The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1223 of the Three Kingdoms

Stunt 2, : When the battle will, if the enemy force is in ninety-five, every 50 rounds, the force of +1!

When the enemy force is more than 95, every 50 rounds, the force of +2!

[Maximum increase in 3 points!

"Hold the grass !? Is this goods, actually so fierce, no wonder, Wei Yan, is not him!"

Liu Wei is slightly moved, but it is a bit of the situation that is unclear. Asked: "Zhang Embroidery, this Liangzhou, can you know?"

Zhang Suan is slightly stunned, and then the opening said: "Liangzhou thorns Maiteng, is the main play, please emotion, Ji Yugou, this year, the 36th and Qiang people are basically attached to Ma Te, Mark's strength is unprecedented, at least Ma Ju Jun Jun is more than 100,000! "

"This is not right!"

Liu Wei squinted his eyebrows, asked: "Ma Teng is moving with the lonely, how can you do your life?"

Ma Teng can have this status today, all Liu Wei sent him ...

It is half a party.

However, this allies have a little strange. Gongshen received a secret of Liu Wei, and he sent a cavalry to harass the North and involved Hebei's strength.

It is convenient in Liangzhou, but it is a pool, and it doesn't have this thing!

Does the gather are expanded! ? Want to hegemony!?

The development of the plot has long deviated from the historical track, and now Liu Wei also does not allow specific situations.

"The minister is Fufeng County, and it is aware of the situation of Liangzhou ..."

The law laughed and said: "The main public does not know, this Liangzhou removes the Ma Teng, there is one person, this person is the brothers of the gamp, named Han Wei ..."

"This person often has a big wish, although the snail is border, but it will gather the hearts, and there is a lot of military in the hand, called the West, Baji will ..."

"It turned out to be this guy ... 0.9"

Law is so reminded, Liu Wei suddenly realized, and it is back to think about it ...

Western Han Han, is the brothers of the gamp, and the princes of the Three Kingdoms have been allegedly allegedly said.

Then this is, ten eight | Nine is the person on the line of Han Yu ...

Liangzhou folk customs, robbing blood, often happens.

"Oh, a Han Wei, also dare to be crazy?"

Liu Wei is very bright, like a star of the Suitic Yinshi, faintly saying: "This is the land, it is almost lonely, the West is not far ... He is a tiger, but also give a lonely ...... "

Standing on Liu Wei's side of the civil and military, Mo Damo, and he had a low body, but he was admired ...

[Fourth, the buns are stable and updated, seek book friends to automatically subscribe, there are additions to add! .

The first thousand fifty-one chapter is peerless, the sorrow!

"The main public god, sweeping Liuhe, sweeping the wild, who dares!?"

Fa Zheng, Guo Jia, Zhang Xiu, Wei Yan and others, Qi Qi, and.

Liu Wei put his hand and smiled: "Go, advanced Chang'an City, do planning!"

The crowd relied, and then he stepped into Changan City after he was behind Liu Wei.

Liangzhou, Anding County, Chao City.

Xiangli will be , one side walks towards the county, laughing: "Wow haha, this time Laozi squatted this bird Changan Hou, developed!"

Xin Yin, one of the sorrows and eight-year-old will laugh: "Usually huge, tap hundreds of millions of money, tens of thousands of stone grain grass, it is already a harvest, this little old is not amazing, actually Changan Hou, Dafang Gao official, isn't it worth more than a million? "

| Out of five fingers, okay: "There is no 50 million yuan, hundreds of stone grains, don't want to redeem him!"

Zhang Ji also wants to cry without tears. It is like a slap in the misery: "All ... Changan is still surname Zhang, do not say, where there is 100,000 stone grain, 50 million yuan ..."

Zhang embroidered Doubu surrendered Liu Wei, Zhang Ji knowing, now he has eight | Nine by Chu army, Zhang Jiyi has no use of value ...

Liu Hao will hold so many resources come out, to redemption for a rich person without value?


Have to say, Zhang Ji is still quite self-known.

Yan Xing is a leopard, and the face is facing a slap. Zhang Ji tooth has dropped a few, and he said: "Old things, less waste, can't make money, the old rules, slaughter the dog!"

Poor this Chang'an Zhang Ji, good, it is also a person who once told Wei Wu Cao, only because of a pool, refused to surrender Liu Wei, and the result is falling to this field!

"Old things, give Laozi's heart!"

A few people pulled Zhang Ji, and I walked into the Chamber of Commendation.

This chairman is very simple, and it is very bid, but it is the spouse center of the actual executives of Liangzhou.

The Ma Teng is a thorn history of Liangzhou. It is high to sit on the master. Look at the , I still have a wonderful, asked: "Yan Ming ( )), who is your hand?"

Yan Xingyanyan is proud, and I laughed: "This is a big ticket! This little old man is Changan Zhang Ji, and this time is in the border of Liangzhou, killing the Chu army, caught him, but can not be knocked There are tens of thousands of people in Chang'an, and we have fallen in the past few years !! "

This is obviously nothing to dry with this life, and a pair does not seem to be.

"Mad !!"

Ma Teng also heard the table with anger, and the heart was cool: Nima, the brainless dog!

It's really idiot!

Chu Wang Liu Hao, soon, he sent a messenger to the Western cool, let him lead the cool state and horses, assist the Chu army to attack Chang'an, with Chu Wang in Chang'an City, Xidu, all enjoys, was persuaded by Han Yu, quiet .

Now it is good, this is no longer the brain, even the people killed, this is the Liang Zi with Liu Yujia!

"State animal husbandry, this ... this time can be non-homogeneous! Chu Gong is in the Raiders, this Zhang Ji, it is very likely that the crowd to Luzhou!"

The chief of the Shouliang's fruit is only a male, eyebrows, smile and telling himself.

"Is there such a wait?!"

The Ma Teng also wily in the eyes, and the heart was seven.

Yan Xing still didn't know how powerful, and said: "If there is no food for Changan Hou, 100,000 northwestern sighters are waiting to kill horses as food !!"

"Killing horse is absolutely not!"

"The horses are in the heart of Liangzhou, is the best friend, don't kill!"

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