The Supreme Spy

Chapter 524: It's that simple

Connie certainly wouldn't go to the red light district with Qin Yang, so after Qin Yang invited everyone to a big meal, Connie watched Qin Yang and Mickey go to the SOHO district with her shoulders.

Connie and Qin Yang are just friends, and naturally they cannot interfere with Qin Yang's choice.

Naturally, Qin Yang didn't really want to go to the red light district, but wanted to get acquainted with Mickey, and also gave him some excuses.

To complete the task assigned by the Dragon King, he must have independent time. Now Connie is with her every day, so that he has no way to get out, and there is no way to refuse, so he decided to take this opportunity to broaden his circle and add himself Time for private events.

Mickey is indeed not a nobleman, or in other words, he is the son of a nouveau riche, that is, a rich second generation in ordinary sense.

Mickey was mixed among a group of nobles, like a group of white swans forcibly squeezing a black duck in, but he and Qin Yang drank in a big mouth, and when he took Qin Yang to roam in the pink heaven, it was like a fish in water. Smooth.

Just a simple drink, Mickey treats Qin Yang like a brother, with great enthusiasm.

Qin Yang originally hated the aristocratic style very much. He liked the simple and crude and direct style. This was just right for Mickey's appetite. In addition, Qin Yang won Mills and lost his face, which is equivalent to helping Mickey. After revenge, Mickey looked at Qin Yang's way of pleasing his eyes.

Qin Yang and Mickey watched a **** show of strippers, drank together, and even found a few girls to drink together, but in the end they refused Mickey’s final arrangement because of being a friend of Princess Connie. Pay attention to the impact.

Mickey expressed his complete understanding of this and said that he would meet him again another day, and Qin Yang readily agreed.

Mickey was very simple, even if it was the first time we met, Qin Yang already knew a lot from him.

Qin Yang took a taxi back to the castle of the Duke of Kenrath, returned to his room, and just after taking a shower, there was a knock on the door.

Qin Yang opened the door and looked at Connie in her pajamas standing at the door.

"Huh, you haven't slept yet at this night?"

Connie wrinkled her nose: "I'm not worried that you played too late and didn't come back. The law and order in London is not as good as expected."

Qin Yang let Connie into the room and smiled: "How do I feel that you are worried that I will be taken by Mickey to fool around, and that I will not return at night?"

Connie's face turned red, Qin Yang turned white, and hummed: "Yes, I'm just worried that you will be broken by that guy."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Don't you think Mickey is more straightforward than Jules?"

Connie said helplessly: "Well, I know you have to use your standard again, a reserved hypocritical nobleman, right?"

Qin Yang laughed, "I didn't say anything."

Connie glared at Qin Yang. She didn't know what Qin Yang thought?

"Where did you go to play today?"

Qin Yang asked with a smile, "Are you caring about me, or are you simply curious?"

Connie bit her lip: "The ghost cares about you, I... just curious, because I haven't been."

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Striptease, beautiful women, drinking, that's it, what else can there be?"

Connie blinked: "It's that simple?"

Qin Yang looked serious: "It's that simple. Well, there was a beautiful blonde girl who wanted to spend the Spring Festival evening with me, but considering you, I strictly refused."

Connie blushed and took a sip: "What do you think about me?"

Qin Yang smiled slightly: "You are a princess, and I am your friend. If I go fooling around, I won't be able to prevent others from thinking about something. Look, it's not easy for me, right?"

Connie's mouth turned up slightly and hummed: "I'm not talking to you, go to sleep!"

Qin Yang smiled: "Good night."

Sending Connie out, Qin Yang lay on the bed, thinking about what he was talking to Mickey today.

Qin Yang thought that this Mickey might be just a rich second-generation who only knew how to spend money, but during the conversation, he unexpectedly learned that Mickey was actually working at the Haig Institute!

Maybe Mickey's father also wants to cultivate his own successor. After all, Mickey is his only heir, so he asked Mickey to work in the institute and let him gradually understand how the institute operates.

Mickey is a straightforward guy. Even if it’s the first time I met, he told Qin Yang a lot about the research institute before Qin Yang asked. Qin Yang even wondered if he would have more contacts with him. For a while, I asked him for the research results of Bell Enzyme, would he directly give the results to himself...

Qin Yang decided to deal with Mickey more, looking for opportunities to enter the Haig Institute, stepping on the spot, with the identity of Princess Connie's friend, Qin Ben did not have to worry about others doubting himself, anyway Qin Yang would not use his own. Do what you want to do with your identity, so you don’t have to worry about exposure.

The next morning, Qin Yang found an excuse to meet his friends and drove out of the castle alone.

Qin Yang's car drove around the street twice. After confirming that no one was following it, it turned into an alley and finally stopped in front of a dilapidated door.

Qin Yang got out of the car, walked to the door, and knocked on the door.

After waiting for a while, the door opened, and a Chinese man in his 30s opened the door, glanced at Qin and let the door open.

Qin Yang walked directly into the room, and the man closed the door.

Qin Yang stretched out his hand and smiled: "Lightning!"

The man calmly stretched out his hands and shook hands: "Spider... please sit down."

Qin Yang sat down on the sofa and smiled and said, "What's the situation?"

The spider walked into the room, took out a folder, and placed it in front of Qin Yang.

"The Haig Institute is very heavily guarded. You need a pass to enter the Institute, and you have to go through a security check, especially on the first floor of the Bell Enzyme Laboratory. Outsiders can't reach it. I tried to get in touch with the person in charge of cleaning the laboratory. Staff, he has permission to enter the Bell Enzyme Research Room, but for the sake of confidentiality, I haven't made further contact."

Qin Yang picked up the folder and looked at it, then closed the folder and raised his head: "What do I need to do?"

The spider said solemnly: "You need to enter the Bell Enzyme Research Room of the Haig Institute, and then find their host, copy all the data about Bell Enzyme in it."

Qin Yang nodded: "Can you invade directly?"

The spider shook his head and said: "It's basically not feasible. The Bell Enzyme Laboratory is heavily guarded, and all entrances and exits require a pass. If there is no pass, even if you go with a bazooka on your back, it will have no effect."


Qin Yang narrowed his eyes slightly: "Does this cleaner have a pass?"


Qin Yang thought for a while: "Okay, I'll find time to go to the Haig Institute to step on points before making plans."

The spider frowned: "Outsiders can't enter the Haig Institute."

Qin Yang smiled: "I know the son of the director of the Heihe Research Institute, and the relationship seems to be pretty good. He works there, so I think there should be no problem in having fun..."

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