The Supreme Spy

Chapter 510: Gene technology

Luo Shiqian hurried to the company early in the morning, and Qin Yang continued to sleep for a while, and then slowly got up from the bed.

At dinner last night, Qin Yang persuaded her not to work so hard. Anyway, her son can earn money now, or not bad at all. Why should she be so tired?

Luo Shiqian replied that work is not only for money. There are so many people up and down in the company. Since everyone has chosen her and worked for her, she cannot be irresponsible. As a boss, she has the obligation to lead everyone forward and make everyone earn more. A lot of money can't make everyone hungry.

What's more, you can't just stay at home all day just because you have money?

People have to do something to live, right?

Those world-famous wealthy people are still working hard because they are many years old?

Qin Yang could understand this, but only a wry smile. Isn't the mother's words similar to his father's behavior?

Work is not only about making money and eating, but also about responsibilities and dreams.

There is nothing wrong with this.

After washing lazily, Qin Yang changed his clothes and drove to the residence of Dragon King Ye Xidong.

Ye Xidong was sitting on the sand looking at a document, watching Qin Yang come in, a little smile appeared on his face.


Qin Yang casually sat down on the sand opposite Ye Xidong, flipped a teacup, and poured himself a cup of tea.

"Yeah, I used a hole-breaking pill, and I broke another hole in the past two months. Now it's middle 14.

Ye Xidong smiled and said, "Yes, you are only twenty years old, and you have reached the strength of fourteen. The future is limitless."

Qin Yang smiled, took a sip of tea, "What did you find for me this time?"

"The things you draw out naturally require you to continue doing it. Don't worry, you won't treat you badly. When everything is mature, you will be the first person to eat crabs, provided that you have the courage."

Qin Yang's expression was a little curious: "Old man, let me tell you what the **** is it."

Ye Xidong didn't mind Qin Yang calling himself an old man, but a kindly smile appeared on his face, as if looking at his naughty grandson.

"The chip you brought back has the most advanced genetic technology in the world. Of course, it is not complete, so other technologies are needed to match it and improve it."

"Genetic technology?"

Qin Yang was shocked: "Where did it come from?"

Ye Xidong smiled slightly: "Japan, have you seen that person who works in Japan? He actually works in a secret agency. He should have brought this thing out of it."

After a pause, Ye Xidong smiled and said: "Gene technology is one of the main research directions in the world. I hope that it can find ways to make humans stronger, um, for example, make people live longer or even live longer."

Qin Yang curled his lips: "I am immortal, this is a mythology novel."

Ye Xidong smiled and said: "How is it a myth? Haven't you seen it in the movie. Body cloning plus consciousness transfer, isn't it a certain degree of immortality?"

Qin Yang blinked: "That's a movie after all."

There is something subtle in Ye Xidong’s smile: "When the technology reaches a certain level, science fiction is no longer science fiction, but a fact that can be realized. Just like ancient times, can they imagine that people can fly to the sky or even fly out of the earth? Can you imagine that a weapon can destroy a city?"

Qin Yang put down the tea cup in his hand and asked seriously: "Then what direction do I bring back this genetic technology?"

Ye Xidong replied softly: "Genetic modification."

Qin Yang opened his eyes wide: "Can you turn ordinary people into people?"

Ye Xidong picked up the teapot in front of him, and slowly poured tea into his quilt: "It is naturally impossible for humans, but well, if you change your physical fitness and get a little training, you may be a powerful fighter, or even not worse than a practitioner. Do you think this technology is valuable?"

Qin Yang took a breath of air. It is not easy for a practitioner to cultivate, and his strength is slow to improve. However, through genetic modification, ordinary people can be transformed into existences comparable to practitioners in a very short time. Then this technique is simply against the sky.

One or two may not bring any changes to the world, but if it is a structural change, an army composed entirely of powerful practitioners, how terrifying would it be?

"Similar to the physical training of Western practitioners?"

Dragon King shook his head: "There are similarities, but they are not the same. You must have seen some science fiction novels or movies. The human body is originally a treasure, but the degree of exploitation is too low. If the treasure can be discovered through genetic modification technology, so What you show will surely surprise people, but it's not just about making people stronger."

Qin Yang asked in astonishment, "Isn't the world going to change drastically?"

The Dragon King’s expression is calm: “When did the world stop changing? With the increasing advancement of technology, the changes every day are even greater, like a snowball. Genetic technology is just one link in this huge change. We What we need to do is to keep our country at the forefront of the world amidst constant changes, and the principle that backwardness will be beaten has not changed since ancient times."

Qin Yang thought for a while, and shook his head helplessly: "Well, poor knowledge limits my imagination. Just tell me what I am going to do this time."

Dragon King picked up a file from his side and handed it to Qin Yang.

"You need to get a copy of their recent research results on Bell Enzymes from the Haig Institute. This Haig Institute appears to be a private research institute. In fact, his background is the British military background. Many research projects are The English military is behind the funding and promotion."

Qin Yang opened the folder, which contained the information of the Haig Institute and a simple information about the Bell enzyme.

Qin Yang scanned it again and raised his head: "Someone should cooperate, otherwise, I am alone. Wouldn't I rush into the research institute with a gun and point the gun at someone's head to let me give me the results of the research?"

A somewhat funny smile appeared on Ye Xidong's face: "If you rush in with a gun, there can only be one result."


Ye Xidong said with a smile: "The result is being This Haig Institute has a military background, and many of the research projects are promoted by the military. If anyone rushes in with a pistol If you can **** the results of the research project inside, then this Haig Institute probably won't exist long ago."

Qin Yang shrugged, "So, are we in there?"

"Of course no one is inside. Even if it is inside, it is useless. However, our people have contact with people inside and will provide us with something, but it is obviously not the core research result."

Contact the people inside?

Qin Yang smiled, he naturally understood this.

The intelligence war between country and country has never stopped...


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