The Supreme Spy

Chapter 736: I guess I'm a fake practitioner

In the spacious conference room, Qin Yang and Han Feng sat in the back row, listening to the speech of the person holding the microphone in front of them, their eyes were slightly surprised.

For the first time, he felt that the world of practitioners was not much different from that of ordinary people.

Seventy or eighty practitioners were sitting in a room. There was a stage in front of the stage with a conference table. Five members of the committee were sitting on the stage to organize the meeting. Ji Hongyang was also on it. He represented Ji family.

The chairman of the committee issued a long briefing with the speech. The content of this speech included various events that occurred in the circle of practitioners during the interval of the previous meeting. This should be a consolidated summary of news. Intercommunication.

These news are weird and weird. They have everything, such as who is in conflict with whom and who is seriously injured, where there is a long-standing elixir, who from which family has broken through the realm, and so on, and so on.

Although Qin Yang was a little strange in his heart, he still listened with gusto.

Han Feng was sitting next to Qin Yang, the phone was still on, but he was recording. It seemed that he cared more than Qin Yang and wanted to go back and review it after recording.

After the previous summary speech is finished, it is free time for speaking. No matter who wants to speak, he can speak up. Everyone can have three minutes.

There are not many people who talk about it. Most of these people are seeking some help, such as who encounters difficulties in practice, who needs medicinal materials, etc. Most of these people know each other, and there is no need to talk nonsense. , Just briefly talk about your own demands. If someone has a solution, they will naturally contact them privately.

Soon the meeting was over and the next auction session was entered.

Two beauties in cheongsam walked onto the stage carrying the first auction item. Ji Hongyang, acting as the auctioneer, stood on the stage with a wooden hammer and began to introduce the auction items.

"The first auction item was a hole-breaking pill produced by the Chen family, a family of pill medicines. The role of this pill-breaking pill must be known to everyone. I won’t introduce a long introduction. Simply put, it will help break the acupoint once, no matter it is It doesn’t matter whether the entry level enters the Xiaocheng level or the Xiaocheng level enters the Dacheng level, it’s okay, but a person can only use it once in his life, so he chooses the time carefully, the base price is one million, and each increase in price shall not be less than 20 Wan, now the auction begins."

Before Ji Hongyang's voice fell, someone raised his hand below.

"one million."

"1.2 million!"


"Two million!"


The price rose rapidly, reaching three million quickly, and many people are still bidding.

Han Feng glanced enviously at the Po Acupuncture Pill on the stage, then turned his head and asked in a low voice: "Qin Yang, why don't you ask the price? Is this Po Acupoint Pill useless for you?"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Yes, I have used Po Acupuncture Pill once, and it was used when I was promoted to Xiaocheng Stage."

Han Feng sighed, and asked a little strangely, "Why did you use it so early? Why don't you use it until you break through the Dacheng Stage?"

Qin Yang explained: "At that time, I was almost a life-and-death battle with people. I didn't dare to wait. After all, there is too much difference between the entry level and the Xiaocheng level. I will talk about things in the future. How can I get it right now?"

Looking at the prices that are still rising, Han Feng smacked to himself: "The price is so high, how much do you think you can get?"

Qin Yang glanced at the bidders who were still raising their hands, and smiled: "How can you have to bid to tens of millions. After all, to some extent, a hole-breaking pill can create a master of great achievement. The value of this hole-breaking pill is naturally not low. What's more, money is the worst among the big families who come to the conference, and there are many practitioners in the family. Even if there is stock in the family, things like this will never be available. Too much."

Han Feng nodded and said, "Well, what you said makes sense."

Sure enough, as Qin Yang predicted, the price climbed all the way, and in the end it abruptly crossed the 10 million mark and sold at 15 million.

Han Feng watched Ji Hongyang drop the hammer and exclaimed: "15 million, this is really not something ordinary people can afford. Anyone who can afford it has to be at least a billionaire."

Qin Yang smiled and said: "It's only 15 million, which is really not too expensive. After all, when a person enters the Dacheng Realm, the whole person will be remodeled again, and the physical fitness will become better, not to mention change. How powerful, even the lifespan will be extended a lot. This is not only to improve strength, but also to buy life. Can this be calculated with money?"

Han Feng blinked his eyes and said, "That said, isn't this 15 million cheaper?"

Qin Yang chuckled in a low voice: "If it is cheap or not, it depends on the supplier's market. After all, some people can make Poxue Pill, the price will naturally have a limit. If no one can refine this thing, use less. One, let alone 15 million, I guess even if 100 million people are rushing to ask for it."

Han Feng asked curiously, "Didn't the Chen family who made Poxue Pill make a profit?"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Of course, but the medicinal materials they need to make these medicines are also very scarce and expensive, and the refining costs are high, and the profits are high, but they are not as terrible as expected."

The two were talking, and there was already a second auction item on it, which was a wild ginseng, but judging from the appearance of the root, the ginseng was probably over a hundred years old.

"The second auction item, 200-year-old wild ginseng, um, there is an appraisal certificate, this one does not need to be introduced, the reserve price is still one million, and each increase in price must not be less than 200,000."

Qin Yang and the two were sitting down the stage, watching one by one auction items being put out and then being auctioned away at high prices. These auction items included items used by practitioners, as well as ordinary people like wild ginseng. Regardless of the luxury goods used, no matter who uses these auction items, there is only one thing in common, and that is expensive.

Han Feng watched the auction process of seven or eight auction items in a row, and the whole person was a bit The expression was slightly depressed.

"Poverty completely limits my imagination. Is this the world of practitioners? I feel that I am a fake practitioner..."

Qin Yang was amused by Han Feng's words, but what he said was not wrong.

The poor don’t practice martial arts, and the rich don’t read books. This is a saying that has been passed down from ancient times to the present.

When Mo Yu accepted Qin Yang as his disciple, Qin Yang was already seven years old, and it was already late compared to the family of practitioners. Moreover, Qin Yang learned too much and had too much energy scattered. If it were not for Mo Yu to use various special The methods and various expensive medicinal pills were piled on Qin Yang, and it was impossible for Qin Yang's strength to reach the current level.

It is really difficult to practice poorly.


Fourth more.

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(End of this chapter)

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