The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1211 of the Three Kingdoms

Xuzhou Mu Chen Deng, Qingzhou Yizhen, this is Liu Wei in the north, just hitting the Henan animal animal husbandry is from Xu Wei, Yanzhou Mamashi is Liu Bowen.

"Hurry and go to the customs, all the sorts of the Dorship is the king!"

Liu Yinxin secretly passed.


It is the emperor of the Western Han Dynasty, and the Xili Zhenxiong Dong Zhuo is siegeted by the 18th Road, abandoned Luoyang. If you want to hear the proposal of Li Ru, he will resolve Changan, according to the degoTe, wait for the time to rise again.

Unfortunately, Liu Wei killed in Luoyang was killed in Luoyang City.

Chang'an City also fell in the hands of the old part of the West.

Zhang Ji is in the Chamber of Commendation, and the heart is uneasy.

"Can you find a clear? Chu Wang army, when I have already broken Luoyang, the soldiers enter the Valley, directly for Changan?"

"Small looks at a clear two Chu, Chu Wang's Red Dragon flag, continuous tens of miles, iron armor, Jin Ge Tiema ... Never dare to have a message!"

Zhang Ji has put his hand, say: "Let's stop ... You first step!"

Unconsciously, Zhang Ji is behind, it is already cold sweat. He is still asked as a town: "The Chu Wang army came to commit, what is the strategy of the enemy?"

People who headed by him, everyone, the people are silent, and the heart is extremely universal!

There is no one, dare to have more words!



Liu Wei is in the Central Plains, the battlefield of the battlefield, hard to make a million male teacher, swallowing thousands of miles!

Zhao Hou Yuan Shao, fled, and the soldiers were killed!

Wei Hou Cao is also a retreat, even his son is not, never dare to provoke Liu Wei!

In this way, Zhang Ji's situation is very embarrassing!

At that time, he looked strong that the coalition forces were strong, and millions of army were unable to crusade, but they did not expect that Liu Wei was so powerful!

With one person, the world is full of princes!

Also hit them!

Zhang Ji is growing in Chang'an. I haven't come to the Hanzhong soldiers, I heard Liu Wei's horizontal sweep, and I laughed Luoyang, 100,000 male divisions, march into the Guanzhong!

Northern Gun Wang Zhangxiu stands up and frowns: "Uncle, now the union is a joke, if we don't have action, it is necessary to enter, it is very likely to fall into a crisis!"

Although Zhang Ji has been in Chang'an Hou for several years, but it can be martial arts, all flat, and even the nephew is embroidered to serve.


Changan City Wenwu people, and they turned their attention to Zhang embroidered.


Zhang Ji was a mustache, and he said: "A embroidery, what should you say?"

"Yeah, Zhang Xiaojun, what should you do?"

"It's going to retreat, all look at Zhang Xiaojun!"

Zhang embroidered, according to the press, and scattered the people quiet, pointed to the wall high-hitting on the wall, said: "Now the Chu army began to move toward Chang'an from Luoyang, we can restrict the Valley ..."

"The terrain is dangerous here, it is a husband, and Wanfu is unknone. For the throat of the gathering! Just hold the Valley, our 100,000 army is in the hands, still can refund!"

Zhang embroidered opinion, but more than Zhang Jiqiang, in which case it can be calm.

"Small nephell is 30,000 soldiers, and they will guard the Valley, so Changan can be worry!"

Zhang embroidered, fell, and he said.

Zhang Ji is busy, I promised, and even the sound should: "I am so very good, I sit in the town Changan, as a reinforcement, the A embroidered, you will go to the hometown, keep the door to the door, and put the Chu army to block the door!"

Zhang embroidery is a total of Chang'an, and then there will be no more, go directly to the campus, and go to the Valley to get off ...

After several days, the Valley is closed, the flag flutters.

Three-way drum, horn sound.

Liu Wei sat under the lid of the violent umbrella, the side of the side, Xu Wei two majors were alive, Zhou Cang slammed the flag, and there were white robe God of War Chen Qing, and they were also standing on the side of Liu Wei.

Chen Qingzhi whipped his finger and said: "The main public, this Hirogan officer will be a good spirit, facing the 100,000 powerful army, and it is possible to do it in an orderly manner to guard the city."

The first thousand forty chapters Jiang Wei vs Zhang embroidery! Unpaired tiger will Zhao Zilong!

"Why will this be embroidered ?!"

Liu Wei lost a temper, I came to my heart, asked: "Who is willing to go to the Valley?"

"The end will be willing!"

Juvenile Jiang Wei, not to mention, in his hand, will give him a green gantry to him, and shoot the horse to kill out.

"Who is this kid?"

"Do you know?"

"Anyway, it is not a five tiger, it will be on the Kowloon!"

On the wall of the door, Chang'an is civil and military people, and the mentality is relaxed.

To be said to be Zhao Yun, Yu Wen Chengdu is horses, and it is of course afraid.

However, Jiang Wei, a famous yellow mouth, a name, which seems to be the same as their son, who will put him in the eyes?

Chang'an will fight against Guo, waving thirty pounds, and kills it.

"The milk is undustful, your Mao is not long, and also dare to come to the sand field !?"

Guo Jun haha ​​laughed and said: "Look at the grandfather to send you the reputation ..."

However, he did not finish the words, Jiang Wei has already horses the horse, the wind is generally straight to the distance between the two, and suddenly lifts a thorn, such as the dragon out of the sea, directly put this fantasy Guo. Give it on the gun!

Changan Zhongwu: ""

This is your mother's egg!

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