The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1016 of the Three Kingdoms

However, Zhao Yu's killing, but it is not so good.

A white dragon gun, such as a virtual status, in a gap, penetrating the gun of the high view, directly stabbing his shoulders, putting these two hundred kins, picking up the horse!

"Zhao Yun general might! Sheng Yadong highlight!"

"Zhao Yun general might! Sheng Yadong highlight!"

"Zhao Yun general might! Sheng Yadong highlight!"

The high list rolling saddle, and immediately in the battlefield of the battlefield.

Several Jinyiwei, when the high list of injured is difficult, he seizes him.

Poor one of the four-way pillar of Hebei, the land of Hebei, and the enemy.

It's just a trick, I was stabbed by Zhao Yun to the horse!

The three armies are amazing!

The high level defeated is so fast, it also shocked the eye of the place ...

"What should I do this!? The general tour is being captured!"

"Do you want to save the general?"

"Save? You go to pay the dragon gamma ?!"

"Sweat! One hundred, add together, I am afraid that the opponent of the gallbladder is ..."

Have to say, the Lord will really be the soul of the cold weapon war.

Imagine that one organized command forces disappeared.

What can this army?

I don't know how to enter, I don't know how to retreat!

A mess!

Bang! Bang!

At this time, the direction of the county, and the heavy horseshoes suddenly came!

When you let Hebei Yuan Jun desperate!

"Chu Gong's Huang Zhong is here, the enemy will be low, and it will be avoided!"

For the head of a general, the head of the gods, wearing a river, and the wind is like!

Originally, Zhao Yun was already morale.

At this time, I encountered an old Huang Zhong, Hebei Yuan Jun, morale directly fell to the bottom ...

This battle, killed from the sky to the dawn!

The high view of one of Hebei Fourth Trial column is taken, and Yuan Jun, Hebei, will be killed!

The murderous limbs are everywhere, the blood flow is in the wild!

In the end, the end of Qingzhou Yuan Jun has finally defeated!

"After the capital, I killed more than 3,200 people last night ... Among them, the tiger of Zhao Yun's tiger, which was more than 2,000, almost killed ..."

Jinyiwei is in the town of Jixian, and is anxious to read the military newspaper for Duto: "Hebei Yuanjun is more than 15,000 people, and it is more than 15,000. More than 10,000 people surrendered, the remaining thousands of soldiers, four flee fans ..."

"Hundreds of battles, actually died in this crowd ..."

After listening to the military news from last night, a white dragon gang armor's Zhao Yun, got out of the column, hold the box: "The end will be invoicable, please supervise the sin!"

Zhou Yu is squinting and smiling, saying is quite satisfactory, said: "Zulong can first burn the enemy grain and grass, then with 3,000 people, block 30,000 people to die, there is no effort ... Jin Yiwei temporarily Under the credit, wait for Qingzhou, Book Jinling, pre-prize, before the main bureau! "

[The first morning, free flowers, evaluation tickets take a wave! A meal, buns are a bit tired! .

The 868th chapter ,,

"As for the tens of thousands of Qingzhou's church, don't use it, send people to Jinling, do ... labor transformation, or can be used by the Lord ..."

This labor transformation is also a whimsy of Liu Wei.

Taking Cao Zhengqi as the Governor, the strict management of extreme military is taken, and these turnover is brainwind.

After the renovation, the loyalty to Liu Wei will be significantly improved, and it is more dying.


Jinyiwei hands hold a punch, promise, rolling the hawind, and leave.

Zhou Yu moved slightly, continue to say: "Zi Dong, I heard that you have a big victory, but also the Yuan Shaojun generals in Qiong with high list?"

"Dudin, this is in Qiong, is a golden general ..."

Zhao Yun laughed: "As for this high list, the gun method is not bad ..."

In this world, only Zhao Yun can evaluate Yuan Shaojun's four-way pillar!

"Go, go see!"

Zhou Yu, a sleeve, and the people will pass the leader in front of the front.

Not long after, I went to the place where the high level and Yumi is.

Liu Haojun treats a general championship, it is not strict, and the high look is sufficient to be in Qiongqi, and it is also a wine tube.

Yu Qiong is already a heart, I only heard Zhou Yu, a group of people, and immediately squatted, saying: "I surrendered, don't kill me ... I want to see Chu Gong!"

"? Want to see Chu Gong ?!"

Zhou Yu is like heard a big joke and said: "You don't do it, what you have, you also have a mad, you have to see my business !?"

: "I am the first nose brother, the capital is not able to kill me, this truth is heavy, and the big money will be used, and I will return to my back ..."


The highlight mouth is slightly smoked ...

This feeling is too shameful!

You know, Yu Yu Qiong is in Hebei Yuan Shaojun, the status is not low.

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