The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1226 of the Three Kingdoms

"Hey !!"

The corner of the mouth is not only, and the arm is slammed, and the top level of the Ma Teng.

Then, Yan Xing raised the blood of the blood, entered the Mafu, see one person, killing one person.

The Ma Tengjia is small, mostly in the house, all die under the knife!

The red eyes killed, but the last person, standing in the bloody, but muttered: the dog day, the horse thief, Ma Yunlu, why didn't you see?

Stepping! !

The horses and the ball gallop, rolled up the smoke and rolling.

The horseback is a big long-legged girl, although there is a heroic national color, but the face is unparalleled.

The front of the horseshoe was shocked, Ma Yunlu was dark, clenched the long knife on the back, hugging the baby's baby.

Ma Teng himself killed, and finally attracted the attention of Xing and Han Wei, let Ma Yunlu escaped from the secrets.

Now, if you encounter thieves and Han Yu dog thieves, then Ma Yunlu is really no way, there is no door in the ground!

"Ming Uncle !!"

Ma Yunlu is bright, and it is tone.

It's not someone else.

Ma Yunlu received a knife, greeted it, and said that the one who happened in Andal County was told with Pound.

310 "Wow, I don't kill Han Yu dog thief, swear is not a person !!"

Pound is close to the steel needle, and the clever!

His sex is also the general, and immediately put it under the hand, it will kill the stormy county, and will be fire with Han!

Ma Yun Lu asked: "Meng Qi big brother?"

Meng Qi is the expression of Ma Chao.

The Ma Teng is dead, the horse is superior for the eldest son, and it is necessary to pick up the blood of the horse.

Pound was angry and he was: "Major will go to see whites, and I don't know when I come back ..."

At this time, there is a thousand cavalry in the distance, from the west.

The head of the teenager, the height of eight feet, the tiger's back bear waist arm, and the British martial arts is the general of the generals of the year of the year! !

"It's just right!"

Pound is in the heart, take the initiative to pick up Ma Chao, asked: "Major General, the family has changed !!"

He made the situation in front of him, but he only saw the murderous murderous murderous and unrestricted, suddenly screamed, like a dragon, slight, shocking!

[The second is more delivered, stable and updated, unprinci-break, seek book friends to automatically subscribe! ! .

The first thousand fifty-four chapters Liu Wei looks at it, jumps beam clown!

"Han Wei, Yan Xing, Cheng Zhongying ... don't take the three thieves, I am also people!"

Ma Chaoyang's face will be involved in the name of the people who changed the western cool.

Hands in your fingers, gently ring.

Fortunately, he is not a person who is alone. It's still in the young bodies, and I've been decided. ... see Chu Wang !! "

Three thousand wolves ride, followed by the back of Ma Chao, crying Qi Qi!

Ma Teng is in the Yi nationality, the influence is too big.

These three thousand wolves ride, there are many Warriors of the Yi Nationality, and the private part of Ma Chao, follow Ma Chao, the wolves of the Western cool edge!

Each of them is an elite cavalry, riding | proficient.

Ma Chao is relying on them, and she has made a name!


Jinyiwei will step from the outside of the temple, in the position of Liu Wei, the position of Liu Wei, ,,: "Lord! Western cool mers seek!" 317

This is the Purple Palace of Dadu, Chang'an City, now is Liu Wei's temporary office.

The temple is standing, all the civil and military groups under Liu Hao.


Liu Wei moved slightly, put his hand, said: "Bring it!"

The Ximan Legion really didn't expect him, and took Zhang Ji, but the active messenger found it.

This is a scholar, he saw Liu Wei, the atmosphere did not dare to come out, the battle was stunned in the temple, grabbing the ground with the head, Ziguo: "Western cool into public, see Chu Wang, Chu Wang Shengwen Shenwu , Thousands of autumn! "


Congratulations to the host, Tianzi looks at the moment, the use is successful!

Public Prestige - Wuli 57, Intelligence 81, Political 76, During 45!

Stunt, shoot horses: Cheng Yuanzhu is good at shooting horses, when he is playing the gart, intelligence +1!

"This brand is not guilty, there is actually the second-rate attribute, and it is rare ..."

This publicly known name is some familiar, Liu Yao's heart, suddenly asked: "What is your father?"

It is publicly low, and the 1519 honest is. "It is a family brother."

He has a different feeling in his heart, it seems that all the ideas, in front of Liu Wei, all transparent.

Liu Wei can look at it at a glance.

In order to throw this feeling, it will become a horse ass to take a bunger: "The next minister brother Changjiu is cool, but often in my ears, Chu Wang Shenwei, will be invincible, one, Central Plains ..."

The skill point of this goods, obviously silence, actually in the shoud.

Liu Wei frowned, lifted his hand, and asked for a quiet.

It is publicly thought that he was shot on the horse leg, and he was so respectful, more respectful, did not dare to speak.

Liu Wei said that: "The western cool army is very powerful, from the lonely hand, Zhang Ji, can this mean the mean of Ma Teng?"

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