The Supreme Spy

Chapter 2426: Intercept!

Qin Yang had walked back to Huang Fang Nuosa's residence at this time, replaced the black armor again, changed his body, and became Huang Fang Nuosa again.

Qin Yang didn't waste time any more. Just now, he encountered Huang Fang Noosa and Red Label Noosa in succession, which made Qin Yang feel very uneasy in his heart.

He must leave here as soon as possible!

The other exits didn't open. If you want to escape, you still have to leave from the exit you entered.

Qin Yang had already observed it when he came in. There was a spacious passage beside entering the disinfection area. It should be a passage from the inside to the outside. If you want to leave, you must pass through that passage.

Although Qin Yang is now Huang Fang Noosa's identity, if he wanders around alone, he still has two points of strangeness. If he is near the gate, it may be more noticeable, so he swaggered to the side not far. A soldier's camp walked to the door of a room.

This is the residence of the black armored soldiers. The Nossa soldiers living in this house are no one else, but the group of people who were taken to fight by Huang Fang Nossa before.

Qin Yang stood at the door, beckoned to the Nossa soldiers inside, and then stood outside waiting with his hands on his back.

A group of Black Armor Nossa soldiers watched the call from their boss. Although they didn't have any words, the two of them were packed quickly, and they quickly formed a queue and stood in front of Qin Yang.

Qin Yang turned his head, waved his hand at the group of Black Jia Nuosa, motioned to follow him, and then walked out with them swaggering, looking like an officer leading a small team on patrol or performing tasks. .

Qin Yang has only one purpose now. If he leaves this battleship, as long as he leaves the battleship, even if Qin Yang is forced to kill, the hope of escape will be very great. After all, his current combat effectiveness is extremely sturdy, not to mention this body. Huang Fang Nuosa's black armor serves as cover.

Just as Qin Yang left with the black armor Nossa soldiers, several Lan Ling Nossa with guard logos passed by Qin Yang's team under the leadership of a Huang Fang Nossa.

Qin Yang didn't know that this group of guards was going to catch him, nor did this group of guards know that Huang Fang Nuosa who passed by was the target he was looking for.

The guards first came to the residence of the Lanling maintenance worker and inquired about the other Lanling Noosa who lived with him, only to learn that he had never come back.

Huang Fang Nuo Su suddenly felt that something was wrong, and he immediately contacted the captain. The captain immediately investigated and monitored and found that the Lan Ling maintenance worker did not return to his residence, but went to the soldier’s residential area and entered a Huang Fang Nuo. In the room of the Captain of the Squadron, the video showed that soon after he entered, the Captain of the Noosa Squadron Huang Fang left, but the Lanling Noosa did not go out.

The guards rushed to Huang Fang Noosa's residence immediately, knocked on the door and no one answered, contacted Huang Fang Noosa and no one responded. The leader Huang Fang Noosa informed the above and forcibly opened the door.

There was a Black Armor Nossa and a Blue Ling Nossa in the room. Both black armours stood quietly against the corner of the wall without any movement.

The guards used the law enforcement authority to forcibly open Lan Ling Nuosa, but found that there was no one inside. Everyone suddenly became a little confused. This Lan Ling Nuosa had not left after entering the door. Where did he go?

The guards immediately opened the black armor Nossa next to him, and as soon as the steel cover was opened, a **** breath suddenly rushed out.

The guards saw the two Nosans dead inside, and their complexions suddenly changed.

"That Huang Fang Noosa has a problem, find him, catch him!"

The Nossa guards in charge of security quickly discovered the whereabouts of the Huang Fang Nossa from the surveillance. He actually took a small group of Black Nossa through the exit and left the huge ship!

"catch him!"

"Investigate where the Lan Ling Nuosa went to the top for the second time before investigating, and what did he do!"


Qin Yang had good luck. When he came to the exit with a small group of Nossa soldiers, there were a lot of soldiers waiting at the elevator platform, a large crowd of soldiers.

Each of these soldiers was glamorous in black armor, and they were obviously a team that was ready to go.

It’s been so long since Qin Yang came in, and the warships are still sending out soldiers in turn. Wheel warfare consumes the line of defense against human beings. Once this manifestation is breached, the Nossa soldiers will be divided into teams and captured. worldwide!

With the help of the minions of Nirvana, they know everything on the earth well. They are absolutely sure to smash the earth first, destroy all the resistance here, and finally come slowly to clean up the mess.

Qin Yang was worried about the front line outside in his heart, but worry was useless. His current task was to escape safely, waiting for the explosion here.

The lifting platform was transported very quickly, but there were too many people, which still took a lot of time.

Finally, Qin Yang led his team onto the elevator platform, landed smoothly below, and then walked outside with the other teams on the expedition.

There are passages and related cards, but maybe no one thought that there would be a human being caught in the army of Nosans to travel, so at this moment the level is open. After all, these people are going to fight and who will To check them?

After a long delay, Qin Yang finally set foot on the ground again.

Seeing the whole army set off in front, Qin Yang made up his mind to continue rubbing the car. When tens of thousands of troops set off outside and then pounced on the human position, who would find a Huang Fang Nuosa following the team? Then quietly disappeared from the edge of the battlefield?

Although this battle is extremely brutal, there are not many deep blue soldiers and ordinary soldiers who died in this battle, but it is also because of the fierceness of this battle that there is such a large number of troops to mobilize, back and forth, Qin Yang can Find the opportunity to get in smoothly, and then slip out of the team!

At this time, naturally it is no longer suitable to take the team around They have only been on the battlefield, and I will take them to the battlefield by myself. I am afraid they will have more doubts, so I can’t ask others. , There is a problem.

Qin Yang waved at them, then pointed at an open space next to him, and motioned them to go there and wait for him. After they left, Qin Yang walked quickly in the camp, like a hurried officer. It is not conspicuous to mix in so many people.

A large number of teams went out, and Qin Yang also ran out with the team.

Just when Qin Yang thought he would slip back so smoothly, the advancing brigade around him suddenly stopped, and then turned around, all eyes staring at Qin Yang, leading the way. The Huang Fang Nuosa directly took the big sword on his back.


PS: 3

(End of this chapter)

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