The Supreme Spy

Chapter 542: Can you sleep with me?

90d715ae8d8fea68109aee9a0ba7c3a3 The next morning, Qin Yang finished his dress change and returned to the Yinshan Hotel.

At noon, Qin Yang went to the Duke of Kenrath’s castle, helped Mrs. Kenrath perform acupuncture, and then returned to the hotel again.

At the same time, Situ Xiang approached the door.

Qin Yang opened the door of the room and looked at Situ Xiang who was standing at the door, with a subtle smile on his face.

"Please come in, you are really positive, I can't wait."

Situ Xiang looked at Qin Yang coldly: "You can choose not to sign."

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Sign, sign, of course we have to sign. This is something we have discussed. How can we not sign? I still think one day, hehe..."

Qin Yang's pretentious remarks only drew Situ Xiang's sneer: "Let's talk about it after winning."

Qin Yang shrugged, took the contract in Situ Xiang's hand, and smiled: "Don't be so boring, just kidding, fighting back to fighting, in fact, I think you are quite powerful."

Situ Xiang looked at Qin Yang with slanted eyes: "Very powerful?"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "I don't know what you have been doing all these years. It is not easy for a girl to do this. At least you are much better than me."

Situ Xiang sneered unabated: "If I am really strong, then I won't even be unable to avenge my parents' hatred."

Qin Yang pressed Situ Xiang's face, his original mentality of flirting was also a little bit less, but a little sympathy rose in his heart.

Although Situ Xiang inherited the Wanguan family wealth, she lost her parents since she was a child. This is a very sad thing for her, especially her parents were still killed. Under such circumstances, she has been working hard to practice for herself. To some extent, this mentality is indeed pitiful.

Qin Yang pursed his lips, staring at Situ Xiang's cold face, his eyes softened a bit.

"You know who your enemy is, don't you?"

Situ Xiang frowned: "Of course I know, what do you want to say?"

Qin Yang smiled: "If you don't mind, can you talk about it?"

Situ Xiang stared at Qin Yang's eyes: "What do you want to express, who is my enemy? That is my business, and it has nothing to do with our current gambling appointment."

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Yes, I know it doesn't matter, but I personally want to know, even if it's my gossip psychology, would you like to talk about it?"

Situ Xiang replied coldly: "No."

The corner of Qin Yang's mouth curled slightly: "Then if I say that if I am willing to avenge you, would you like to tell me something?"

Situ Xiang's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly for two points: "You?"

Qin Yang laughed and said: "Aren't we making a bet? If you lose, you are my servant. If I lose, I will be your servant. If I am your servant, then I will help you. Give revenge, that is what I should do. If you are my servant, a charming girl will serve as my servant and I will help her with something. There should be nothing incomprehensible."

After a short pause, Qin Yang shrugged and said: "I told you before, no matter who your enemy is, no matter how powerful he is, killing does not necessarily require real swords and guns. Modern technology is a society, and you want to kill. It's really simple for one person."

Situ Xiang's face showed a two-pointed mocking smile: "He is not an ordinary person. If an ordinary assassination can kill him, then I won't wait until today."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Is there any problem with this? We are in the dark, he is revealing, I will shoot whenever I want to. There is a saying that only a thousand days can be a thief. There is no reason for a thousand days to be a thief. You say yes, even the president of the United States will be assassinated. Do you think your enemy is worse than the president of the United States?"

Situ Xiang stared at Qin Yang's face with two more complicated eyes: "What do you want to express, no matter what, I will definitely give my all in this game."

Qin Yang laughed dumbly: "Do you think I said this to let you release water on me? You think too much. I am a hidden disciple anyway. Even if I want to fight with you, it is just plain and fair. You need to use these. Do words attack you, or make you worry about it? I ask you, just because I really think it’s not easy for you and want to help you. Of course, if you think it’s me troublesome, or think I have an intention, Then assume I didn't say it."

Situ Xiang looked at Qin Yang's calm expression, with a little hesitation in his eyes, but in the end he was calm: "My enemy is Ito Koshiro of Japan. He is a Japanese kendo master and a cultivator. Compared to a Chinese practitioner, then he is a powerful man of the Great Cheng Realm, and his strength is about the strength of the upper twenty-eight points."

Qin Yang's eyes showed two points and suddenly said: "Twenty-eight, that is indeed very powerful. A person like this, even if they use a sniper rifle against him, may not be able to kill. His perception has reached the point where I am afraid, no wonder you can’t help him.”

Situ Xiang coldly snorted: "Yes, if it is so easy to kill, I still need to wait here, do nothing, I have assassinated him at least five times, including various methods, but But none of them worked, and even I almost couldn't come back. Do you have a way to deal with him?"

Qin Yang's expression was calm: "Although he is very powerful, but as I said, it is the age of science and technology, no matter how strong he is, his body is still, as long as he is not made of steel, he will have a way to deal with it."

Situ Xiang obviously disagrees with what Qin Yang said, and hummed: "Okay, let's not talk about our bet. If we bet, you really have a way to help me kill Koshiro Ito. If you lose our bet, then We write off, if I lose, and you help me kill him, then I am willing to serve you as the Lord for the rest of my life and listen to your orders!"

Qin Yang stared at Situ Xiang's beautiful smiled and said, "A word is definite?"

Situ Xiang coldly snorted: "My Situ Xiang speaks for words!"

Qin Yang laughed, his eyes revealed a somewhat ridiculous look: "Can you sleep with me?"

There was a bit of cold murderous in Situ Xiang’s eyes, but he soon calmed down, and snorted: “If you really have the ability to help me avenge, if I lose to you again in this game, in this life I listen to your orders and do whatever you want me to do."

Seeing Qin Yang's gaze that seemed to be teasing and provocative, Situ Xiang gritted his teeth, his eyes piercing Qin Yang like a sharp sword.

"As long as you want, sleep with you!"

Qin Yang saw that Situ Xiang, who had an extremely strong personality, said such words, there was no triumphant expression on his face, instead, he felt more pity in his eyes.

"Okay, let's make a decision, the contract, bring me to sign!"

(End of this chapter)

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