.

Qin Yang wouldn't pretend to be big in such matters. Any act of being stupid would be to say that he couldn't make it through, and to find his own guilt.

Detrich stood up, walked to a wall behind, and pressed an extremely hidden button on the wall, revealing the stainless steel door behind.

Detrich completed his pupil recognition and entered it, and quickly walked out with a small metal suitcase, put the small metal suitcase on the table, entered the password, turned it around, and pushed it in front of Qin Yang.

"This is the moonlight you want. It can be used in an open place to absorb the aura of heaven and earth. You can take it in the place where we first met. I will tell Ebel not to let anyone disturb you. , If you have a problem, I will let him save you..."

Qin Yang looked at the hazy misty moonlight that was the size of a pigeon egg in the box, with some curious eyes: "Such a pill must be very expensive."

Detrich raised his glass again, leaned back on the chair, and smiled: "That's natural. Unless the material is scarce and the manufacturing is extremely difficult, the Deep Blue Alliance can increase the strength of the members in batches. The same goes for similar medicinal materials or other things. If it can be mass-produced, then we can naturally promote countless powerful practitioners, so why not be afraid of the Nosans. After all, our planet has tens of billions of people."

Qin Yang smiled: "That is, not to mention that all the people are soldiers, even if one percent of the people can be transformed into powerful practitioners, what is there to fear?"

Detrich spread his hands: "Unfortunately...these raw materials are too scarce, and it is impossible to meet the situation you mentioned. Nowadays, only a few people who have made a great contribution to the alliance to humanity are eligible to use it."

"Well, wait for me to try, hoping to advance."

Detrich raised the cup in his hand: "I wish you success. After you have absorbed the effect of the medicine, take a day off, and then we will set off for the Deep Blue headquarters."

"it is good!"

Late at night, everything was quiet.

After Qin Yang took a bath, he carried the box to the top of the building.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground of the wide opened the box in front of him and took out the moonlight.

Under the dim moonlight, this pill was shining, and the haunting mist made it seem to be filled with fairy air, full of a holy and mysterious taste.

Qin Yang took a deep breath and put the pill directly into his mouth.

The moonlight quickly melted in Qin Yang's mouth, turned into a slightly spicy liquid, and flowed directly into Qin Yang's stomach.

After a few minutes, the power of the medicine was quickly absorbed, spread to the meridians of the whole body, and then gathered together again and circulated in the Dantian together.

This warm energy is like a strong combustion-supporting agent, instantly igniting the entire Dantian, and all the internal energy instantly becomes extremely irritable, surging crazily towards the limbs...

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