The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1204 of the Three Kingdoms

Liu Wei smiled carefully, put his hand, said: "Take him in, or talk to him!"

Not long after, Guo Yong came back behind Li Lianying, after he came in, after seeing Liu Wei, Guo Yong took directly to the earth, and he was the first. Zigong said: "Chen, Sichuan is too good to Guo Yong, see Chu Wang, Chu Wang Shengwen Shenwu, Qianqiu is now in a hurry !! "

[First, stable update, free flowers, evaluation tickets! .

The first 33th chapter is a beautiful woman, the snow muscle!

"Let's get up!"

Liu Wei raised his hand, according to the virtual press, indicating that he got up, smile and praised: "Guo Taishou has been good for the governance of the county, the loneliness is very pleased!"

, there is a foundation of Liu Hao, in the past few years, it is very good.

Remove Qingzhuang by Cao Cao, countless as a strong, the population, overall, still increased, the various commercial development on the streets, and all the tracks.

All of this, of course, I will not contact the master Guo Yong in one county.

Last time Liu Hao just came to Sichuan, the military is busy, Guo Yong can't find the opportunity to meet, this will never seize the opportunity, Liu Hao has to go to Siberi, Guo Yongcai moved the road of Li Lianying.

I heard Liu Wei's praise, Guo Yongxiao, and more respectful: "Old minister came in the past years, sitting in Sichuan, did not dare to ask Wang Zhou to teach, some policies, still Chu Wang's development, only Today's Sichuan ... "

"Ok, take less horses!"

Liu Hao is only in his twenties, and 13 is already half a person. On the 10,000 people, I don't know how many people have a horse fart.

Let you shoot the arrogance to shoot the sky, Liu Wei has absolute immunity and can hold himself, Yuan Shao, who is more expanded than it is blown.

Looking at Liu Hao's eight winds, a light expression, Guo Yongxin is getting admirable, laughing: "The Lord Ming, the minister is not flattened, but the words from the heart!"

"You are doing well, or I am going to transfer you into the dynasty, first do Guang Lu Dafu, when you come again, how do you think?"

Guo Yong this people have the ability, and loyalty is also, Liu Wei, is certainly not to promote, by the way, can encourage the Henan official.

"The minister ... will be placed in the liver and brain in the future!"

Guo Yongxin is big, and the first worship.

Liu Zhen nodded and put his hand, said: "It's not early, or there is something ..."

"The old ministers retired!"

Guo Yongxin got a god meeting, taking himself.

"So under the hands of this, please give a lonely."

Liu Hao smiled, standing up, is preparing to go back, but heard Li Lianying said: "The Lord, this Sichuan is too strong, and it also brought a person, the old slave, the owner is the main sense, the self-proposition, Stay her in the main bureau ... "

Li Lianying low herbs, smile.


Liu Wei glanced at his inner room, and the red candlelight shadow swayed, there is a mirror, reflecting on the window.

"Old slaves retired!"

Li Lianying smiled and retired.

After he followed Liu Yuxi, he could go to the things, and he was very familiar with Liu Wei's temper.

Clear what this should be done, what should not do.

This woman was left in Liu Hao, which means absolutely clean and no problem.

"Guo Yong ... actually gives it to this hand!"

Liu Hao sleeves one, according to Zhu Hongmen, in the interior, open the hole.

I saw it, the edge of the cliff is sitting on a fang woman.

The woman is only 20 years old. She sat on the side, and the waist is straight, and they are opposite Liu Wei.

As the saying goes, beauty is not beautiful, see big | legs!

These two have sleepled long legs, overlap, slightly tilted.

Liu Wei was shifting, and he found that the woman's chest is also full.


Congratulations to the host, Tianzi looks at the moment, the use is successful!

Tang Ji, Wuli 32, Intelligence 73, Politics 67, Positive Rate 21, Charm 97.

Tuner 1, Snow Muscle: The Legend of the World, serving Emperor, the charm value +1.

Stunt 2, Si Jun: Tang Ji's heart thoughts, love silk | Around, if you are aid, Tang Ji 5D property +1!

"Not only is the old man, or a peerless beauty ..."

Liu Wei is quite emotional.

This Tang Ji is the peony of the three Han Emperor Liu, who is killed by Dong Zhuoi.

Only Liu Wei's arrival, let the history ghost have changed the gods, and Tang Ji has not passed, and the Han Emperor Liu Due was killed by Dong Zhuo. She was also saved by Liu Wei from Luoyang City. Xiang Yu Yu Yu ...

Oh, open the door, it is awakening Tang Ji, who is immersed in the imagination.

She hurriedly stood up and said to Liu Yingying, said: "People Tang Ji, see Chu Wang!"

After the hit is a noble, Liu Ji is dead, Tang Ji naturally has not been done, and in front of Liu Wei, he claims that the people is not complete ...

"Get up, let the orphan to see you!"

Liu Wei smiled.

Tang Ji raised his head, but he didn't dare to look directly. Liu Wei.

Liu 830 is handsome, but there is a deepweit, even if there is anything, it is sitting here, and there is a kind of a kind of gallopian.

The martial arts was repaired by the realm of the big mismuth, and the momentum was extravagant.

"Tang Ji has not seen it in these years, but it is beautiful ..."

Liu Wei's up and down, the heart is very pleasant, saying: "How old is Tang Ji?"

When the emperor is watching the gas, I have seen Tang Ji Shang and is the body of the scenery. It is rare!

Tang Ji's remarks looked at Liu Hao, said in a guilty: "I returned from Luoyang City from Luoyang City, and the people of the people were taking care of the people."

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