The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1213 of the Three Kingdoms

"Slow !!"

Zhang embroidered a horse rumor, shouting.

"Flying Bearjun, preparing to charge the enemy !!"

The soldiers of the Changan Legion, most of which are the northwestern big men, and more than cavalry.

Zhang embroidered in recent years, finally practiced a military team, which was composed of heavy cavalry, called a heavy cavalry.

The reason why the heavy cavalry began to start, because the horse can't bear the load of hundreds of kilograms.

Dong Zhuo set the flying bear army at the time, the result was significant, but the loss of the horse was too serious.

In recent years, the princes in the world have been in the light of Liu Wei, and Liu Wei with the wind.

It is also a lot of things to learn, at least this horseshoe is basically popular.

"Flying Bear Iron Ride, I am angled !!"

As Zhang embroidered, the Yuanan Legion's apecical flying Bear army began to slowly, arranged together.

Kill! !


The flying bear army is all the hilaming of the tiger's back bear, the soldering force, the momentum is not the same, and the general army is sufficient to occupy an absolute upper.

Unfortunately, they faced the dragon scales of Zhao Yunzhong.

Flying bear army VS Dragon Scales Mysternet Numbs!

"Xili iron riding, there is nothing to grow in these years ...`. "

Liu Wei and the smatches around him played together.

I saw it, and the two heavy armor came to him, and it was a man who turned horses, death and injury, and was very fierce.

On the overall quality, Zhang embroidered flying bear army is not necessarily lost.

However, the dragon scales, the rush, but also Liu Hao's overflower radon support, still and has a cavalry army!

In this way, this Changan Legion's flying bear army has not blocked a lot of color on the stage that hegemony is deer.

"The thief will take a break !!"

Zhao Yunzhao night jade lion like Baolong, rush into the enemy Changan army group, no one can block!

Zhang embroidered liver!

When Zhao Yun was protruded into the bus, I was challenged the horse, and the injury was restored. His heart left a shadow!

His left shoulder is still hurting!

Looking at it, the flying bear army is the same as the autumn rice, and I'm going down, Zhang embroidery doesn't say much, I will go down, I still have a dark regret: Today is really lost, how Is it inexplicable?

This is good, the loss will not mention that the Yuanan Legion's trump bear army is also hit hard ...

At the battle, I haven't officially started to play, I will lose half!

"| | collection | soldiers!"

Zhang embroidery has no love, head towards the dead, but Chen Qingzhi is a big army who has killed the enemy, hurting the water dog, killing the Changan Legion's big army, this is only given!

"Today, I will kill the Changan Legion thief will take more than 20,000 people, and the soldiers are more than 20,000 people. The elite armor cavalry flying the bear army is also a discount of more than 2,000 people, the armor is heavy, countless ..."

When the night, Liu Wei listened to the departure of the military machine, and his heart was unhappy.

The first battle is big, and when this is the battle of this, I took a red!

", today | you have a good performance, continue to make persistent efforts to make a big unit!"

Liu Wei took the shoulder of juvenile Jiang Wei's shoulder to show Jia Xi.

After today's battle, Jiang Wei's poor and force value, actually rose!

It can be seen that the Tiger Tiger of the San Country is, born is born for the battlefield!

"At the end, I will wish to be the horse in front of the Chu."

I got the praise of my own idol. If Jiang Wei Xin didn't mention more excited, hurriedly fell in Liu Wei, asked: "Chu Wang, today's victory, my military is as heavy, why not directly attack the Valley ? "

"Bettello said it!"

Zhonghui did not ask: "Chu Wang, if you can make a drum, let's take a rigor, and you will find a thief will be embroidered. So Changan, the military is shocked, and it will be a battle, and the land of Chu Wangzhong However, there is no effort to blow the ash ... "

These two teenagers will be seen in the past, and the talents are extraordinary. It is already quite visible for the use of soldiers.

Liu Wei nodded slightly, saying: "Bo Yan (Lu Xun's expression), what do you think?"

Tune | Teach a few pay attention to the will star, Liu Yuxin is also very accomplishing.

Lu Xun took a few steps, said: "The soldiers have a cloud, the up soldiers, followed by the trace, after the squad, the next siege ... If it is siege, the first heavy heart ..."

Today, Zhang embroidered is already a fall, and the heart is awkward. There is no one to resist the idea.

After listening to the small Lu Xun's analysis, Jia Wei is nod, the heart is dark: can teach!

In fact, he did not teach Lu Xun, just, Lu Xun observes people's hearts.


"Congratulations to the host, Lu Xun precisely grasp the heart, the intelligence attribute +1, and triggered the first ring of the hidden mission: occupying the Valley, take the servic!"

Mission Description: Zhang Embroidered this battle, for the host fear, please recruit Zhang embroidered, and let the Valley!

Task requirements: Do not die, one soldier!

Mission Reward: Series Hidden Tasks End Reward is the supreme god!

"Supreme God reward!? Lying in a slot !?"

The system's suggestion sound, Liu Yu is pioneered, and you will be big!

[Fifth is more sent, the plus of flowers, seeking flowers, evaluating tickets! .

The first thousand forty-two chapters have no double naziji, breaking the door, no one sold!

They all said that the little scorpion is a pit, the lonely is a little scorpion, but it is not good! !

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