The Supreme Spy

Chapter 384: You are a practitioner!

Qin Yang's car slid into the Xicheng Wharf quietly. At this moment, the Xicheng Wharf was extremely silent and there were no people. Only a few street lights emitting dim yellow lights.

Qin Yang stopped the car and walked along the path of bluestone slabs to the iconic statue.

If Qin Yang was just an ordinary person, then Qin Yang would definitely not come. Such an invitation without beginning and end would only be regarded as a prank by Qin Yang.

Qin Yang is here, and he also wants to see who is inviting him.

Is it a friend?

Or the enemy?

However, Qin Yang was still very careful, carrying a pistol just in case, after all, Qin Yang had a special identity, and if he was really his enemy, then the other party would definitely not be friendly.

Qin Yang walked for about five minutes before reaching the position of the statue.

Qin Yang raised his head and glanced, and several street lamps around him were all broken, which made a large area around the statue completely dark.

Qin Yang frowned, a little more vigilant in his heart.

Along the way, although the street lights are sparse and the lights are dim, they are all still on, but the street lights around the statue are all broken?

Qin Yang walked under a street lamp, stepped on the ground, and suddenly made a crisp sound, like a crack.

Qin Yang retracted his feet, took out his phone, turned on the flashlight mode, and shone on the soles of his feet.

A few scattered fragments appeared under the bright light, and the sound just now was made by Qin Yang stepping on one of the fragments.

Qin Yang frowned. This street lamp was obviously broken by someone with something, which means that some people didn't want the street lamp to turn on.

The comer is not kind.

Qin Yang's heart suddenly suspended, he watched the surroundings vigilantly, and then slowly approached the statue.

Just four or five meters away from the statue, Qin Yang suddenly stopped.

Qin Yang stared at the statue tightly: "Who, come out!"

Behind the statue turned out a man covered in black, with a black mask on his head, like the kind of armor mask in a fencing hall. It completely wrapped his head, tightly, and looked at all. Not his face.

The man stood in place, his whole person seemed to blend in with the night, and the eyes behind the mask revealed a cold light.

Qin Yang stared at the man who appeared like a ghost, and said in a deep voice, "Who are you and why did you ask me to come here?"

The black-clothed man suddenly exerted force under his feet, and his whole body rushed towards Qin Yang like a cannonball, at an astonishing speed.

In the blink of an eye, this man had already rushed to the front of Qin Yang, using his left foot as the axis, his right foot swept across suddenly, smashing into Qin Yang's head like a big windmill.

This kick was fast and cruel, and even brought a strong sound of breaking wind.

Qin Yang was awe-inspiring in his heart, erected his arms, and circulated his internal air to cover his head.

Seeing Qin Yang's movements, the man in black showed a cold and playful light in his eyes.

His foot hit Qin Yang's arm fiercely, making a dull sound.

Qin Yang only felt a huge force coming from the opponent's foot, and his arm stabbed, as if he had been hit with a big hammer.

Qin Yang's body couldn't help but stepped back several steps in a row to buffer the huge and ferocious force.


Qin Yang was shocked. The strength of this black man was so powerful that only a practitioner could possess such a powerful force to kick such a cruel leg.

If Qin Yang was just an ordinary person and hadn't had the luck to gather internal energy on his arm, I am afraid that this foot alone would be enough to kick his arm off.

"You are a practitioner!"

This thought appeared in Qin Yang's mind, but the man in black had already blurted it out, his low voice full of shock that could not be concealed.

He just thought that his leg could completely destroy Qin Yang's arm, so when he saw Qin Yang using his arm as his leg, he would show joking and mocking eyes, because he knew the strength of his leg. People simply can't stop this.

But Qin Yang blocked it!


Qin Yang was also shocked when he heard the black-clothed man's voice. The other party's voice was full of shock, which meant that the other party didn't understand his own details?

The other party also doesn't know that he is a practitioner?

Qin Yang stared at the black man coldly: "Who are you?"

The man in black didn't have any nonsense, and rushed up again, his fists and feet were like wind, his moves were fierce.

Qin Yang was also curious about the identity of this man in his heart. He didn't rush to draw his gun, so he greeted him with bare hands.

The strength of this black man is very strong, and his shots are extremely fierce. The whole person is like a humanoid tyrannosaurus.

The tiles on the ground shattered with the footsteps of the black-clothed man, each of his blows carried at least hundreds of kilograms of fierce force.

Qin Yang didn't fight with him, his steps were light, his figure was constantly turning like a phantom, the man in black always lost his fists or was led by Qin Yang.

Qin Yang hadn't fought like this with the practitioner for a long time. After a fight, he actually got into a fight. With a low growl, like a tiger, he rushed towards the man in black.

A series of attacks of the black-clothed man was blocked by Qin Yang. He suddenly turned over strangely in the air, and a fierce and unusual side kick hit Qin Yang's heart directly.

This kick was fast and weird. It was kicked from an unexpected angle. Qin Yang didn't have time to dodge, only his arm was retracted and blocked his chest.

This kick hit Qin Yang's arm fiercely, causing Qin Yang to slide several meters to the rear, but this weird and ferocious kick was also blocked by Qin Yang.

The man in black saw Qin Yang blocking this foot, his eyes flashed, and he turned around and ran without saying a word.

Qin Yang chased it quickly, but found that the man had bypassed the huge and dashed into a small forest not far behind the statue. He moved quickly, and obviously the other party had already detected it. The escape route.

Qin Yang did not chase, staring at the disappearing back of the other party, frowning.

Who is this guy?

If he doesn't agree with him, he will shoot, and he will be fierce, he will never show mercy, as if he is going to kill himself.

The strangest thing is that the other party doesn't seem to know that he is a cultivator, just now he couldn't help but exclaimed.

The other party seemed to think that he had eaten himself, but later found out that he was a cultivator, but he couldn't help himself. Even the weird kick was blocked by himself, so he chose to escape.

Qin Yang was thinking of the opponent's last very strange and cruel kick just now. This kick should also have a good way. Maybe he should ask the master to see if he knows the origin of this trick...


Entertain a few authors from other places, the update is late, sorry.

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