The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1216 of the Three Kingdoms

A general, the general of the scorpion, the horse, and hugged Zhuge Liang, holding his boxing, saying: "Feng Hou's life, specially welcome Welcome to Welcome to Mr. Zhuge!"

"Ha ha!"

Zhuge Liang faced the murderous Cao Jun Tiger leopard ride, his face was light, laughed: "So, speed to Yucheng, read the sacred descendant to Wei Hou, Zhao Hou


Cao Chun's heart is awkward.

Zhuge Liang is a confused!

Nowadays, there is any Zhao Hou!

On the day before and after, Cao Cao was pulling a batch, put a batch, already spicy hand, the wings of Zhao Hou, all shear!

Cao Cao put out the tiger leopard, wanted to win people, and shocked Zhuge Liang.

I didn't expect Zhuge Liang, which also took the help of the name, purely in disgusting Cao!

"Please keep up!"

Cao Xi is a general general, not a gunman, a dumb, and he is going to go forward.

"What is the bovine? On the battlefield, he will run!"

287 "It is, a group of buckets, next time, you don't know your kind!"

Cao Shaoqin followed the two people, and it was also airs' indignation. Cao Chun hated that I can't find a place where it is seamless ...

Under the way of tiger leopard ride, a group of people wanted to the capital of Hebei Province.

Zhuge Liang still stops, and go directly to the Wei Houfu.

Dedication to the Office.

Cao Cao is not there, the host is empty, that is, the inner courtiers are left, the martial arts will be on the right, each stands a row.

There are dozens of civil and military, and one of the eyesight is staring at Zhuge Liang, and the look is somewhat not good.

Cao Cao has recently risen in Hebei, the wings power is gradually, and the relationship between Liu Wei has also reached the stage.

I just got a loss on the battlefield of the Shura, and I was also given to the old nest. Cao Cao's hand is a good face. It is strange!

Waiting for a while, Cao Cao turned out from behind the hall.

Cao Cao went to the road to the road, the small eyes, Jingshi blunt, laughed: "Tired Yulong Zhuge Long for a long time, I am too much!"

He is a clear laugh: Bai Lingyu is buried!

Together, Liu Hao fully blocks the north-south news, Cao Cao's probes, was killed by Jinyiwan.

Therefore, the news from Liu Hao from the news inside Liu Hao is very precious!

"Chu king attacked Zhangzhou, I was very forgotten, thinking that the world refers to the day, looking for a show, night and night song, Japanese | Japan ...

This news is not from the hands of Bai Ling, but Liu Wei is negotiated with several major military divisions.

The amount of information is large.

Even the rough layout of Liu Yuzai's army's force is faintly mentioned.

- Cao Cao has a lot of doubts, if it is not the case, I am afraid that it is difficult to solve him.

After getting this news, Cao Cao also started his own actions in Hebei big knife, no counted.

It's just a bit distressed, I think that the beauty of this all-in-city in Bai Lingyu is in Liu Wei, Cao Cao is in the heart.

The thoughts are turned, Cao Cao is sitting on the eyes, huh, smiled: "Whaleine here, what is it?"

Zhuge Liang smiled: "I heard that Zhao Hou is ill, the court has a sacred decree, and Yuan Shao Changzi Yuan Tan inherits Zhao Hou, and I have a biography ..."

Cao Cao's face changed, the hall is also a bit!

Liu Wei, his heart!

Cao Cao was originally a foreign household. Although he used the iron measures, it was hard to stabilize the situation in Hebei.

Liu Wei is so horizontally, directly let the people who have just attached, have a scattered trend.

"The court admired, Yuan Tan is Zhao Hou!"

"The order of the emperor, it is not in violation, it is Yuanjia, or Yuan Jia!"

"Hey! Small point, Cao Hao face is very ugly!"

There are many people in the hall, and there are many parents. They are just because of the situation, and they will go to Cao Cao. Now Zhuge Liang brings such a sacred wish, and it will live in the situation immediately.

"Oh, after Cao Angjun official, where is the three gods of Yuan's Fourth World, Chu Wang Dynasty, did not forget Yuan's day glory!"

Yuan's glory? nonexistent!

Liu Wei just used Yuan's to disturb the situation in Hebei, let Cao Cao can't fall into political mud, no time to take care of the situation.

When Cao Cao got the relationship between the information, it may be eight hundred miles of Qinchuan, all of which have been surnamed!

Cao Cao's face is really ugly, cold: "This first has a brother friendship, his wife, I am ... Hebei is my child, Cao people have helped him care, so as not to fall into the outsiders hand."

Cao Cao, is also a powerful person, and he is very hated, but he does not forget the return of the needle.

At this time, Cao Cao's big military division jumped out, smiled: "I heard that Chu Wang is under, there is a seven military division of Wang, is a sneakwore, but today, I don't know how to be very common. ! "

Zhuge Liang lightly shakes the goose feather fan, and asked: "Who is it?"

A " "!

Zhuge Liang means who you are, I don't know you?

More than one grade is more than one level than the seven-year-old military division of the seven-year-old military division.

He is red, and his voice: "I Wei Hou Military Sacrifice is also!"

Zhuge was arched and greeted, said to the drama.

Drama: "" "

Zhuge Liang is in a bad disease, and the play is almost the frying! !

No way, in the chaos, only the winners have the qualification station straight back.

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