The Supreme Spy

Chapter 460: Be a good person in your next life

Li Nantian's eyes widened in horror, because he found that his body was not obedient.

Qin Yang stood up straight, watching Li Nantian fall to the ground, and all the daggers in his hand fell to the ground, and he was relieved.

Although he has always been determined in his heart, Li Nantian is very strong after all. If he gets close to him, he probably won't even have a chance to draw a gun.

Qin Yang waited for ten seconds before slowly approaching Li Nantian and kicked away the dagger that had fallen on the ground.

Li Nantian fell to the ground and did not faint. I have to say that the cultivator's physique is indeed very strong, but his body is completely immobile, and he can't even open his mouth.

Qin Yang walked over and squatted down in front of Li Nantian.

"I don't know what this is, right, but you always know the anesthetic. To deal with you, wherever you need to ambush, I can easily clean up you myself."

Qin Yang took out the pistol he had stuck in his waist and shook it in front of Li Nantian.

Li Nantian's eyes fell on the pistol, with a look of shock in his eyes.

He suddenly realized that he didn't even know Qin Yang at all.

That peculiar pen that can shoot with anesthesia may be a gadget made by a hidden door, but what about this pistol?

This pistol is exquisitely made, and at first glance it is clear that it is definitely not a poorly crafted imitation that is circulating on the black market.

Qin Yang didn't say much, he put the gun back in his waist and smiled lightly at Li Nantian.

Li Nantian looked at Qin Yang's faint smile, and his heart was suddenly filled with despair.

Qin Yang was able to show himself the gun, which meant that the other party was not prepared to let himself go down the mountain alive.

Li Nantian didn’t have much fear in his heart, because he disregarded his brother Li Yuan’s persuasion, he must deal with Qin Yang himself, and he was ready for failure or even death, but he was full of unwillingness in the face of such failure. .

Not because of failure, but because he suddenly felt stupid.

I thought my strength was far better than Qin Yang. As long as I found the opportunity for Qin Yang to be alone, I would definitely be able to quietly kill Qin Yang and avenge his son, but now I realized that this was just my own imagination.

I thought I was an experienced hunter, but turned out to be a fool!

The feeling of being fooled filled his heart.

Li Nantian wants to ask a question now, who are you?

Qin Yang didn't give him a chance to ask. He walked behind Li Nantian and hugged his neck from behind.

Li Nantian stared at Qin Yang, who was close at hand, and looked at the indifference in his pupils. After all, Li Nantian's eyes were somewhat afraid.

He wanted to say something, but he couldn't control his body.

He was like a fish thrown ashore, his eyes fixed on Qin Yang.

Resentment, unwillingness, fear...

Qin Yang stared at him indifferently, and said coldly: "People don’t offend me, and I don’t offend people. Since you choose to be a six-born minion and become my enemy, then you must have the consciousness of failure and death. ."

"In the next a good person!"

As the last sentence fell into Li Nantian's ears, Qin Yang broke Li Nantian's neck with a wrong hand.

Qin Yang helped Li Nantian up, leaning on a big tree, making him feel like he was resting. He picked up his dagger, and finally sat beside him, looking like it from a distance. The young and old sit under the tree to rest after being tired.

Qin Yang took out his cell phone and dialed the number of Dragon King Ye Xidong.

Qin Yang succinctly explained the grievances and grievances of his teacher and his current affairs. Ye Xidong and his master Mo Yu are old friends, and Qin Yang doesn't have to hide anything from him, and the whole thing is a victim, even today. , By the end, it was Li Nantian who wanted to kill himself, and just fought back.

"You have already notified Huo Jinhai, right, yes, I will call him again, he will help you with similar things in the future, you must not reveal your identity, and you must pay attention to your identity, and you must not do anything. Do you understand what I mean when it comes to your authority?"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "I understand that if it weren't for Li Nantian's intention to kill me, I would not deal with him, and I would not abuse my power."

Ye Xidong hummed: "I believe you understand the distinction. If others bully you, you can naturally fight back. Even if there is anything wrong, we will carry it for you."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Okay!"

Ye Xidong also knows Qin Yang very well, knowing that he will not mess around with his membership in the Dragon Group, so he didn't say much.

Qin Yang suddenly remembered something, and the Hui reported: "By the way, Princess Connie invited me to Yinggle to treat her aunt..."

Qin Yang briefly reported the incident. He is an active agent of the Dragon Group. If he wants to go abroad, he must report to the organization for instructions.

Ye Xidong seemed to be taken aback: "Princess Connie's aunt?"

Qin Yang nodded: "Yes, because when I was playing with Princess Connie before, in order to save people, she knew that I was very good at medicine, and her aunt's name was Mina..."

Ye Xidong was silent for a few seconds: "It's a coincidence, you can go, there is just one thing for you to complete."

Qin Yang raised his brows: "Task?"

"Well, that's it."

Ye Xidong replied: "In fact, it has something to do with the chip you sent back."

Qin Yang asked strangely: "Isn't that chip already deciphered?"

"Yes, it is precisely because of the deciphering that we have learned more things. We have fallen behind a lot in some things. We must speed up our pace. There is a company in Ingles that studies all the technologies, which we urgently need. You will need to get information about this technology at that time."

Since it was a serious matter, and it was still a task, Qin Yang would naturally not fail to agree, and nodded readily: "Okay!"

Qin Yang helped Connie treat her aunt's injury. It was a private matter. It was a business matter to complete the task. It was a different matter. Naturally, Qin Yang would not feel inappropriate or something because of his relationship with Connie.

Qin Yang hung up the phone and sat there, waiting quietly.

After about half an hour, Qin Yang's phone rang, but when Qin Yang saw it, it was Han Qingqing.

Han Qingqing's voice is full of concern: "Where are you?"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "I am in the dense forest halfway up the mountain."

Han Qingqing asked softly: "Are you okay?"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "It's don't worry."

"Are you worried about that person, did not show up?"

Qin Yang whispered: "It has appeared, it has been done."

Han Qingqing's voice was slightly louder twice: "It's done?"

Qin Yang gave a hum without explaining in detail: "I am waiting for someone to deal with it. It is estimated that it will take another hour. You guys play it first, and I'll be back in a while."

Han Qingqing hesitated for a few seconds over there: "Can I come and have a look?"

ps: Second, continue~


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