The Supreme Spy

Chapter 856: It works well

The gaze is invisible, and the deep pool in Qin Yang’s eyes is also invisible, but when the gaze hits Qin Yang’s strange black pupils that seem to have occupied the entire eye, the gaze is like a nail in a magnet, and is deeply attracted. Up.

There seemed to be invisible black flowing in the black eyes, and the black flowing clouds seemed to be rotating, forming a huge vortex, and Bob's eyes fell on it, and he felt an inextricable feeling.

Bob stood there in a daze, staring straight at Qin Yang's eyes with a pair of eyes, as if he was lost in his soul, he just stared in a daze, motionless.

Qin Yang watched Bob's original provocative face cut through silently and turned into a horrified and silent face. There was no previous provocation and contempt in his eyes, but only deep confusion and fearlessness. Measures.

There are thoughts in the heart and the eyes are visible.

Naturally, the eyes cannot be as accurate as the display screen, but human emotions can be classified after all.

Qin Yang looked at Bob so coldly, and Bob was standing there looking at Qin Yang like a wooden person.

"If you yell at me again, I will kill you!"

Qin Yang's voice was not high, a little low, but it seemed to be so ethereal and ethereal, as if the voice came from outside the sky, but it went straight into people's hearts.

When Qin Yang was talking in his mouth, a violent killing intent suddenly emerged from his ancient and modern black eyes, like a sudden huge wave, quickly piercing into Bob's eyes. Place.


Bob suddenly exclaimed, he staggered and fell backward, waving his hands in the air, as if the drowning man was trying to catch something.

His face was distorted, and his eyes were full of fear, as if he had seen demons crawling out of hell, or tyrannosaurus in the Jurassic world.

He fell heavily to the ground.

The impact caused Bob to come back to his senses. He looked around quickly in horror, looking for something that would make him feel safe.

Qin Yang was standing at the door, holding his dinner plate, looking at him quietly, his eyes calm.

Bob finally turned his gaze back to Qin Yang. Looking at the quiet Qin Yang, Bob's face looked uncertain. Did he feel the huge panic just now from this young man?

Didn't he do nothing, but why did he see his eyes just now... by the way, eyes!

Bob raised his eyes and stared at Qin Yang's eyes. Qin Yang's eyes had returned to normal, and there was nothing unusual.

Is everything my own illusion?

Bob stood up and felt that his behavior was indeed a bit embarrassing. He subconsciously wanted to curse, but he didn't know why. Looking at Qin Yang, a huge fear rose in his heart. His eyes seemed to be Seeing the depths of Qin Yang's eyes, at that moment, the hearts of the two people seemed to be linked together, but what did he feel?

The strong, sudden explosion of killing intent, like the killing intent of a monstrous flood, makes people tremble in the depths of the soul!

This killing intent was like a flood that burst a bank, burying him in an instant, and it was exactly that, he made such a humiliating panic.

He was really frightened.

Bob gritted his teeth and turned around and walked outside. Although he didn't know exactly what happened, he was terrified in his heart. As long as he offended Qin Yang in front of him, he would be killed immediately.

His reason told him that it was impossible. After all, this is their ship and this is their territory. He is much stronger than Qin Yang, and Qin Yang does not have any weapons, so it is impossible for Qin Yang to threaten him. But deep down in his heart, he was telling him that this was true. As long as he did this, Qin Yang would really kill him!

This contradictory feeling left Bob at a loss, but for safety reasons, Bob decided to stay away from Qin Yang.

There is something wrong with this guy.

Just as Bob turned and left, a word came softly behind him.

"If you yell at me again, I will kill you!"

Bob's body trembled uncontrollably. At the same time, a huge panic surged in his heart, as if these words were a key, opened Pandora's Box and released a fierce demon.

Bob staggered, not daring to turn his head, accelerated his speed and ran out, and disappeared quickly.

Although he couldn't see the expression on Bob's face when he left, Qin Yang could see clearly when he was trembling and staggering.

It worked!

Qin Yang couldn’t hide his surprise. He could clearly see Bob’s entanglement and contradiction, the entanglement caused by the conflict between rational control and inner fear. In the end, his hurried departure showed that the inner fear finally prevailed. He believed in his inner feelings.

This feeling was forcibly planted by Qin Yang!

Of course, this is not hypnosis, it is far from deep hypnosis. This is the basic application of pupil technique, a kind of emotional control burst, forcing the subject to implant the thoughts that he wants to impose on him, just like to The fear of someone or something from the heart.

Qin Yang couldn't do it with his eyes, so he added a sentence. When the other party was attracted by his own eyes, he guided the other party with voice, cooperated with the sudden release of emotions, and completed this forced implantation. When he felt the turbulence When he was killing intent, he automatically incorporated the killing intent into that sentence, and then merged into one.

That sentence is like a key, or a guide, guiding Bob to concretize all the emotions he feels into a behavior, that is, if he does this, he will feel great fear again, such as Being killed, causing tremors and fear deep in the heart.

The effect is good!

Qin Yang returned to the house with the food, while eating, thinking about the whole thing just now.

This is his first practical application of pupil Although the effect is not perfect, it does have an effect. This makes Qin Yang quite excited, even if the effect is only slightly higher than the intimidation of the eyes, but After all, it is a higher level of pupil technique!

Qin Yang continued to work hard, and when Bob knocked on the door of Qin Yang's room again that night, Qin Yang found that even the knock on the door seemed to be much smaller.

Qin Yang deliberately spent dozens of seconds before he walked to the door slowly and opened the hatch.

Standing at the door, Bob looked at Qin Yang, with a somewhat complicated expression on his face, as if suppressing his irritable mood, and as if he was afraid and worried about something.

"……your dinner."

Bob didn't use too polite words, but his tone was much gentler than noon, and there was so much anxiety in it.

Qin Yang took the dinner plate and smiled slightly: "Thank you."

Looking at the smile on Qin Yang's face, Bob seemed to breathe a sigh of relief in secret...

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