The Supreme Spy

Chapter 2379: A long way to go

Qin Yang opened his eyes, his eyes excited.

He didn't know how long he had been sitting, but he was pretty sure about another thing!

He is promoted!

Mid-Tong Shen!

Moonlight is indeed domineering, ordinary psychic practitioners need a long practice to advance to the first level, but after using the moonlight, Qin Yang has been promoted to the first level in just a few days!

This speed is beautiful...

Now that he has been upgraded by one level, Detrich’s promised reward is still one level. This level of promotion is certain, which means that Qin Yang is firmly standing in the late stage of Tongshen strength.

Promoted, marking that the most important perception distance of the Tongshen power stage has once again increased by 150 meters. Now Qin Yang's perception distance has reached 450 meters. This perception distance has basically exceeded that of many supreme early powers. Perceive the distance.

Qin Yang silently calculated the difference in strength between 450 meters and 1,000 meters. After all, he does not need to be afraid of the early stage of Supreme. After being promoted to Tongshen, he will use the strength of the late Supreme as Own reference level.

The power of the supreme in the late stage usually has a perception range of one kilometer. The previous and the early stage of Tongshen strength were about 1000:27, and the difference was more than 30 times. Now it is roughly 1000:91, which is about 11 times. This is still a spike strength ratio.

The comparison of the combat power of the cultivators, let alone ten times, under normal circumstances, even if it is a few percent higher, it is still a stable victory, ten times, that is definitely the gap of raising the hand in seconds.

Therefore, it seems that Qin Yang has improved by one level, and his combat effectiveness has been increased by more than twice, but he is still vulnerable to a powerful late-stage supreme, and he is still killed by a spike without any suspense.

The road to promotion is a long way to go!

Qin Yang was only a little surprised and calmed down. There is no way, who would let him provoke Nirvana, a powerful organization, when no one can kill Qin Yang, when he offends Nirvana enough. , Nirvana leader personally shot himself to kill himself, that is a certainty.

The peak shot is shocking!

Only the peak power can stop the peak power, but no matter how powerful Qin Yang is, it is impossible to have a supreme peak around him. The peak power has always been guarded, and even if there is a supreme peak and peak care, it is difficult. Protecting the assassination of the other Supreme Peak, after all, the advantage of having mental arithmetic and unintentional is too great.

There is only a thousand days to be a thief, how can there be a thousand days to guard against thieves?

Therefore, in front of Qin Yang, there is only one way to increase his strength, so that he has the strength to compete against the peak power!

Qin Yang walked downstairs and saw Detrich leaning on a chair leisurely, holding a silver jug ​​in his hand, looking at himself with a smile.

Qin Yang stepped over and said with a smile: "Why do you see you drinking at any time? How do you like to drink?"

Detrich smiled: "Wine is something that you like very much, and dislike it very much. I am obviously the former. Anyway, I don’t have to worry about getting drunk and enjoy the slightly drunk feeling. That can be called a beauty..."

Taking a sip of wine in his mouth, Detrich stood up and looked up and down Qin Yang: "For four days, you spend one more day than ordinary practitioners. It seems to think about it. You have to do everything about practice. Be better with others..."

Qin Yang stretched out his hand and rubbed his stomach, and said with a bitter expression: "It's been four days, no wonder I feel I am so hungry that I can eat a cow. Can I have something to eat first?"

"Haha, well, let's start the meal first!"

Although Qin Yang had been absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth madly for the past four days, he was a human being after all. He hadn't eaten for four days, and even Qin Yang, whose body was extremely mutated and powerful, was about to cry at this moment.

In the restaurant, Qin Yang ate a lot of food, and finally poured a glass of red wine into his stomach, and stretched out with satisfaction.

"Finally comfortable!"

Detrich, who had been sitting on the opposite side and drinking happily, stood up and smiled and said, "Congratulations on the promotion, you take a day off, and then we set off!"

"it is good!"

Detrich left dashingly, and Qin Yang looked at Detrich's back with a slight surprise in his heart.

Didn't even ask anything?

Qin Yang went back to his room and turned on the cell phone that had been closed for a few days before turning it on. He found a lot of missed calls and messages.

Qin Yang glanced at the list of missed calls and knew that something might have happened again. After all, only when something major happened would so many people look for him at the same time.

Could it be that the matter of being attacked and killed here was exposed?

After reading the information carefully, Qin Yang blinked, slightly suspicious.


Miracle Team?

Who released this news?

Qin Yang did not search the Internet, but directly dialed Bai Pojun's number.

Bai Pojun naturally understood the whole story and knew more inside information.

"...This is roughly the case. After our investigation, the news should have been released by the people of Nirvana. Your team members are staying in the barracks for the time being. Be careful yourself, but you don't need to worry too much. Or ask, you just ignore it, no one dares to treat you like that."

Qin Yang frowned. When this incident broke out, it would not only cause trouble for Qin Yang and the miracle team, but the entire China would be on the cusp.

"Don't worry about your business. We are already in consultation with various countries. An official notification will soon be announced. We will recognize the existence of the Landers and promise a large degree of technology sharing, but we will not Whatever I handed over to any country, I will do the same."

Qin Yang didn't have much joy with the pressure reduction: "Will they give up?"

"Hehe, what can you do if you don't give up?"

Bai Pojun sneered: "Does anyone dare to start a war against China for this reason? After all, everyone is the Deep Blue Alliance, and they are one body. After all, we still need to make a face. Besides, are we afraid that they will do something?"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "That's fine."

Bai Pojun asked, "How is the situation on your side?"

Qin Yang reported on the attack, and Bai Pojun, as the leader of Pangu, and Qin Yang, as a member of Pangu, encountered such a thing, the official naturally communicated with Bai Pojun.

The members of Huaxia Pangu were attacked during the Regardless of the reason, I have to give an explanation.

"I have been promoted to the first level. It is now in the middle stage of Tongshen. One day off, Detrich will take me to the headquarters and use his Purple Gold Medal winner's authority to help me redeem a promotion opportunity. If nothing happens, it will not be long. I am in the late stage of Tongshen..."

Bai Pojun was a little surprised, but immediately he was astonished: "You have helped him a lot, otherwise, the party will have suffered a heavy loss. Detrich has no face and has to blame it. He also gave you a favor. It should."

After a brief pause, Bai Pojun's voice was a little more complex: "Twenty-five-year-old late-stage Tongshen, great!"


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