The Supreme Spy

Chapter 948: Sudden death

"Meng Qiu, you met Zuo Haojing, what did she say?"

When Meng Qiu returned to the company, Anders came to the door and asked urgently.

Meng Qiu frowned: "They can sell their shares, but they care about the price. I hope to know the bottom-line price first..."

Anders' eyes lit up: "Do they agree to pack and sell with us? I have talked about this with Born Night. Now we have 60% of the shares together. I think they will be more interested and the price will be Add higher."

Meng Qiu asked, "What price they gave you before...I am also concerned about this issue."

Anders smiled: "They offered me a price of 40 million. Now I want to bid between the two. The price should be higher, because whoever gets the shares in our hands can directly control the hurricane. ."

"Forty million?"

Meng Qiu nodded: "The price is pretty good. Although the Hurricane Institute has internal and external problems, it is worth 200 million."

Anders smiled: "Then I will go to discuss with them at night, and try to settle things down as soon as possible. Hanging like this is not a solution."

Meng Qiu gave a hum, and then suddenly said, "Is your equity going to be sold to whomever pays more money?"

Anders replied naturally: "Of course, since I am ready to sell the equity in my hand, then naturally whoever gives the higher money, I will sell it to whom."

Meng Qiu deliberated his words: "What if anyone else wants to buy?"

Anders smiled and said: "Okay, the more people want to buy, the better, so that I can sell at a better price. By the way, you ask, have you got any news? Who wants to buy it?"

Meng Qiu smiled and said: "There is some news, but I'm not in a hurry. I'll inquire about it. You can talk to the people of Born Black Moon first, and see what price they can offer, and we will discuss it later."

Anders nodded, and then said uneasy: "If you have any news, you can tell me as soon as possible, otherwise, if our news is asymmetrical and miss the high price, wouldn't it be a big loss?"

Meng Qiu nodded and said: "Okay, after you discuss with them, don't say yes to it in one fell swoop, just say to consider it, and we will share news with each other.

"Okay, if we sell our shares, we will leave here and start a new life in another country. Should we be together then?"

Meng Qiu smiled and said, "I have been together for more than 20 years, and it is annoying to see your old face, so I don't want it."

Anders chuckled and said, "Okay, that's it for the time being, I will meet Bohn's people first."


While Meng Qiu was delaying Anders, Qin Yang had already called someone to help him register an offshore company.

The so-called offshore company refers to a company that operates outside the place of company registration and cannot operate at the place of registration. Many places in the world, such as the Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, and the Bahamas, are economic regions with loose laws and regulations. International people can Establishing an international business company in its territory, and there are great advantages in taxation and other aspects.

Qin Yang is preparing to acquire the Hurricane Research Institute. If he uses the Shiya Group in other countries, there will be many inconveniences, involving conflicts in capital, taxation, and business. This Hurricane Research Institute Qin Yang is not planning to be included in the group business. So he registered an offshore company to operate it himself.

Registering a company naturally involves a professional agency. After Qin Yang gave the money, he quickly registered an investment company called Qin Ge, and Qin Yang was naturally the owner of Qin Ge Investment.

Involving hundreds of millions of assets, Qin Yang naturally couldn’t spend so much money at a time. He called Mo Yu, and Mo Yu asked Xiao Xin’an to contact Qin Yang. After confirming the amount of funds Qin Yang needed, Xiao Xin'an directly transferred 500 million yuan to Qin Ge Investment's company account through a special channel.

As the hidden servant of Mo Yu, Xiao Xin'an, everything about him also exists for the hidden door. It may be very difficult for others to take out 500 million at will, but for Xiao Xin'an it is indeed not difficult at all. He is a very famous rich man, but his undisclosed property value is actually higher. He is a real hidden rich man.

During this process, Qin Yang also obtained enough research materials from Huang Sen. Qin Yang sent the materials back to the country and sought out experts in related fields for evaluation and verified the correctness of this research direction. Of course, whether It is still unknown that Qin Yang will be able to solve the next problem. In other words, Qin Yang may not lose much money in acquiring Hurricane. After all, he spent money on the research institute there, and so many researchers are also there, but continue to spend money to fill the holes and continue research. Whether there will be results is unpredictable.

After Qin Yang got this result, he let go of his mind. There are so many 100% things in the world, and to the extent they have done so far, it is already worth the money.

It is a great loss to lose several hundred million if it fails, but if it succeeds, it will take a big step in the field of science and technology, and Qin Yang will also get a huge benefit from it tenfold.

After preparing everything, Qin Yang met with Meng Qiu again.

"The contract is ready. As long as you sign the contract, the money will be credited to your account immediately."

Meng Qiu picked up the contract on the table, his eyes were slightly surprised, because the price of the contract was 40 million, not 80% of the price he had mentioned before.

"This price is high..."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "If you sell your equity to Born or Black Moon, you can also get so much money, and maybe even a little more. These days, it’s up to you to delay for me so that I have time. Come prepare for all this, otherwise, I am afraid that they have already completed the acquisition and completed the holding, so all of this is what you deserve."

Meng Qiu frowned, "But as I said before, I can stay in the company..."

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Of course you can. After the acquisition is completed, you can buy back a certain amount of shares at the current price under the premise of my holding. But you also know very well that the current situation of the company is to act as a shareholder. Continue to invest money, at least 500 million, and invest in as much shares as you own, otherwise the shares will be diluted..."

Meng Qiu nodded in understanding: "It should be so."

Qin Yang pointed to the contract in front of Meng Qiu: "If there are no problems, just sign it."

Meng Qiu didn't have a second and directly signed his name. After pressing his fingerprint, Qin Yang also signed and sealed in front of Meng Qiu, completing the contract signing.

After completing the contract signing, even if Qin Yangdang transferred the account to Meng Qiu, he had completed the acquisition of Meng Qiu's equity.

"Okay, next I need you to help me get Anders out..."

Just as Meng Qiu was about to nod his head, his phone rang suddenly, and his expression suddenly changed when he heard a word after he took out the phone.

"What, Anders? Suicide by jumping off the building?"

(End of this chapter)


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