The Supreme Spy

Chapter 531: Hotel assassination

After setting up the detonated magnetic bomb, Qin Yang didn't go to the Haig Institute again. After all, after the detonation was set off, they would definitely investigate the cause of the accident.

Although the bomb basically left no traces after it exploded and burned again, Qin Yang did not dare to underestimate it. If some wreckage was found, all those who had entered the twenty-sixth floor would be suspected and it would be difficult for him. To escape doubt, Qin Yang must minimize the possibility of himself being suspected.

Sitting in the bar, Qin Yang looked at a man sitting alone at the bar in the distance and staring at the beauties in the bar, his eyes narrowed for two minutes.

This man, Martin, is a small supervisor of the Bell Enzyme Research Group of the Haig Institute. He is 31 years old. He is single. He likes wine and beauty. He likes to tease his sister in the bar after work, but because he is so good-looking. It's a little ugly, and often frustrated, but he never gets tired of it.

Opposite Qin Yang sat two enchanting beauties. These were two well-drinking call girls hired by Qin Yang.

Qin Yang nodded at the two beauties: "Go."

The two beauties smiled sweetly, walked away from the table, walked out of the darkness, then circled around, and finally stood still next to Martin.

"Hi, handsome guy, alone?"

Martin looked at the two hot and **** beauties in front of him, his eyes suddenly widened a little, and his breathing was two minutes quicker: "Yes, two beauties, are you interested in having a drink together?"

The beauty leisurely sat down in front of Martin and chuckled softly: "If you want to drink, it's not a question of a cup. It will be a lot of glasses. Would you like to invite us to drink?"

Martin's eyes lit up suddenly, and he said proudly: "That's my pleasure!"

The two beauties sat down and enthusiastically drank wine with Martin. During the banquet, Martin was still active. Martin suddenly became more and more uncontrollable, thinking that he was lucky today, and the wine drank like drinking water. .

Qin Yang sat in a dim corner, drinking wine slowly, and waiting quietly.

Martin likes wine, but his drink volume is not particularly good. The two beauties got Martin drunk without much effort, and Martin took him to a hotel not far away to open a room.

Martin was already drunk, but after another time, he fell asleep directly.

Qin Yang quietly appeared at the door of the hotel room, the door was opened, and the two beauties looked at Qin Yang with a smile.

Qin Yang took out a stack of banknotes, handed them to two beautiful women, waved at them, and the two beautiful women quickly flashed.

Qin Yang, wearing a peaked cap, was already the face of a scarred man at this time. He walked to the room, opened Martin's briefcase, and found Martin's pass in it.

Qin Yang took out a small machine, took the pass and swiped it, then took out a tablet-like instrument, took Martin's hand, and carefully pressed both of his palms down, rubbing him down. Complete palm print and fingerprint.

Put the pass back into Martin's bag, and then everything recovered, Qin Yang quietly left the hotel room.

Perhaps when Martin wakes up tomorrow morning, he will only feel that he is lucky tonight.

The two beauties took the initiative to invite him to drink, and accompany him up and down. In the end, they didn't even ask for a penny. Isn't this what a peach blossom?

Qin Yang walked out of the hotel, there was a car parked on the side of the road, and the spider sat in the driving seat, waiting quietly.

Qin Yang handed his bag to the spider.

"The pass information and fingerprints have been collected, how long will it take to complete it?"

"long time."

Qin Yang hummed, "Notify me when I'm done, and prepare the equipment I want."

"it is good!"

The spider drove away, and Qin Yang walked forward for a while, then took a taxi to the house where he was hiding.

In the house, Qin Yang changed his clothes, removed his mask, and changed a hat, then quietly left the hiding place, took a taxi to the lively bar street, and then took another taxi back to the back. Yinshan Hotel is like a hotel guest going out to drink at the bar.

Qin Yang returned to the door of the room, took out the door card of the room, glanced at it, his eyes condensed suddenly.

When he left the hotel room, he casually clipped an imperceptible small note near the ground. Once the door was opened, the small note that was almost confetti would float down, and now, the small note was gone.

Someone has entered Qin Yang's room!

Qin Yang didn't think that the person who entered was the cleaning staff of the hotel, because he chose not to clean the room, and even if the daily cleaning was required, the cleaning time was too early.


Qin Yang pretended that there was nothing wrong, and naturally opened the door, his eyes swept across the room quickly, and then he walked slowly toward the room without closing the door.

Qin Yang's footsteps stopped, because he heard a faint heartbeat.

Qin Yang's eyes fell on the closet, and the quiet heartbeat came from the closet, and it was obvious that someone was hiding in it.

Qin Yang's muscles were tense. He reached out and grabbed an electric kettle next to him and waited quietly.

Of course, at this time, he turned to the door and called the hotel staff by the way. This was the best method, but he wanted to solve the matter by himself, wondering who had sneaked into his room.

One person just stood in the room, standing quietly, one person hiding in the cabinet quietly, and the two people were facing each other silently.

A few seconds later, the closet popped open with a bang, and a man with a mask appeared. He raised the gun in his hand and aimed at Qin Yang.

Qin Yang's pupils suddenly shrank, and his body abruptly deflected. At the same time, the water bottle in his hand had already smashed into the opponent.


A flying needle flew past Qin Yang's body, and then stuck on the cabinet behind Qin Yang.

Poisonous needle?


This thought flashed through Qin Yang's but his body had already bounced like lightning, and he rolled over, suddenly rolled from the bed to the other side.

The man with the mask rolled around likewise, rolled out of the cabinet, and avoided the water bottle Qin Yang smashed over, and raised the gun in his hand again.

Qin Yang had already grasped the quilt on the bed with both hands, pulled it vigorously, and then raised his hands towards the top. The quilt flew up instantly and stretched out in the air like a big net, pressing it towards the man in the mask.


The second flying needle flew out, but was blocked by the flying quilt. Seeing that the quilt was pressed down, his eyes changed suddenly. The body suddenly rushed out toward the doorway, avoiding the quilt, and then raised his head, only to find the quilt. After Qin Yang had lost his figure.

The face of the man in the mask changed, not advancing but retreating, and he rushed out of the door directly.

Qin Yang's expression was indifferent, and his body was like a swimming fish, he flashed out of the cabinet, and then chased out the door.

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