The Supreme Spy

Chapter 472: 1 If you don't agree, start playing

Situ Xiang stared at Qin Yang with a bad expression, she was very upset with the current mode of conversation.

I was still studying Qin Yang, but they had come to the door with a carefree smile, sitting on the opposite side with a smile, looking at him relaxedly, and talking to him in a very relaxed tone.

Although everyone met for the first time, there was always a feeling of being suppressed.

This feeling made the cold color on Situ Xiang's face two more points, and said faintly: "You are right, we are the first time we met, we are not familiar, so there is no need to have a good face to you."

Qin Yang shook his head. He naturally saw the unkindness in Situ Xiang's eyes, but he could also feel it. Situ Xiang was obviously a little bit "stunned" about his arrival, especially when he was studying his own materials. I came to kill myself...


What a coincidence!

Qin Yang couldn't help but smile a little in his heart. He didn't care about Situ Xiang's attitude towards him. After all, the two were opponents, or even enemies. He was just a little funny, even a little bit caught off guard. Proud of.

No matter how good Situ Xiang was, she definitely never thought that she would come to the door suddenly.

Was it unexpected?


Situ Xiang looked at Qin Yang's mouth with a smile that became more visible than before, and his eyes became a little more angry.

"Why are you laughing?"

Qin Yang smiled, did not answer Situ Xiang's question, but asked again: "What is the instruction your master gave you, defeat me, or kill me?"

Situ Xiang said coldly: "I have answered it just now."

Qin Yang shook his head helplessly: "Can we not fight?"

Situ Xiang's eyes showed a somewhat mocking look: "What, are you afraid?"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "No grievances and no grudges, life and death, it is unnecessary. If you want to practice or kill, you can continue to go to Japan. I just want to study quietly for a few years. ."

Situ Xiang's pupils shrank slightly, and Qin Yang knew what happened to him in Japan!

"You know, it's useless to say that all of these are useless. Of the two of us, one of us must fall down!"

Qin Yang frowned, and then asked, "Have your enemy been found? Will the grudge be avenged?"

Situ Xiang stood up suddenly, his eyes had become quite dangerous, and his whole person was like a bomb that was about to explode at any time.

Qin Yang's complexion was calm: "It is natural that we must report the grudges of our parents. I think this is more important than ours. You might as well focus on this matter."

Situ Xiang gritted his teeth and stared at Qin Yang. If she had to deal with Qin Yang just because of her master's orders, now she has a little more personal feelings.

This guy is so annoying!

Poke a knife and sprinkle salt on the wound!

She knows who her enemy is, but it is not enough to take revenge with her current strength, and Lu Tiansheng said that revenge is her own business, he will not help, or perhaps it is Lu Tiansheng's words that make her do this Years of desperate practice, only then have such outstanding strength.

"Clean up you, don't need too much energy!"..

Qin Yang curled his lips: "Hey, you are a beautiful person, but you are too murderous. Whoever marries you in the future will fight and kill you if you come or not. This is a peaceful age. Can’t this matter be resolved peacefully, or should we change it?"

Situ Xiang's hands holding down the tabletop have faintly violently violent two veins, and her voice has become more and more cold: "What way?"

Qin Yang said with a smile: "How about we rock-paper-scissors? Three rounds are determined to win or lose? Well, fifteen or twenty is OK, how, it's simple, and it doesn't hurt your harmony..."


Situ Xiang's hands suddenly slapped on the desk, the sandalwood desk was suddenly sunken with two or two palm prints, and Situ Xiang's body was already weightless, and flew up directly, past the large desk. The whole person rushed towards Qin Yang like a goshawk fighting a rabbit.

Qin Yang's pupils suddenly shrank. Although he had been ridiculing Situ Xiang all the time, Qin Yang had always been on guard against his enemies. After all, the woman in front of him was not a good man and a believer, she must be in her hands. There are a lot of human lives.

Qin Yang was originally sitting on a chair. He didn't rush to get up. Instead, he kicked heavily on the side of the desk in front of him with his legs and feet. The huge counter-shock force pushed his chair. Sliding towards the rear, he also avoided Situ Xiang's pounce.

Situ Xiang fell to the ground, leaned forward, and swept towards Qin Yang with his backhand.

Qin Yang had already stood up from the chair, holding the back of the chair with his right hand, and turning it over, the chair suddenly rotated and met Situ Xiang's leg sweep.


The handle of the chair slammed into Situ Xiang’s leg. The handle of the chair broke open instantly, but Situ Xiang didn’t seem to feel anything. After kicking off the stool, he swept the stool to the side and threw forward with an elbow. Hit Qin Yang's chest.

This woman is so cruel!

This is a complete killer!

Qin Yang crossed his arms and stood in front of him. Situ Xiang's elbow hit directly on Qin Yang's arm.

Qin Yang only felt a strong force coming, and his body flew out directly to the rear, slammed into the back of the door with a loud bang.

Qin Yang had just landed, and Situ Xiang had already rushed over and swept fiercely. Qin Yang didn't fight her recklessly, and avoided the foot by making a mistake.

Situ Xiang's foot was kicking on the door, making a dull loud noise.


The wooden door directly kicked Situ Xiang into a big Qin Yang stepped back a few steps. At this time, the door was opened from the outside, and Situ Xiang’s secretary stood at the door with a worried look. .

Qin Yang stepped away, jumped to the side of her secretary, and smiled: "Your chairman is crazy..."

Situ Xiang gritted his teeth and wanted to continue to do it, but found that Qin Yang was hiding behind his secretary. He couldn't attack at all, and after the door was opened, all the employees outside turned their heads and looked here.

Situ Xiang knew that this fight could not go on anymore, so he retracted his feet and hummed coldly: "Don't you feel embarrassed by the big man hiding behind the woman?"

Qin Yang smiled, stretched out his hand and rubbed his sore arms, moved the muscles of his back, and said grinning: "The big man should also see what he is facing. If it is a female tyrannosaurus, Who can hold it?"

Situ Xiang raised his brows a bit, and snorted coldly, "You are not welcome here, please!"

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