The Supreme Spy

Chapter 884: Do you think I am teasing you?


There was a slight surprise on Wang Dong's face. He raised his eyes, and his eyes fell straight on Qin Yang's face, as if flowers were growing on Qin Yang's face.

With a smile on his face, Qin Yang calmly looked at Wang Dong, his expression calm, neither humble nor overbearing.

Qin Yang's internal qi was actually a bit nervous, after all, he didn't know anything about the meaning of these numbers.

Wang Dong looked at Qin Yang quietly. Those deep eyes seemed to have the power to see through people's hearts, giving Qin Yang an illusion that Wang Dong had seen through all the secrets in his heart.

These eyes didn't smile, they were calm, and even looked strangely cold.

Under the gaze of these eyes, Qin Yang felt extremely awkward, but he tried his best to maintain his emotions.

After a long while, Wang Dong's voice came over lightly, with a feeling of coming from nothingness.

"Who is he yours?"

Qin Yang didn't conceal it, and replied readily: "He is my master."


The corners of Wang Dong's mouth raised slightly for two points, his voice still low: "Your master is Mo Yu?"

Qin Yang was slightly startled, this Wang Dong really knew his master, and since he knew the name of his master, it meant that he knew his identity.

Although there was a slight worry in his heart, after all, he came in with a task, but Qin Yang still neatly agreed, "Yes."

Wang Dong's vision has two subtleties: "How did you get in?"

Qin Yang touched his nose, his expression was a bit hesitant, but he thought that since Master hadn't given a special explanation, this person knew about the hidden door, and he shouldn't be the enemy of the hidden door.

"Fighting, hurting maliciously, causing serious injuries."

Wang Dong's eyes showed a two-pointed sneer. He didn't speak, but Qin Yang completely understood the meaning in his eyes.

Hidden people, with huge energy, will enter here because of a fight?

This is nonsense, OK?

Those who believe are fools.

Qin Yang's expression was slightly embarrassing, and at the same time he was worried. Wang Dong wouldn't expose his identity, let alone whether it would cause possible trouble, but the task was definitely impossible to execute.

"Come to play chess with me tomorrow afternoon."

When Wang Dong said this, his voice was a little high by two points, and many people around him heard it.

"I'll go, he actually moved the elder Wang!"

"Elder Wang is showing his attitude, I am afraid Lei Ming dare not move him, otherwise it would be a big trouble to anger Elder Wang."

"This kid is so awesome, he has found a way to survive in a dead end."

"They seemed to have talked just now, but they didn't know what they were talking about..."

"Lei Ming is going to sit on wax now!"

Many people's eyes turned around, falling on Lei Ming, who was copying his hands.

Lei Ming was not far away, and he naturally heard Wang Dong's words.

He clenched his teeth, glanced angrily at Qin Yang who was sitting opposite Wang Dong, and shouted coldly, "Let's go."

Lei Ming naturally did not dare to provoke Wang to move.

Qin Yang had been paying attention to the surrounding Tokyo, watching Lei Ming and the others leave, he was relieved, and arched his hands at Wang Dong: "Thank you, Mr. Wang for your protection!"

Wang Dong stared at Qin Yang faintly, and stood up: "Follow me."

Wang Dong walked slowly towards the prison with his hands on his back. Qin Yang quickly stood up and followed Wang Dong's side.

Wang Dong didn’t speak, so he walked slowly and left the playground. Wang Dong’s follower Zheng Jun quickly put away the obviously expensive Go game in his arms, and followed Wang Donghe quickly. Behind Qin Yang.

After Wang Dong walked into a cell, Qin Yang was surprised to find that there were only two bunks in his cell with quilts. This seemed to indicate that there were only two residents in this room, which should be Wang Dong and Zheng Jun. Two people.

Another thing that makes Qin Yang a little strange is that the location of this cell is not connected with other cells, but a separate cell. Even the size of the cell is different from other cells. Bigger.

Wang Dong waved his hand at Jun Zheng, Jun Jun nodded, put down the chessboard in his hand, and then stood at the door, watching the left and right warily.

Qin Yang watched this scene, feeling a little nervous, knowing what Wang Dong should say to him next, maybe it was his connection with Shigong Miao Jiangong?

Wang Dong sat down on a chair in the room, turned his head to look at Qin Yang, and said faintly: "Did Miao Jiangong tell you who I am?"

Qin Yang shook his head: "No, he just asked me to come in here to find you, let me tell you the set of numbers, nothing else... Mr. Wang, do you know my master?"


Wang Dong snorted coldly: "Of course I know, but if you think how good the relationship between me and your teacher Miao Jiangong is, you are very wrong."

Qin Yang was taken aback for a moment, the relationship is not good?

"Elder Wang, is it possible that you and my teacher Miao Jiangong are enemies?"

Wang Dong's face suddenly showed a two-pointed cold smile: "It's almost the same if it's an enemy. I didn't think about going to trouble him, but I didn't expect him to send his disciple in. His heart is really big... "

Wang Dong's originally calm face suddenly became full of murderous aura, which made Qin Yang's heart suddenly lifted, and the expression on his face was also a bit difficult to maintain calm.

This Wang Dong is a legend in the prison, and no one dares to provoke him. If he really has an antagonism with Shigong Miao Jiangong, wouldn't he be finished after entering?

With this Wang Dong's strength, he really wanted to kill himself, which was a matter of a finger, and he could even die silently.

Qin Yang's heart squeezed, but suddenly he remembered the words Wang Dong had just said to him outside. Isn't that obviously protecting himself?

What's more, if this person is really the enemy of Master ~ How could Master send himself in front of him, wouldn't he really cheat himself?

When Qin Yang thought of this, the panic he had originally calmed down.

"Elder Wang, since you and my master are enemies, why are you helping me outside? Can you just watch Lei Ming deal with me?"

Wang Dong smiled coldly: "Because I want to clean up you myself."

Qin Yang said bachelorfully: "Senior is powerful, I am only a small stage, no matter what Senior wants to do to me, I don't have the power to resist, so why bother with Senior?"

Wang Dong looked at Qin Yang coldly, with a cold smile on his face.

"Do you think I am teasing you?"

Qin Yang shook his head: "I just know nothing, and I have no ability to resist."

A cold light flashed in Wang Dong's eyes, he suddenly stretched out his hand, and the five fingers of his right hand tapped, a few Qi Jin flew out of the air, and instantly hit Qin Yang's body.

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