The Supreme Spy

Chapter 2436: Nosans who surrendered

Qin Yang was admitted to the special ward of the Deep Blue headquarters, and the world's most advanced medical experts gathered to treat Qin Yang.

   Not everyone can have this treatment, but Qin Yang definitely has this qualification.

   If it were not for Qin Yang to detonate the nuclear bomb at the most critical time, waves of Nosans would continue to attack the position until the position was broken.

   This battle has reached a white-hot stage, and even several supreme peak powers have already personally come to the front, and even fight to stabilize the front at critical times to prevent the front from being penetrated.

   The Nossa red-labeled Nossa was also dispatched, but they did not die, they just played a war of attrition, waiting for the final fierce blow.

   It is a pity that they did not wait for this opportunity. The nuclear bomb Qin Yang brought into the Nossa warship directly blew up Qin Yang's entire battleship, and the three nuclear bombs that followed completely wiped everything out!

   Regardless of whether it is a red label or something more powerful than a red label, they are all dead, and there is no chance to play. It is estimated that these very powerful Nosans will feel wronged when they get to hell.

   Qin Yang's illness is very serious. Although Qin Yang is treated with the most cutting-edge and high-tech medical technology, Qin Yang's body is still getting worse day by day.

   All treatments can only play a delaying role at best, but they cannot cure them fundamentally.

   Just when Qin Yang was living in the Deep Blue headquarters for in-depth treatment, the Deep Blue Alliance was not idle, and launched a hunting operation code-named "Cut the Grass and Roots.

   Under the nuclear bomb explosion, most of the Nosans were buried under that nuclear explosion, and the huge ship was blown to pieces. Only a few of the Nosans escaped.

This part of the Nosans who escaped basically did not escape. After the nuclear explosion, the Deep Blue Alliance dispatched fighter groups and transport aircraft groups. First, the fighter groups bombed the Nosans on the ground, killing most of the Nosans, and then The transport plane took the powerful deep blue warriors to harvest the Nosans who fled sporadically.

The really surviving Nosans are the five B-class battleships that were active in the outside world. They have an elite team on board, attacking major cities on the earth. If there are fighters to hunt them, they will turn around and run away, taking advantage of speed. Throw away the pursuers, and then go to the next target. If they are really chased, they will return to the blue light shield of the giant ship, avoid the pursuers and supply them by the way.

   Now that the giant ship has been destroyed, these B-class battleships are still strong, but they no longer have a place for them to rest sadly.

  Countless fighters are chasing these five Class B warships uninterruptedly. What they have to do is simple, shoot them down or kill them!

   There is no energy supply for that giant warship. Whether it is black armor or the five warships, the energy is limited. Facing the advantage of the concentration of resources on the entire earth, how can they spend it?

   Stealth is invalid, the position is locked, no matter how fast they run, they have to face chase and interception, and the energy is not enough for them to run into outer space...

   A consumable chase is happening in the sky of the entire world. After a week of chasing, the first battleship ran out of energy and chose to land. The fighter group arrived at random, and the Nossa elite team in the battleship chose to abandon the battleship and escape.

   One after another, all the warships were forced to stop. Without warships to rely on, even the red-label Noosa who led the team was dead end, one by one, all were wiped out.

   Half a month has passed, and mankind has taken the last battleship!

   Not only that, in the course of the battle, many Nosans chose to surrender, among them there was even a red label Nossa whose black armor was completely exhausted!

   So far, mankind has achieved a complete victory in this battle!

   When the Alliance announced this good news to the world, the whole world was plunged into joy and excitement.


   "Red Label Nossa? Surrender?"

   Qin Yang looked at the Bai Pojun on the electronic screen in surprise: "Will they surrender too, aren't they all immortal?"

Bai Pojun laughed and said: "It's all lives, who doesn't want to live. They took the initiative to open the black armor, walked out on their own initiative, raised their hands high, and surrendered to us. We not only captured many Nosans, but also captured them. A lot of advanced black armor and four battleships!"

   Qin Yang asked in surprise: "Then the harvest this time is not small, these are all high-tech products."

Bai Pojun nodded, his voice filled with excitement that could not be concealed: "Yes, although we paid a huge price, we finally won the victory, and these black armors and battleships are intact and have not been destroyed. Great research value, even as long as there is energy, we can drive them through the sea of ​​stars after we understand these spacecraft!"

   Qin Yang laughed and said: "It seems that these Nossa people are not as brave as we thought. When they are in despair, they will still choose to surrender. Doesn't the black armor detonate?"

Holding a stack of documents in his hand, Bai Pojun shook at Qin Yang: "Isn’t it researched before? Every black armor’s operating system is connected to that huge ship, and the huge ship controls all The black armor can locate the black armor communication, and even directly control the black armor's operating system to perform some behaviors, such as self-destruction..."

Qin Yang suddenly said: "The huge ship was bombed by a nuclear bomb, and the shipboard operating system was naturally dead, and no one was monitoring these black armors. Therefore, they were able to get out of the black armor and surrender voluntarily. Black armor will not judge self-destruction..."

   "Yes, that's about it."

   Bai Pojun smiled, and immediately reduced his smile: "How do you feel now?"

   Qin Yang smiled bitterly: "Not so good. Although the various cutting-edge drugs here can delay or cure my disease to a certain extent, they can't solve the problem fundamentally. I am ready to leave here."

   Bai Pojun's expression sank: "Where are you going?"

"Back to Huaxia, although the experts here are still discussing methods, I am a doctor myself. I have seen and tested all the cutting-edge drugs here. It is of no use. I am not going to consume it here anymore. "

   Qin Yang's face was calm, and there was no despair or frustration in his eyes: "My master also thought of some ways. I will go back and try. If it still doesn't work, then at least I can accompany my family more during the last period of time."

Bai Pojun thought for a while and said: "Okay, your master's medical skills are unique in China. I hope his method will be effective. In addition, the research on your treatment here will not stop. As long as there are useful methods, they are worth trying. test."

   Qin Yang smiled freely, "Okay, I will cooperate with all my strength, after all, I don't want to die."

  :. :

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