The Supreme Spy

Chapter 888: Have their own ways

Qin Yang walked into the cafeteria surrounded by the three of Zhang Zheng, and saw Zhou Heng, a bald head not far away, beckoning to him.

Qin Yang walked over and said with a smile: "Brother Zhou."

Zhou Hengda patted Qin Yang's shoulder heavily and said with a smile: "Come here, I ordered a table of dishes. Although the meal time is a bit tight and there is no alcohol, I can at least eat a full meal."

Qin Yang was stunned for a moment: "Can I order a meal here alone?"

Zhou Heng smiled: "Of course it can, but the price is much more expensive. You can eat one meal here, and you can eat ten meals of the same meal outside..."

Qin Yang was slightly surprised, ten times the price?

Unexpectedly, there is such a publicly and upright "small stove" in this prison. It is true that money can make ghosts...

Qin Yang followed Zhou Heng, and there were already a few people sitting in the corner. There was a table of rich dishes on the central table.

Sauerkraut fish, braised pork, twice-cooked pork, dry pot chicken, etc., are filled with a table, this is the same as those holding rice bowls

"Brother Li, sit down."

Zhou Heng took Qin Yang and sat down at the table, and smiled: "Come on, Brother Li, let me introduce you..."

There were seven or eight people sitting on the table. Zhou Heng introduced them in a circle. These people were Zhou Heng’s subordinates. Among them, there were three Dacheng Stages, and the others were all Xiaocheng Peaks. Peak strengths were basically those of the various prisons. Boss.

Qin Yang greeted him one by one, with a slight disappointment in his heart. He originally hoped to see if he had a chance to meet the man named Liu Yang among this group of people. If he happened to be here, then Zhou Heng's relationship. Qin Yang and his friend is a smooth matter.

Unfortunately he is not among them.

Of course, there are a total of six to seven hundred people here, and seven to eight people here are about 1%. It is normal if you haven't met.

Qin Yang was not in a hurry. The reason why he wanted to integrate into Zhou Heng's power was to find a place for himself. After all, his strength was not enough to sweep the prison. There are at least some who are stronger than him here. There are dozens of them, but none of these people can provoke him. Secondly, after joining a group, it is much easier to find Liu Yang.

After Qin Yang deliberately lowered his posture, Qin Yang quickly integrated into this group. Although these people felt that Qin Yang was still slightly weaker, he got on the line with Mr. Wang and beat Lei Ming’s people. , Slapped Lei Ming in the face, and the group quickly accepted him. After a meal, everyone was already called brothers and sisters.

Because there is no alcohol, everyone eats quickly, almost by grabbing. It can be seen that even Zhou Heng and others do not have such a big fish and meat every day, because according to a prisoner, this table of food may be very small outside. Hundred, but five thousand yuan here.

"After eating this meal, everyone is your own brother. If you have any difficulties, you will find me and I will help you out!"

Zhou Heng patted Qin Yang's shoulder carelessly, said something arrogantly, and immediately spit on the ground: "This meal is really comfortable. It's just expensive. These people's hearts are so dark!"

Qin Yang looked at the cleanly swept empty plate on the table, and smiled: "Thanks to Brother Zhou for his righteous action today, I will not be bullied by that Lei Ming. Tomorrow night, I will set a table, brothers here. One of us counts as one, and everyone will take care of it."

Everyone's eyes lit up. They have stayed in this prison for how long. Unless they are really rich, how can the money be eaten like this?

"Brother Li is so proud, he is really a good person."

"Haha, I can have a good meal tomorrow, I'm not welcome, thank you brother Li in advance."

Zhou Heng smiled and scolded: "You group of foodies, you only ate today, and you will eat again tomorrow, so you are not afraid of choking!"

"Haha, this kind of food, I wish I could eat it every day, why would I choke!"

"That's right, the big pot dishes are too unpalatable, just like pig food."

Everyone was talking in a frantic tone, looking at Qin Yang as if looking at a boy with good fortune, full of eagerness.

Zhou Heng patted Qin Yang on the shoulder: "Things here are expensive. It's fine to hit the tip once in a while. If you are really interested, please rub Qin Yang again later."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "It's okay. When I came in, I still had a small fortune. I still couldn't eat poorly after a few meals. I will make a decision tomorrow. Everyone is coming."

Zhou Heng watched Qin Yang say this, so he stopped to say more, and said with a smile: "Okay, since Brother Li is so polite, then we will have a good meal."

Qin Yang smiled and nodded, as he was about to speak, suddenly he felt a tingling sensation in his meridians.

Damn it, it happened again!

Qin Yang's face changed, his brows frowned, he didn't dare to stay here anymore, and turned his head and said, "That's it. I have something to do. Let's go ahead."

Qin Yang quickly left the canteen and ran towards the prison.

Zhou Heng and others looked at Qin Yang's back, their eyes were slightly strange.

"Li Yang seemed to be in pain. Just now, his face seemed to be distorted. What's wrong with him?"

"I didn't pay attention, maybe it's diarrhea, rushing to go back to the pit?"

Everyone was laughing and joking, Zhou Heng looked at Qin Yang's back, but didn't speak, his eyes showed some thought.

This kid is only in his early twenties, and he is already close to the Dacheng realm. Given time, I am afraid that he is a powerful character. He committed minor things. After a year, he will be able to go out and have a good relationship with him. If there is anything outside to help, I cannot say Can I ask him a favor...

I have to thank Lei Ming.

If it weren't for Lei Ming to force him, I am afraid it would not be so easy to want him to join his team.

Zhou Hengren looked fierce and rude, but he was actually as careful as his hair. Although he seemed to be mingling with everyone, he took the initiative to invite everyone to dinner, but Zhou Heng could see that he didn't want to have a deep friendship with everyone~www.wuxiaspot. com~ is just for the situation.

Zhou Heng didn’t think it was strange. After all, Qin Yang’s sentence was only one year. If it was something to do, or to earn some performance, he might be able to go out soon. With this mentality, he didn’t want to have deep friendship with others. It is also normal.

Zhou Heng is not in a hurry. Although a year is not long, it is actually not short.

There will be opportunities in the future.


On the other end, Qin Yang rushed back to the dormitory, and started to circulate the internal Qi again, hitting the five acupuncture points that had been closed again.

Because Qin Yang only used his full strength before, his body was already slightly fatigued by two points, and now he was hitting the acupuncture points again, which was naturally a bit harder than before.

When Qin Yang finally got through the closed acupoints again, Qin Yang almost collapsed from exhaustion.

Qin Yang lay on the bed and panted, thinking that if it happens every half an hour, Qin Yang's face suddenly turns white again...

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