The Supreme Spy

Chapter 507: Do you like him?

Lin Fang watched Qin Yang's back disappear at the door, and turned to look at Xue Wantong, who was covering his face, with two subtle eyes. &1t;/

"Xiao Qin has already left, here is the two of us, what's the embarrassment, what is going on... he is giving you breast enhancement?"&1t;/

Xue Wantong released her hand, blushed, bit her lip and nodded. Then she seemed to be afraid of her mother's scolding. She explained: "He is really a genius doctor. He has acupuncture and moxibustion several times, plus medicine and massage. a to c..."&1t;/

As a woman, Lin Fang naturally understood Xue Wantong's pain in her heart when she was a princess with a flat chest, and a smile appeared on her face. &1t;/

"Heal the disease, treat him as a doctor, there is nothing to be shy, let alone Xiao Qin's character, trustworthy..."&1t;/

Xue Wantong breathed a sigh of relief and added: "He is a gentleman, he touches me only when it is necessary to check, and he doesn't touch me outside."&1t;/

Lin Fang gave a hum and looked at Xue Wantong, who was covered in sweat: "You go and clean it first."&1t;/

Xue Wantong got up from the bed, and the sharp-eyed Lin Fang found that Xue Wantong's body was wet. Obviously, this was not sweat. &1t;/

Lin Fang's vision suddenly became a little more complicated. &1t;/

Xue Wantong bit her lip, not daring to look at her mother's eyes, and tore off the sheets, hugged them and slipped into the bathroom, began to clean themselves and change clothes. &1t;/

After a long while, Xue Wantong finished sorting it out, changed his clothes and went back outside. &1t;/

"Mom, do you blame me?"&1t;/

Lin Fang smiled and said, "I blame you for what you are doing. Women want to make themselves beautiful. There is nothing wrong with it. Acupuncture and moxibustion are better than those who use surgery in hospitals. Besides, aren't most of the plastic surgeons all men? Mom is not an old antique..."&1t;/

Xue Wantong finally breathed a sigh of relief, and her face that had been nervous all the time became relaxed: "Yes, that's what I think..."&1t;/

Lin Fang smiled and looked at her daughter, and suddenly said coldly, "Do you like Qin Yang?"&1t;/

Xue Wantong was startled, and subconsciously retorted: "How come he is my student..."&1t;/

Lin Fang sighed softly: "Just because he is your student, if you don't like him, even if he is a doctor, a genius doctor, how can you show your upper body in front of him and let him touch..." &1t;/

Xue Wantong's face turned red all of a sudden, and the momentum of the rebuttal just now weakened a bit: "Really not."&1t;/

Lin Fang stretched out and took Xue Wantong's hand, sat down by the bed, glanced at the still a little wet bed, and smiled softly: "You are the meat that fell from your mother's belly. You grew up watching you from childhood. What kind of person, I still don’t know?"&1t;/

"If it weren't for the person you like, would you let him see your body like this? You would be willing to show this way in front of him. I am afraid that even if it makes you die, you can't do it."&1t;/

"You said that he is a doctor. Yes, he is indeed a genius doctor. Although I don't know medical skills, I know that acupuncture and moxibustion combined with drugs can give people so much **** in a short time. This is definitely not something anyone can do. ”&1t;/

"You tell yourself that he is a doctor and that you are a patient is nothing more than giving yourself a psychological comfort. Mom will ask you, if you change a man, you still have this kind of medical skills, would you take the initiative to seek medical advice? Do you?"&1t;/

Xue Wantong bit her lip and said nothing, but her face was already red and hot, as if it were burning. &1t;/

Would you like to change someone else? &1t;/

Xue Wantong thought about this question in his mind before he came up with the answer for less than a second, of course he was unwilling. &1t;/

Even Qin Yang made the decision after how fierce psychological struggle he was. How long did he paralyze himself before he took the initiative to seek medical treatment? &1t;/

This is still so many things before he and Qin Yang, his bravery in ktv, his generosity to Xiaoqin, his help to his mother, his warning to his purposeful boss, his caring to himself A little bit of protection was stamped on her heart, and finally she could make this decision. &1t;/

In fact, there is another thought in her subconscious, that is Qin Yang, even if he looks at his body, nothing will happen, is it not an outsider...&1t;/

Seeing Xue Wantong not speaking, Lin Fang sighed, knowing that she had already acquiesced in her heart. &1t;/

The daughter is several years older than Qin Yang, and the daughter is also Qin Yang’s teacher. Regardless of whether Qin Yang is willing or not, the public opinion barriers in the middle are not easily crossed...&1t;/

"How does Xiao Qin treat you? Does he have feelings for you? I mean the kind between men and women?"&1t;/

Xue Wantong's eyes were a bit complicated, and she shook her head: "It shouldn't be. He should just treat me as a teacher, a sister, and a friend. There are a lot of beautiful girls around her, such as department flowers, school flowers, and big stars. They all like him. ……"&1t;/

Lin Fang reached out and held Xue Wantong's hand: "Xiao Qin is a very capable man. It is normal for many women to like him. If he likes you, you can overcome any difficulties and you can try hard. Don’t let yourself leave regrets, but if he doesn’t like you, don’t force yourself. It will only make yourself more miserable. Keep the current relationship. It’s a good thing."&1t;/

Xue Wantong lowered her long eyelashes and said softly: "I know."&1t;/

Lin Fang sighed: "We women, the most important thing is to meet a man who likes himself and is willing to protect and take care of himself. Even if the life is a bit harder, he is happy, but with a man who doesn't like him. Together, that's a kind of pain. Mom made a mistake once in this life and was wrong for half of her life. I don't want you to go the same way."&1t;/

Lin Fang said this from the bottom of her heart. When she was young, she was deceived by Xue Wantong’s father's ingenious words thinking that she met true love, but who knew it was a gangster who eloped for love but got a bleak result. This made Lin Fang feel very embarrassed. &1t;/

Xue Wantong naturally understood her mother's concern, her eyes suddenly red, and she reached out and hugged Lin Fang: "Mom, don't worry, Qin Yang is not that kind of person, he has helped me a lot, he is careful and gentle, as long as he is there, what I can’t hurt me. I feel very secure. I can’t help but like him, but I don’t know how to do anything. I just put this emotion in my mind. Someone likes it. Although it is bitter, it’s also a kind of thinking about it. Happiness."&1t;/

Lin Fang reached out and touched Xue Wantong's head with tears in her eyes: "Xiaotong, you are so beautiful and gentle and virtuous. You will definitely meet other good men. You will be happy."&1t;/

Xue Wantong said, did not speak any more, but Qin Yang's clean and sunny smiling face floated unconsciously in her heart, with calmness and calmness in her smile, as if nothing in the world could hold him...&1t;/


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