The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1260 of the Three Kingdoms

Cao Cao went on the eyes, pensive and half rang, decisively decided: "I still have already decided, the big military division Sima Yi is Pingxi Metro, Deng Ai is the general of Pingxi, and the three military soldiers ..."

"Wenhu, Wen Du, Xia Hou, Xia Houyuan, Cao Hong, Qiu Qi, Zhang Yan and others are general, leaving hundreds of thousands of soldiers, through the black mountains, straight into the state, this battle is unrecognizable, be sure to win the entire side of the State ! "

Cao Cao was impassioned, and a sigh of relief turned his mind, he grew up, in the heart, but it was still a wave.

Under Liu Wei gave him a strong pressure, Cao Cao was thin.

This strategy can be described using only one word:


Licked all the gambling gambling! !

After giving up Zhangzhou, Si Ler, Guanzhong, Cao Cao only relying on this time gamble, turning over the family.

If you win, you can integrate the forces, get the qualifications of Liu Haonan, gathering the vitality, conducting the final battle!

If you bet, Hebei must chaos!

Sima Yi's posture, obviously also seen this, will stand up to support Deng Ai's unknown schizard!

Xia Houzhen, Wen Du, Xia Hou Yuan and others, Qi Qi, embarrassing, said: "At the end, dare not live !!"

[Third is sent, seek automatic subscription, seek flowers, evaluation ticket! .

The first thousand eighty-five chapters overbearing the Kowloon Tiandi chariot!

Cao Cao was carrying out the last time in his life, Liu Hao has already takes 100,000 majors, and the strong drums will be flattened.

The city of Liangzhou Zhi Dynasty, the people ran out of the city, just to see Chu Wang Zhenlong.

"I heard that the year is Chu Wang, force the public, and seal the Ma Teng as the animal husbandry!"

"No! The king of Chu is in the tiger, and the Dongfeng pigs played by the Tiger ... The princes of the world, who dare not convinced?"

"Hey! I blame Han Wei in that dog day, but hurts the Ma Teng's adult!"

"I heard that the first fierce of Xi is the hand of the action ..."

"Don't blow! What is the fierceness will be super-sufficient? White Lishou has killed eight health, a shot will lyvan the old dog to death, is the true West, the first move, the first move ..."

In the 13th of the western cool people, the Tiger's tiger is guarded by Chu Wang, slowly moving towards the city of the city ...

Outside the spacious car, Cai Wei and Xu Wei two people, one person embraced white tiger mad knife, one person hangs Qinglong to hegemony, like the second national god, arched outside Liu Wei's car driving.

East Factory's large-end head Cao Shaoqin followed the first head, the starry night rushed back to live, it was led the brocade to the side of the battle, one hand according to the sword, and the eyes were sharp.

At this time, Han Yu is destroyed, and Liu Hao will enter the blue state, and there will be less than Han.

Sure enough, when Chu Wang rushed to the gate of the city of the city, the crowd suddenly had a crowd: "Chu Wang has no way, attacking Liangzhou, slaughtering the people, and swearing it !!"

"Kill !!"


On the second side of the street, I launched a few black shadows, wearing a lot of clothing, but the hand is their own sword, and I don't want to rush toward the gold Kowloon.

"I am afraid not to lose my wisdom!"

A look at the eyes glanced at it, and only three words were spit out.

"Dog thief, eat more!"

Xu Wei also snorted, holding a knife and not talking.

This , near Zhu is in black, followed by Liu Wei, and often said some advance words in the mouth ...

"court death!!!"

Cao Shaoqin followed the two people, but he was angry in his heart.

Liu Wei handedate over the defense thing, it is the absolute trust of Jinyiwei, and today, there is such a mess, it is really damn! !

The two have anger, almost no longer have a sword from the horseback from the horse back, and I did not know when, I jumped into the two palms!


Sword is flashing, burst of swordsman, horizontal dance!

Jinyiwei on the side also reacted it immediately, followed by culling ...

Outside the carriage, I suddenly remembered a mourning sound, accompanied by the scream of the crowd!

Liu Wei took the brown eyebrow, and smiled. "These a few kiliers will be Han Yu Yu, and there is a bloody blood, but it is the wrong master, the brain is not very easy to use ..."

To this day, Liu Hao is tired of the white bones, this kind of assassination is like a play!

The army teacher Guo Fengxiao, shook his head: "This is a person who is ignorant, so movement, no vastness is to push Han Yizhen into the absence of extinction!"

They dare to assassinate Liu Wei, Liu Wei, of course, to kill, will happen Han Yu family, but only hand!

"The main public, the midden fish outside, it has been cleaned!"

The voice of the car driving outside, soon stopped, Li Lianying opened the curtain, loudly reported.

"Oh, jump beam clown, ..."

Liu Wei stood up and pushed the curtain and walked out of the king of Chu.

Watching, the place, everyone went down, and there was still a quiet place.

At this time, the dead body has been dragged down, only some bloody bloody breath floating in the air.

Liu Wei is late: "What is Ma Chao?"

The Ma Chao of a white lion, even busy, the horse is going to Liu Wei, turning over the horse, single knee, slamming the box: "At the end, what is the command !?"

"The Assassin is the death of Han Yu, the leader, the next thousand cars, and the three hundred Jin Yiwei, search the whole city, will Han Yu, Cheng Zhongying, , all!"

Liu Wei said that he said: "These three thieves, plotted to kill the Tiangu Mu, the crime, and the sin did not allow forgiveness, and the nine families will be ignored !!"

Chu king voice, the milesthes, there is a sound!

In the city, the people who look around, as if you can feel the deep horrible emperor's Emperor Wei, who is in Liu Wei, have born a singular heart that wants to be a top grant.

"The end will, obey!"

Ma Chao look excited, I am holding boxing, take people!

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