The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1101 of the Three Kingdoms

Liu Hao saw the enemy shock, and the heart doned the fighter, and the hands were sword, and several generals, like a hill tiger, and went to Zhang Lu's Hanzhong army!




It is still the three thousand dragon scales, a horse, a horse, a pound, and the scorpion of the impact, cooperate with the fierce face, Zhang Lu's Hanzhong soldier, almost scared!

"This world ... also has such a Shenwei cavalry !?"

"One person rides, thanks to the common double ride, this assault, then it is!?"

"The son of the Migita Night! The earthquake fell! Earthquake crack!"

Zhang Lu brought the Hanzhong soldiers in Hanzhong for more than ten years, and did not experience what big scenes.

Although Zhang Lu is worried, it is not necessary to flew, but it also shocks to the heart! !

"Array !!! Welcome to the enemy !!"

Zhang Lu's face iron blue, the former military formation, was scattered by the heavy cavalry, and did not dare to retreat.

Only the public will first carry out a big blend, Liu Weijun broke into the Chinese army, the blood flow into the river, the residual limbs, all over the mountains ...

I have been killed in the dark, and the two sides are talented | Gold | Collect |

"Haha! These Hanzhong earth dogs, dare to mad in front of the main company !?"

Yu Wen Chengdu is cool today.

Leading the dragon scales, the mysteroid, launch the charge!

When he was a horse, it was almost in Zhang Luhan, he took ten thousands of people, killing the Hanzhong general, and ran! !

Xiwei, Xu Wei and other generals, all have got into the flock with the tiger!

After the war today, Liu Yunjun's morale was greatly entered, and he was turned off the Cast.

"The first battle of the sword, the first Zhang Luhan Zhongzhong army will be more than 10,000, Zhang Lujun weapon armor, big is not as good as our army, but it is not afraid of death ..."

"Our army is more than 2,500 people, and the injured soldiers are more than a thousand, and the police physician is trying to treat ... I will win, countless!"

"This battle, the killing is good!"

Listening to Li Lianying in an elderly reading the military, Liu Yue Yue.

Zhang Lu engages five bucarism in Hanzhong, which can be said to be brainwashed.

There are a lot of death!

"Lord, after the war today, I am afraid that Zhang Lu is cold, the Hanzhong army, no longer dare to go out!"

Guo Jia said with a smile.

"The Sword of the Sword, Guan Wanfu, if it is Zhang Lu, how can I attack the sword?"

Liu Wei took the brown eyebrow and asked: "The military division, what is the wonderful count, can break the sword !?"

Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang, Jia Wei and others, laughing, and finally Guo Jia smiled: "I look at Kong Ming, it seems that it is already a bamboo, it is certainly the abdomen.


Liu Wei smiled: "What do you have to say?"

To be honest, I have such a unparalleled mammoth, and Liu Wei does not have Zhang Lu to be his opponent.

The strong enemy that truly faced, is a Cao Cao, which is condensed throughout the northern Central Plains, Yuan Shao two people!

Zhang Lu is just a appetizer!


"Congratulations to the host, Zhuge Liang Jun Teacher's Technical God · Seven Stars March, Intelligence +5!"

Zhuge Guang, the draft of Qixing Shen, is extraordinarily clear, and the feather fan towel is standing.

He worshiped by Liu Wei, and he did not empty. "Lord! I have one, you can break the sword !!"

Everyone's breath is condensed, and they have heard the Queen Seven Military Teachers' Wolong.

"Zhang Lu launched five bucket meters in Hanzhong for ten years. The Hanzhong people attached to the people, and the civil and military talents were not much. It is like Wang Ping's class, but it is called the first flow of Hanzhong, but he will give Zhang Ren's generals and others to kill, which can be called Yuanqi big injuries ... "

Zhu Ge Liangton suddenly said: "If you want to break the sword, it is full of one person!"

[The second is more delivered, come to the reminder to help help! .

The ninth forty-one chapter of Wolong, one person is broken!

"Military division, don't sell Guan Zi, say anything!"

"A person, how can I get the sword, the Wolong Miller is joking?"

"Who is it?"

"I don't believe it! I have to play swords, I have to break a lot of soldiers ... ~ ..."

The inside of the account will be, it is quite unbelievable, Zhuge Liang said by one, can break the sword.

"Hanzhong Zhang Lu, the big , one, the name is Yang Song, Zhang Lu's listening to its words ..."

Zhuge Liang rushed the soft feather fan, and smiled. "Yang Song this person is a person like the property. Words ... The sword will not fight! "" The so-called soldiers, the leader can be with Chen Qing, and the front and then fans the Hanzhong, destroy Zhang Luyi, and also! "

It is a Wolong, this plan!

Liu Wei is slightly happy ...

In the mind, there seems to be a lightning brush.

This Yang Song, he also used the sky to see mens during the day, and it is a generation of gains! !

Just recognize money, don't recognize people.

Zhang Lu's hand, this kind of person can be ahead of the number, it is simply looking for death.

Liu Wei squinted his eyebrows, said: "In this case, as long as he bribes this Yang Song, you can say Zhang Runjian, then pursued the army, breaking the Zhang Lujun!"

The problem is coming, who is going to be a good thing! ?

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