The Supreme Spy

Chapter 520: What a coincidence!

Qin Yang turned his head and looked at a well-dressed young man, who was walking quickly over and stood in front of Connie, very gentlemanly owed.

Connie smiled and said, "Mr. Brewer, hello."

Brewer, with his tall stature and his head slightly rolled up, straightened up, his eyes fixed on Connie's face, with such a fiery eye.

"Long time no see, Your Highness, you are getting more and more beautiful."

Connie smiled and said, "Mr. Brewer, thank you for your compliment... Everyone else, are they all here?"

Brewer nodded, his eyes turned to Qin Yang naturally: "Yes, they have already arrived, who is this?"

Connie explained sideways: "Qin Yang, my good friend of China."

Brewer narrowed his eyes slightly, smiled and stretched out his hand: "Brewer, Brewer Eaton, nice to meet you."

Qin Yang stretched out his hand to shake: "Qin Yang, it's nice to meet you."

After a simple greeting, Brewer led the two towards the clubhouse, and smiled at the same time: "Jules and Mickey have been fighting harder recently. I heard that today they are going to end in person and have a fight. Gambling, and it is said that the stakes are not small."

Connie smiled and said, "Snooker?"

Brewer smiled and said: "Yes, they had gambled at the jockey club before. Jules had a fluke win, and then mocked Mickey for a full month. How could Mickey hold his breath, so he invited him again. Jules gambled again and played billiards in person. Jules was also proficient in billiards and readily agreed."

Connie pursed her mouth and smiled, with a rather reserved smile: "It looks like we have eyes."

Qin Yang looked at the way Connie was laughing and couldn't help but curl his lips. It seemed that his evaluation was really correct.

Really reserved enough.

When she was with herself, Connie smiled whenever she wanted to, without concealing it, and without pretending, but now she smiles without showing her teeth, and she doesn't know if she is so hard.

Qin Yang curled her lips quietly, but Connie saw it. Taking advantage of Brewer's attention in front of him, she turned her head and made a grimace at Qin Yang, and then made a mouth shape, saying exactly what Qin Yang said before. "Reserved".

Qin Yang was amused by Connie's actions, and a smile appeared on his face.

When Brewer turned his head, he saw that both Qin Yang and Connie were smiling, and there seemed to be something called tacit understanding rippling between their eyes. Their eyes changed slightly, but they quickly returned to their original shape.

Walking through a corridor, Brewer pushed open the two doors, Qin Yang followed Connie and stepped into the door, looking quickly inside.

This is a very large private room. The huge floor-to-ceiling glass lighting makes the whole room very bright. There is a bar for storing all kinds of drinks, sand, billiards, and the outside position. It seems that the rear is A piece of lawn, you can also play golf.

There are men and women in the room, all well-dressed, drinking wine leisurely, and this group of people is clearly divided into two sides, it seems that the atmosphere is not very harmonious.

Connie introduced to Qin Yang in a low voice: "The one in the floral shirt on the left is Jules. His father is the president of the London Commercial Bank. The fat man on the right is Mickey. His father is the director of a well-known research institute. The two of them have been wrong for a long time, and each time they meet each other, they must be grudges."

Qin Yang glanced over the two of them, and fell on the little fat man: "What research institute?"

Brewer in the front obviously listened to the conversation between the two, and smiled and interjected: "The Haig Institute is a comprehensive institute for military and civilian equipment. It has a military background, so it has a very unique position. That's why Mickey has it. Fight with Jules with confidence."

Haig Institute?

Qin Yang narrowed his eyes for two minutes, and his task was to go to the Haig Institute to steal a copy of the research results on Bell Enzymes, but he hadn't found a contact yet, but he met Haig here first. The son of the director of the institute? ’

This is a coincidence.

Qin Yang was amazed in his heart, but when he thought about it, it seemed normal.

Each level has a circle for each level. Second generations like them naturally also have a circle. These days Qin Yang has seen a lot of the second generation with Connie. Now he encounters this Mickey, although it is a coincidence, but But it's not too coincidental.

Just such a circle, come over, who doesn’t know who?

Qin Yang suddenly became interested in two points. Although his current status is not suitable for exposure, he can always learn more.

"His Royal Highness, hello!"

Connie's appearance evoked another round of greetings, whether it was Jules, Mickey, and other men and women, all stood up and greeted respectfully.

Although Connie is the fifth in line and has little hope of inheriting the position of the queen, she is a princess after all. This name alone is enough to keep everyone respectful enough. In addition, Connie is beautiful and often The visit on behalf of the Royal Family of England naturally became more noticeable.

Qin Yang listened to these greetings and self-introductions, and sighed in his heart, even in such a small gathering, there was no soy sauce player in the family. Either the family had a knighthood, or was a rich man with a high social status, or held an important position Officials.

Connie introduced Qin Yang, and when they learned that Qin Yang was only a student in China, these people held their eyes to Qin Yang after expressing friendship.

Qin Yang was not surprised at this. In Yinggrie, appearing with Connie, this will always happen.

Qin Yang stretched out his hand to invite the waiter, asked for a glass of water, and sat down on the sand beside him, watching the scene in front of him as if watching TV.

Jules and Mickey are both very active. Both obviously hope to be able to perform in front of Connie. Without Connie's questioning, the two have already talked about the gambling agreement.

The origin of the contradiction between the two people is also very simple. There was a party where Mickey brought a female partner, but the female partner was picked up by Jules to roll the sheets that night, which made Mickey extremely embarrassed, so this The enmity was settled.

Qin Yang compared the two. Jules was tall, handsome, polite, and eloquent, while Mickey was a little fat man. No matter his height, looks, or talking, he was much worse than Jules, no wonder His female companion was snatched by Jules.

Even in front of Connie, Jules was witty and polite, and Mickey was dwarfed by him. His face was flushed by the run, and if he wanted to do it, he had to take care of Connie and looked embarrassed.

" don't talk nonsense, come on, let's fight, today I must take revenge!"

The frustrated Mickey couldn't bear it, and finally challenged Jules.

Jules smiled gracefully at Princess Connie, then stood up and said gracefully: "Mickey, you lost me once before, and you will lose this time, so be it, if you give me up , This time it’s no match, I don’t want your bet, how?"

Mickey's complexion turned red and said loudly: "If you want me to surrender, there is no way! I will definitely win today!"

Qin Yang looked at the contrast between the two sides, and wondered to himself that Jules was calm and relaxed. I am afraid that he has the chance to win, and Mickey should lose.

Do you want to help Mickey?


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