The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1085 of the Three Kingdoms

Yuan Shao is in the foundation, but Tian Feng asked: "Yan Hou Gongshu and my master Zhao Hou, Su Lu Lu Lu has a slogan, how can he participate in the allies !?"

Sima Yi smiled: "After leaving Yucheng, I will go to Youzhou. If there is no such thing as this can resist the public grandchildren to participate in the princes League, I wish to mention my owner !!"

Wait until the people take Sima Yi to take a break.

Yuan Shao led a group of people to seek ministers and began to discuss alliances.

Xin Yudao: "The proposal of the Lord, Sima Yi, still have a few people!"

Guo Mu said: "Yes! If you really let Chu Wang sits big, the consequences are unimaginable !!"

At the meeting, the body is more understanding, the body is trembled, saying: "The main public! Chu army fights, you can't usually see it, if the king is just 500,000, sweep the world, he is in the oppression!"

Yuan Shao is still a little hesitant, and the side is asked: "Ziyuan, what do you think?"

To say talented, Hebei Namita is the first.

However, Tian Feng is not as good as Du Xianhui, Yuan Shao's big things, almost in the end, we must listen to Xu Xu.

Xu Wei said: 13 "Chen believes that Sima Yi is feasible !!"

"That is fixed !!"

Yuan Shao nodded, finally decided to make a determination, saying that he said: "The power of the world, the linkage of the million army, I will see how Liu Wei stops !!"

Under the city, the Chu army's big camp has been slim!

Red Dragon banner sounds the wind, covering the sky!

Liu Wei sent Zhang Song to the city to persuade the law, the result is not satisfactory.

In the middle of the squad, there is a name, and there is a name: Chu Wang breaks, it is imperative, if you don't fight, you will be in the middle of the man!

Zhang Song also advised, but he was bounced back by law.


The foreign army is in the middle of the general, and the tiger is in the middle of Liu Wei, and the knee is falling, and the knees are fell, and the loudly said: "The main public! Yunlou, flying thunder car and other siege equipment, have already prepared hundreds When the main public is left, it will be able to attack the city tomorrow! "


Liu Hao's spirit is oscillated, Shen Wei said: "Skim an instrument, since it is ready to finish, there is a zone, what is it? Just I don't know, how is it, how is it!"

To break the city, simple.

100,000 troops, flying trucks, Wan Leiqi, can break the city immediately!

But in the middle of the luxury, it is easy to accept the people, but it is not so easy.

"Lord! Mr. Zhang Song, there is a letter!"

At this time, Li Lianying, who came outside the account, his footsteps quickly, and the general service of the near servant, Li Lianying, is approaching.

After the disguised law failed, Zhang Song has sneaked into Chengdu.

Zhang's is in the middle, it is also a luxury valve, and Zhang Song just is not only a friend.

Some people in the middle support to the Chu army, and some people advocate the surrender of the surrender ...

"This Meng Da, is willing to be a big gap in the city!"

Liu Wei took the brown eyebrows and asked: "Feng Xiao, Kong Ming, Er, etc., this is a bit of credible letter?"

Guo Jia laughed: "The main public! Zhang Song is a smart, if it is not very grasped, he will not fly the eagle to send back!"

"Not bad!"

Zhuge Liang rushed the soft feather fan, also nodded, said: "The main public is in the day of the day, the Bayaohao valve, and more people who know the progress, they are still watching, as long as the city is broken, it will inevitably descend the wind. !? "

"Hey! This method is filial, if you can be surrendered like Meng Da, it will do it !!"

Liu Wei took a sigh.

Guoshiji, but a smile, said: "The Lord! This law is positive, the name is a camfast, but the wall of the wall is not a way! If you can make it, you will have a lot!"

After Jia Yu's reminder, Liu Wei once again thought.

In the Three Kingdoms, Meng Da was indeed a famous wall grass, between the Han Han and Cao Wei, several transformation positions.

The law is a quicker, as the owner of the Han Han, directly helping the big ear thief laid the Base of Hegemony!

Two people are completely uncharacted!

"Tomorrow morning, you can take a flying train to break the city, then find the opportunity forced landing."

Liu Wei played his hand and did it directly under the decision.

Night deep, in the city.

The law is relatively opposite to Zhang Ren, and there is also a column in the city.

Everyone pushes the cup to change, and I am celebrating the defensive city for a month.


In the middle of the squad, the main law is righteous, and suddenly sighed.

Wang Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang, let go of the wine glass, asked: "Xiao Die, stick to Yucheng, Baofu, Chengdu, why?"

Fa Ren said: "I just sigh, Yucheng will not break !!"

"This ... this will not!?"


"It's topping in a month! Tens of thousands of soldiers in the city, food is still enough for several years!"

"Yeah! Fa filial, this is very reasonable!"

Zhang Renzhao wrinkled, lifted his hand, according to the air, showing the people quiet, and asked: "Xiao Dynasty, Yucheng is good, how to be broken !?"

"General Zhang, have you listened to flying aid?"

The fair "Everyone is drunk, I'm awake", I said: "I have studied Chu Wang Sheng's tens of war, I found that Chu Wang received a god-level siege device after the Huainan hegemony, according to it. Jingchu people passed by, called flying thunders, said it is the killing of Chu Wang !! "

"In fact, this flying thunder is in the power of the opportunity, can make a thunderous huge stone, bombard the enemy city, as a , can not stop, the soldiers are dying, they will be disabled !!"

The law is frowning. "Although the city is strong, how is it compared to Shouchun City?"

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