The Supreme Spy

Chapter 565: Jungle crisis

After the three of them had lunch together, Qin Yang and Han Qingqing became busy.

Although the equipment needed to enter the jungle will be prepared by someone, and Qin Yang doesn't need to worry about it, but it is always necessary to buy some personal things that he may use.

After a busy afternoon, I finally purchased everything.

The next morning, Qin Yang and the two arrived at the meeting place. A Hummer slid around. A middle-aged man in a camouflage uniform was directing a small group of soldiers to load various materials and equipment into the vehicle.

Connie, Professor Consell, and two other middle-aged men stood aside chatting, watching Qin Yang arrive, Connie turned her head and smiled: "Come on, we will set off after the things are installed."

Both Qin Yang and Han Qingqing are wearing camouflage uniforms and high-top leather boots. Although this is a little hot in this weather, this suit is necessary to enter the virgin forest. After all, no one I know if I will be scratched by a poisonous wattle or if I step on a possible poisonous snake in the grass and get a bite.

"These two are experienced explorers, Allen and Andy. Allen is the captain of our expedition. Everything is subject to his arrangements."

Connie pointed to the middle-aged man who was commanding the soldiers: "That's Colonel Harry."

Qin Yang and Han Qingqing introduced themselves. Soon, the materials were loaded. Qin Yang, Han Qingqing, Connie and Professor Consel had a car, and the team set off from London.

Departing in the morning, traveling all the way, at three o'clock in the afternoon, finally reached the edge of the Morgan Forest.

Everyone carried tents, cooking utensils and other things, and entered the Morgan Forest along the mountain road.

At the beginning, it was relatively easy to walk, but soon there was no way out. Alan and Andy, both experienced in the jungle, led the team in front, and a team of soldiers protected Connie and Qin Yang in the middle.

When it was getting dark, the team stopped and found a place close to the water source to camp.

They are not in a hurry, after all, the treasure will not fly away, and with the princess Connie in the team, it is natural that everything is safe.

There are various wild animals in the primitive jungle in August. A team of soldiers has guns in their hands. It is naturally convenient to hunt some game meat, and then make a delicious barbecue.

Qin Yang sat on a dead tree trunk that fell to the ground, holding a skewer of barbecue in his hand, and smiled: "Natural game, it’s not easy to eat in the city."

Princess Connie also held a roasted chicken leg in her hand, which was very gentle and lightly torn and eaten. The taste was very elegant.

Beauty, even if she eats, she is beautiful.

Han Qingqing took the barbecue and looked around, "Don't you say that there are dangers everywhere in the primeval forest? Why can't you feel it at all?"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "We have only now entered the fringe part of the virgin forest. Besides, we have so many people, with sufficient equipment, and professional people to lead the team. It is naturally much easier."

Allen, an explorer sitting not far away, smiled and said: "The primeval forest is indeed dangerous for ordinary people, but for those who understand it, it is not dangerous."

Han Qingqing asked curiously: "Mr. Allen, you have explored countless times in your life. You must have encountered many dangerous things, right?"

Allen laughed and said: "There are many dangers in the primeval forest. Fierce carnivores, such as bears and wolves, especially wolves, are very scary. There are also giant pythons, poisonous snakes, and poisonous spiders. , Crocodiles hidden in the water, or piranhas, etc., even some plants that seem harmless to humans and animals can quietly kill people."

Han Qingqing asked curiously: "Plants? Is it a piranha?"

Allen nodded: "Yes, the piranha, the piranha, grows in the Amazon jungle. When the piranha blossoms, the fragrance of flowers is overflowing, and you can smell it from far away, and the flowers are beautiful and can attract people to the past. When you reach out and touch it, those branches will tighten and wrap you tightly. Unless you have a machete on your body that can cut the branches, you will be held back until you die."

"In addition to man-eating trees, there are other plants. There is a kind of witch grass in the tropical forests of South America. As long as you step on it, it will entangle your feet tightly. The more you hold it, the tighter you will be, and you will be alive in the end. Starved to death and then eaten by bugs."

Allen paused and smiled: "In the primitive jungle, the more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are. Don't get too close."

Connie asked curiously: "Can you tell us the most dangerous thing you have encountered?"

Allen picked up the small metal hip flask squeezed around his waist and took a sip, with a look of reminiscence on his face: "I have always loved jungle adventures. I have been in and out of the Amazon jungle and the jungles of South America many times. At the earliest, I was Following an explorer, Mr. Nadal, into the jungle, during an expedition, we encountered a murderous tribe in the jungle. We were captured by their tribe and imprisoned. They were going to kill us all..."

Everyone opened their eyes wide and looked at Alan in shock, even if Alan was right in front of him, knowing that he would be fine in the end, but everyone couldn't help but be attracted by his experience.

"We were lucky. When they caught us that day, they had already eaten, so they didn't kill us immediately. They gave us a chance to escape. At night, we took advantage of them to sleep with the little ones hidden in our bodies. The knife cut the rope, opened the cell door, and ran away together."

"We ran away and alarmed the indigenous people. They all chased us. In the chaos, Mr. Nadal hit an arrow in the back. I fought with a native and was cut..."

Allen showed his arm, with a long scar on his arm: "This is the mark left by the fight with the native. I was stabbed and grabbed a stone and hit him on the head. I hit him so badly that he fell to the ground I turned around and ran, running wildly in the woods, and finally got rid of their pursuit."

Alan’s face showed a look of remembrance: “The arrow in Mr. Nadal’s arrow was stained with venom. Although the arrow was pulled out in time, his body suffered a lot of damage. After returning to England He passed away in less than a year. Although I have encountered many dangers in my life, this time should be the most thrilling."

Everyone was so speechless that they were almost boiled and eaten. This was indeed too thrilling. Just thinking about the barbaric cannibals made people feel a little numb.

Han Qingqing couldn't help asking, "Then we have cannibals in the Morgan jungle now? Or other dangers?"

Allen shook his head: "This is not very clear. After all, there are too many areas in the virgin forest that we have not explored, and there are too many unknown dangers, but we have a team of heavily armed soldiers, even if you encounter cannibals... "


Even dreaming at night, the dream is entangled in the plot how to continue, it's all in the jungle, headache...

Work hard today~

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