The Supreme Spy

Chapter 516: Shameful

Nine silver needles were inserted into Mina's back. When Qin Yang's fingers flicked the silver needles lightly, all the silver needles with different lengths and depths trembled, and they quivered in different ways.

Some quivered back and forth, some quivered in circles, and each trembling silver needle was like a butterfly flying.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

What kind of stitch is this?

Kenrad and Connie were full of expectation in their eyes. Seeing Qin Yang's magical needle technique, they believed Qin Yang's words more in their hearts.

Arras' eyes widened as well, but the meaning in his eyes was completely different.

He is a doctor, and he has heard of acupuncture and moxibustion in Chinese medicine. Even if he never approves of acupuncture and moxibustion, he thinks it is not in accordance with medical theory, but he also knows what acupuncture and moxibustion is like, but the scene before him is thorough. Subverted his understanding.

Can acupuncture be performed like this?

Qin Yang didn't pay attention to the faces of a few people, he had already devoted himself to the treatment.

When he stopped the bleeding for Lu Junyi on the train before, he still encouraged to support the nine stitches, which was very difficult. That was because he was not strong enough. Now he has been promoted to the Xiaocheng stage, and his strength has been a qualitative leap. The needle control has also increased a lot, and now it is quite easy to control the nine needles.

If necessary, Qin Yang is now able to support the eleven stitches, and only when Qin Yang reaches the Dacheng stage one day and his body is full of energy, can he truly control the thirteen stitches satisfactorily.

Acupuncture needles are applied to people. With each additional needle, the lifting effect is superimposed, like a snowball, because these needles are related. The more the connection, the better the effect.

Mina’s symptoms are actually similar to those of Lei Jianjun’s legs. Mina’s spinal nerves are damaged, and Lei Jianjun’s legs are nerve atrophy. The treatment is the same.

Now that Qin Yang's strength is higher, he is even more comfortable in his treatment. After about ten minutes of acupuncture and moxibustion, Mina who was lying quietly on the bed suddenly let out an exclamation.

"My back seems to have a feeling!"

Kenrath widened his eyes and asked in surprise: "Do you really feel it?"

Mina's face is also full of surprise: "Well, I didn't even feel the needle in the central area of ​​my back before, but now I feel a slight tingling sensation, um, it's like an electric shock. A feeling..."

Alas opened his eyes wide and looked at the scene before him in shock.

"Madam, are you sure you feel right?"

Mina said affirmatively: "Absolutely true. I was not aware of that position before, but now I am aware. This is obvious."

Alas opened his mouth wide, and the whole person seemed to be a little lost: "This is impossible, how can you be conscious?"

Alas muttered to himself, but Kenrat frowned next to him, his eyes a little bit of dislike.

Isn’t it a good thing for my wife to regain consciousness? If you still speak with this expression, do you feel normal and happy until you can’t regain consciousness?

Alas didn't seem to see Kenrat's gaze at all, and subconsciously moved up, and opened his mouth to ask: "Why is this happening? How did you do it?"

Qin Yang was concentrating on acupuncture for Mina, and Alas suddenly came up like this, almost blocking Qin Yang's vision, and suddenly became a little angry. He turned his head and stared at Alas in coldly, and shouted in a low voice: "Quiet!"

Alas was glared by Qin Yang's cold gaze, and a cold air suddenly rose from his heart, as if a bucket of ice water was poured directly on his head. He suddenly came to his senses and walked away. Two steps, as soon as he turned his head, he saw Kenrath's somewhat disgusting look, and his face suddenly burned when he remembered what he had said.

Alas took two steps back, but out of curiosity about Qin Yang's acupuncture and the results, he gritted his teeth and sat down beside him, staring at Qin Yang without saying a word.

Kenrath originally wanted to invite him out so as not to interfere with the treatment. Seeing that he had stepped away and stopped talking, the corners of his mouth curled slightly, and he did not speak any more, but once again said that his eyes fell on Qin Yang.

After another while, Qin Yang looked at his watch. Twenty minutes have passed before Qin Yang heaved a sigh of relief, straightened his waist, and then pulled out all the silver needles and put them in his needle bag. .

Kenrath stepped up and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Qin, how is the situation now?"

Unconsciously, Kenrath and Qin Yang spoke with a little more respect.

No matter in any country, capable people will always be respected accordingly. This is the truth that the whole world will not change.

Even if Kenrath is a Duke and has a noble status in Ingrid, but when all the experts are helpless, Qin Yang can save his wife, then he deserves his respect.

Whether the duke or the princess, at this time, it is not as good as the silver needle in Qin Yang's hand.

Qin Yang smiled and said: "The first time I can feel it, it shows that the situation is still very good. Madam does not need to worry. Stimulating acupuncture points to stimulate nerves is not an overnight thing. As long as I strictly follow what I say, this holiday After that, Madam should be able to go shopping easily."

When Kenrath heard what Qin Yang said, his brows were instantly pleased, and he immediately apologized: "Mr. Qin, I want to apologize solemnly to you. You came all the way to treat my wife, but I didn't give my whole heart. Believe you, please forgive me!"

Qin Yang waved his hand and smiled casually: "Mr. is serious, because you care about your wife very much, so it is normal for you to worry about gains and losses, and you don't need to apologize for it."

Kenrath insisted on bending over solemnly: "Mr. Qin, my wife's health is up to you, please!"

Qin Yang helplessly glanced at Connie, who was looking excited next to him, and smiled: "Connie and I are friends. You are Connie’s elders. I will naturally do my best. I promised Connie when I came. Passed."

Kenrath glanced at Connie with relief, and then asked: "Now that acupuncture is finished, what should we do?"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "I will prescribe some and make a soup to warm the lady's back. I will write the specifics on the prescription."

Kenrath nodded without hesitation: "Okay, we must do exactly what you say, it's not bad...Mr. Qin, does this acupuncture require acupuncture every day, or is it?"

Qin Yang shook his head and said, "No, excessive stimulation of acupuncture points will harm the body. It should be done once every three days in the first stage. When you are fully conscious, then once again in five days. When you can stand up, you can stop acupuncture and take physical rehabilitation. Keep it for half a year and it should return to normal."

Kenrath had seen Qin Yang's magical acupuncture method with his own eyes and heard his wife's feelings. At this moment, he had completely believed in Qin Yang's medical skills, and he had no doubts.

As for Arras, who is sitting next to him, he has been completely rejected by Kenrath. There is no way, who made his performance so embarrassing...


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