The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1006 of the Three Kingdoms

The big head of Zhang Yan Ma Jin knife is above the top of the top, next to the poisonous, Yang Feng, Bai Raising, and the head leader of the monoshan thief.

The thief said Yang Feng: "Haha! Lubu frank, what is like, we turn the gun, you can attack Zhangzhou!"

Bai Roofeng: "Yes, I'm going to Changshan County, we can further achieve the whole Hebei, isn't it a beautiful?"

also said: "Hey! Montenegro is 200,000, playing a Changshan County, there is nothing stress!"

Several leaders, wow, laugh, unanimously think that , can fight for a battle.

Only in the poisonous smile: "It seems that the Wei Hou is full of pets, saying is good, as chaos today, our foundation is too bad, according to me, let's take the Wei Hou more promising! "

Zhang Yan greeted her poison, and her cropped, did not speak.

When the Montenegro's leader, a black mountain thief pushed in the door, and his hands were holding boxing, saying: "The big handsome, there is a middle-aged article, saying is Hebei Tianfeng, seeking handshake!"

"Hebei Tianfeng !?"

Zhang Yan's appearance moved, Hawran got up and asked: "But Hebei Dafu Normal University Feng?"


Montenegro said.

"Big leader, Hebei is the enemy of our army, no need to meet ..."

It is said to the poison.

"Are you a big lead, or me?"

Zhang Yan glared at him and waved his hand and said: "Bring it!"

In the eyes of poison, brush a grievance.

Not long, Tian Feng has entered the hall.

The leaders of the Montenegro thief, sharp tyrannical, like an ax plus it, Tianfeng is standing quietly, see Zhang Yan, arched, said: "In Xiaota Feng, see Zhang Shuai ..."

"Tianfeng, you are the Hebei University military division, is also the enemy of our army, what to do with us?"

Zhang Yan frowned and asked coldly.

"Oh, I am here, for the help of saving Zhang!"

Tian Feng arch is arched, not humble.

In the injection of the poison, it is broken: "The shit! I have a big army in Montenegro, the soldiers have tens of miles, and immediately sweep the state, break the city, with Wei Hou, can let you lead Yuan Shao, there is a home hard to return! What do you take? save!?"

"The black mountain army is more than 200,000 ..."

Tian Feng smiled: "Do you want to ask why you have across the Taihang Mountain, direct into Zhangzhou? According to known known, Lu Wehou is a soldier horse, but seven or eight thousand!"

Can this still?

Can't play!

If you have been playing, Why don't Montenever Monteness?

Of course, this reason why the head lead is clear, but it will not speak.

"Real Hebei is famous, the words, very incisive ..."

Zhang Yan nodded slightly, smiled and said: "When you come, give Mr. Tian Feng," "

Everyone is drinking alcohol in the hall, and Tian Feng will sit on the front position.

"Mr. said to save my life, what is this, my business is very happy !?"

Drink a round of wine, Zhang Yan asked.

Tian Feng put down the wine glass and smiled and smiled. "Montenegro will, after the yellow towel, the mountains are hidden in the mountains, I am afraid that the court will order clear ... I asked Zhang Shuai, want to have a happy life, still have to enjoy Wanshi Ronghua? "

Of course, Wanshi Ronghua!

Zhang Yanxin moved, asked: "Mr. Tian is meaning ..."

Tian Feng smiled: "Zhang Shuai knows that a certain identity, this is coming to the black mountain army, in fact, it is a life of my master, I want to say that Zhang General leaders will return!"


Laughing in the poison, "You said that you will be degraded, then what else, you can say to the Wei Hou, the battle of Guandu, Yuan Shao won!"

Tianfeng side is the first to poison, and asked: "Is this a master?"


In the smile of poison, it will stop!

Zhang Yan's sorrow, like a knife, has fallen on his body ...

Under the rain, Zhang Yan continued to ask: "Tian Feng military division, it is better to say clearly, it is very happy, Wanshi Ronghua, what does it mean?"

"The tricks of the soldiers," said the rush, but they can be happy. Waiting for the hundreds of Yiang Liang, the two increasing rates of Wenyi, and Zhang Shuai went to continue the Schling Mountain. What other ways? "

Tian Fengton, gave Zhang Yan out the space of thinking, continued to ask: "If it is returned to Hebei, Zhao Hou must Joy, Feng Shuai is the Marshal Marshal Mshan, after the future, Zhao Hou Pingzhongyuan, support millions, Hardworked the world, Zhang Shuai is the opening of the country, isn't it to enjoy the world of Wanshi !? "

After listening to Tianfeng, Zhang Yanxin is moving, and it is full of blood!

270 is telling the truth, but the thief, the fare is free, and it is cool.

But to recruit counsers, achieve a big industry, basically impossible.

Ask the world, which counsel is willing to invest in the thief?

Zhang Yan this is ambitious, how is it will be willing to do, make a thief in a lifetime?

"Don't say anything else, Hebei supports 500,000, Lianjiang East Chuong, is also quite ..."

Tian Feng is said: "Zhang Shuai, the man is in the world, when the three feet of swords, the merits, when the thief, with Zhang Shuai, so as the Qianlong is in the Yuan, the pearl is dark."

After that, he finished this, Tianfeng reached a seat, self-drink, not happy.

When the poison saw Zhang Yan's look, I knew that he was very moving in his heart, and he was anxious to persuade: "Big Hadu, this Tian Feng, the tongue is like a spring, it is better to kill him, the square is happy!"

"I and the secret discussion of Zhang Shuai, but I am obstructed, what do you have?"? "

Tianfeng died brothers sleeves, smiled, said: "Some will come to Zhang Shuai, inevitably not plan to live back, please soup ..."

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