The Supreme Spy

Chapter 496: I do not know who he is

Zhou Wu leaned on the bed, looking at Qin Yang who was sitting opposite him, his eyes evasive.

Qin Yang walked into the ward, did not speak, just stared at him calmly.

The calm gaze carries an invisible power of scrutiny.

Zhou Wu couldn't meet Qin Yang's gaze, so he dropped his head.

"Who hired you to kill me?"

Zhou Wu's drooping gaze suddenly changed, and his face changed a little, but he still pretended to be confused.

"I don't understand what you are talking about, and who are you?"

A smile appeared on Qin Yang's face: "Zhou Wu, you have an honest personality. Even if you lie, you don't look like it at all."

Zhou Wu pressed his mouth tightly, did not speak, and tried to use silence to counter Qin Yang's words.

Qin Yang was not in a hurry, and said softly: "Since you woke up, you haven't seen me, but you have looked at you like this since I entered the house. Since you don't know who I am, why don't you ask who I am? Why don't you dare to look into my eyes?"

"You don’t ask who I am, it’s because you know who I am, because you already know who I am before you start the car and crash into me. Maybe you don’t necessarily know my name or who I am, but You know my car, my looks, and I am the one you want to kill."

"You dare not look into my eyes because of your guilty conscience and guilt. You can get yourself drunk and drive the truck while drunk and hit me, but now you are sober, you can't face my eyes because of you Have done something to murder me!"

A panic flashed in Zhou Wu's eyes: "I didn't, it was just an accident..."

Qin Yang interrupted Zhou Wu's words: "Then how do you explain the one million you put under the closet at home?"

Zhou Wu's face suddenly changed: "What a million, I don't know what you are talking about."

Qin Yang frowned and said, "On May 2 you went to the Municipal People’s Hospital to see the disease, the oncology department, and the advanced liver cancer. You can only live for three to six months. In order to leave a sum of money for your wife and children, you accepted Someone’s employment killed me in a drunk driving accident. You were ready to die directly, so you left the money and a letter. What you didn’t expect was that I didn’t die, you It's not dead, and the money has been exposed."

Before Zhou Wu finished speaking, Qin Yang's voice turned cold: "As a father, you can say that you have given everything, but as a person, you violated your conscience. You became a murderer for your wife and children. Go and kill someone who has nothing to do with you."

"Tell me the truth, I don’t have to tell your children about this, otherwise, once your children know that their beloved father is a murderer, what will they think of you and what will their classmates and friends do? Look at them..."

"No, you can't do this!"

Before Qin Yang had spoken, Zhou Wu hurriedly interrupted Qin Yang's words, his voice filled with regret and despair: "You can't do this, you will ruin their entire life if you do it, they are still young..."


Qin Yang looked at Zhou Wu coldly: "Your son is 16 years old this year and he is in high school. Do you know how old I am? I just turned 20. Your son is young. You are worried about ruining his life, but you can I thought you wanted to murder me. I also have parents. What about my life?"

Zhou Wu was stunned, tears welled up in his eyes, he closed his eyes and gritted his teeth.

"I'm sorry, it's all my sins. I don't feel sorry for my death. Please forgive me. You take the one million. I don't want anything. Please don't tell my son and daughter about this matter... please. Up!"

Zhou Wu looked at Qin Yang imploringly, as if worried that Qin Yang would disagree. He struggled to get up from the bed, and then knelt in front of Qin Yang.

Qin Yang looked at Zhou Wu who was almost collapsed, and said in a deep voice, "Tell me the truth."

Zhou Wu looked at Qin Yang imploringly: "If I tell you everything, you won't tell my son and daughter, and my wife. I didn't tell her about this. They don't know anything... "

Qin Yang nodded: "I can promise you this."

Qiao Wei has investigated Zhou Wu. He is an honest middle-aged man who works hard, loves his family, his wife, and his children. This is also the reason why Qin Yang is willing to talk so much with him.

Although he chose to kill for the money, this is indeed an unforgivable mistake, but from his experience, he is a poor man.

Although Qin Yang was the murdered person, he still sympathized with Zhou Wu's experience.

What he said just now was just to force Zhou Wu to tell the truth. In fact, even if Zhou Wu said nothing, he would not tell Zhou Wu’s children about it. As Zhou Wu said, this might change. The life of two children.

When Zhou Wu listened to Qin Yang's promise, he was finally relieved.

"Yes, someone hired me to kill you. The reward is the one million, but I don't know who he is..."

Qin Yang frowned: "You don't know who he is?"

Zhou Wu didn't seem to believe Qin and quickly explained: "I didn't lie to you, I really don't know who he is, I only know that it is a man."

"What does it look like?"

Zhou Wu shook his head blankly: "I don't know, because I haven't seen him."

Qin Yang's heart sank: "Then how did the other party contact you, how did you negotiate the terms, how did you give you the one million?"

Zhou Wu didn’t hesitate this time, and quickly replied: “I contacted by phone. On my way from get off work that day, I suddenly received the call. There was a man on the phone. He didn’t know where he got the news about my advanced liver cancer. He asked me if Do you want to make a fortune for your wife and children during the last period of your life..."

Zhou Wu showed a look of shame on his face: "I rejected him subconsciously at the time. One day later, he called again and offered a direct price of one million. If I just left, my wife and children would live a life. How miserable, I was always worried about this, but finally couldn't help but agree to him."

"He readily gave one million. He put the million in one place and asked me to take it. I didn't see anyone. Then he told me to stand by at any time. Two days ago, he asked me to Waiting at the intersection of Songpo Road, saying that you are going to pass there, but because the traffic was a bit congested at the time, the plan was finally cancelled."

Qin Yang opened his eyes wide, his eyes a little surprised.

Is this plan more than once?

Qin Yang recalled for a while, he did have to pass the Songbo Road intersection when he went to the company two days ago and when he went home. In other words, when he passed there two days ago, someone had already prepared to give him a fatal blow, just because of the traffic conditions. Have you escaped accidentally?

The failure of the first two days, and then the crash last night?

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